HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330227_REGULAR38inutes of the regular meeting of the 'Council of the Village of Edin~, held in Grange Hall on Februsry 27, 1933, at 8 PM,, The meeting was called to order 'by Recorder Flloore in the absence of the President of the Caur~cil, the.rol1 was called and those present were Trustees Reimnn and :/illson and Recorder IiIoo~e, .absent Trustee Prescott and President KcGuire, ivhe-reuporr: it 57aS moved Zillson that Trustee Reimann be chosen President Pro-tems seconded by Moore and carriedc Chief Uaore and Mr Xiller of the Hapkins Pire Dept. were present regarding charge :31@9,00 made for fighting the AeTeGilLneEs fire on December 13, 193Ze The matter having bees sefsred to Trustee Prescotl; and his report reade togather with certain in- formation furnish.& by Chief XToolre all af which ind.isat,ed the fire was a very hard, and diffimlt on? to fight, It VGLS thereupan moved by 'ilillsan, that. the bill h-i amount $180,00 Fy the Village of Hop?:irm, for lour (4J hours fire department service at the k.T.CilLneas fire an December 1932, be alloued. and. ardere6 paid, ,seconded by moore and carried by adfirmatlve note of all members of %he Council present, The bill of Dahlberg BI'QSP Inc,, for labor installing certain parts to Pblice car, the parts having been furnished free by the Ford Eotor Company, was duly considered It was mcsved tlillson that the bill of Dahlberg Bros, Inc,, in arnou~t 352001, be allowed and, orfiered p%ids seconded by Moore 2nd cerried by affirmative vote of all members of the Gouqifprexent;. Apvlicatioa in form for Building permit by E, Pesterton, to build a private garage 5431 York Avenue, South, VJaS on motion di ill son be granted., seconded Afome and carried, It was maved illson son that advances be made the Ikrskialls and ViL lage Road crew as indicated in time book by Reccrrcler, seconded by Reimmn, and carried unminoisly, ~21-1 by City of UiKneZpOlh in amount $2~0.00 for.alnntia1 charge for the year 1933, for right to discharge sanitary sewer into Ninnespohis se'ci'er system, was on motian MDore be allamed and prdered paid, seconded by Reimann and. carrieds I The nstter of a claim by one Virginia Pard for damages caused by ccaliding ~itlz another auto on 7J'est 50th Street OM or about in r~hicb.1 damages i7as being asked of the Village, was on motion !rillson, be refered 30 Strong, VLllage Attorney, to handle for and in behalf of the best interests of the Village, seconded by Noore, and carried by affirmative vote of all members of the Council presentc 4r!i~rutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on February 13, 1933$ were read and on motion 'ifillson be approved as read, seconded by Reimam, znd czrried tm~minously, :Eo fv.rther business to come before this meeting, Bation to rzdjaurn czrrieli at ll,2'5 PIEe .Villstge Recorder Receipts by Recorder 3Wrch913, 1933, E, Kesterton, Bdg Pernit, 5411 York, ?LOO He F, PTelson Bdg Permi%, 4612 Arden 1-20 $2*00