HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330313_REGULARXinutas of the regular meetins of the Cemcil of the Village of Edin.ao held in Grange Hall at 8 PX on &rch 13, 1933, The meeting vas calxed to order by President EcGaire, the roll was called and all. members of %he Camcil ivere present, Tbe Eiscellaxreous bills upon due examination and being-found correct were on motion T"l~lscprm, be alXoved and ordered paid, secopded by Reimnn and carriedo They are as follovs Pererson Bros U, Of Ellinnesota Trrin City Ins. Coo, Blac~~~ura,mickels&Smith Village S-t; Louis Park Dahlberg Bros, hnc., City of Uinaeapalis Young Fuel Company 3. P, Garvey Earrison eC Smith E. A. Xelsoa E. 8. Harris Henaepin County Edim Grocery Dochen's Corn. Store VJooddale Gr oeery Leo A, LlcCkellan Trisler's Grocery hiinmapolis G, E, Co Philp ot t -Ba iley Co Country Club Garage Ed im Hardwar e Burroughs Addirg mch, Coo, City of ZZinneapcrlia Edim Beed Company Park Transfer Company Eennepin. Catmty Reviea C. A. Lindquist Damberg B~OS Iac,, City of Eimeapol5s iEl2age of Hopkins ' Rs E. Olson -- Milk for poor $4,67 Insulin for poor 13,OO 368,04 Premium on insurance Premium Comp, Imurance 1933 - 30 ,OO Fire Dept Service Police car service 6,lO Fire Deyt. service 40,OO Coal for poor 69,45 Hardwar e supplies T,07 Job printing (Police reports 1 25 75 Gas for tractors &Police car 64,86 Poor Parm service 90,oo Groceries for poor 39,09 Groceries for poor 45,06 Groceries for poor 72e3-8 Groceries for poor 8,15 Groceries for poor 27 30 Bebruary Street Ligktiag 383 * 94 Coal for poor 57e65 Police car serrice 14,40 Sand &Road gravel 24,OO Hardware supplies 3,63 &chine ribbon e75 . Police radio ssrvice 17,50 Yruck & sn~v phbt?iq$ 19e50 Published notice 6060 9020 . I *- Red Cross accoun% (supplies) 1,50 Feed for poor €k hauling 15,a5 Blacksmi thing 9,35 Police car service (overbufing) 5~~01 Fire Dept service (GiPlness) 180 .oo Total Niscellaneous $l,956,60 I Annual sewerage charge 250eOO The Village and Road bills upon due examination and being famd correct were on motion Vlfllso~~, be allowed and ardered paid, sec- orded by Preseatt and carriedo Ther are as fOllOL7S Art Peterson De F, XcGuire 2. J. Dtaggan Ben Be Xoore George A. ,I;Tillson . C, E. Brescatt 5. E. Reinram Dr Lcrrell E. Campbell R, E. Xieske Jo'krri Eovey Ronald EcCr eady 3~h Eoore John BePlsora B. Errest L, Bwey Goerge Ha skima IC, SundquisP, Pred TritteE George hutsch C. Cavell Rex Garvey 3m Heydt A. Korbell ?e A. Redpath JQh Ligget-te Je Cove11 Labor vith truck (garbe ge 1 PresiderrP, (&rch) Treasurer Recorder Trustee Trwtee Trustee Village Health Officer Village Ekrshall Village Ikrshall Road labor Road labor Raad Labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Raad labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Raad labor Road labor Road labor Road labor 3lOQ,OO 35,OO 25,OO 75,OO 25 .OO 25.00 25,OO 25.00 125,OO 125 ,00 1L20 To 60 8,80 8*8Q I 6,40 12,oo 11e20 16600 8,80 6,40 18,OO 8,OO 8,OO 8,40 6.40 5*6Q Continued QEL page 236, €3, S%everzstJmi B, Ras3dQl$Ik G. Bailey 5, Linsberg Berrell H, Lenander Victor HeLaon Sam XeLsunz Do Harris Phi1 Bailey Os car Jobs on S. 5. Roberts 2, Dahlgren L. StoJlzman 6, Tracy J. TraeP; Chas JC~ISQHP A. Larsoaz H, MeIIellis - J. BcEelZis 3as. Ryan Sam XcCready D. Burnes , #* Wright s. Jay 6 Raad labar *2.40 Raad la,bor 2,40 Road Iaberr 2.40 Rood Xatass 2,40 Road Pabos 2.40 Raad Labor 2e40 Road labor 2,40 Road labor 2,40 Road labas 2,40 Raad labor 2.40 Raad labor 080 ' Street Csmissiorres: 98eOO Utility man L00,00 Road ILabar 2.40 Tractor operator 83000 Road labor 68040 36000 Labar with %ea Raad labor 51.20 Road labor 20.60 Road labor 44.40 Road labor 38e4.0 Road labor 25.20 Read labor 45 020 Rojad labor 6060 Total Raad & Village $X,432.20 Raad labor 38,Oa Total. &reh expenditure $3,388.80 Trlaa.l;ee Reimam. offered W'locrkmapbrs Conpensatfort. Palicy No,UC-309246, issued by Cwerc,ial Casualty Company of mewark, X.J,, cavering all operatibans of Village employes for year February 1Xt 1933, to 2eb- ruary 11, 1934$ with estimated premiun of $368,04 and moved f%s acceptance togather with payment of premim, seconded by Pretsco.P;G and carriede TrPrsLoe Reirsmram offered Eire-Theft-Tarnado policy Ea. AO-9347, issued by Eonre aaurance Company of Eew Yorlc, kT.; Palice car for period of one year froa February 8s 3.933, to Pebrnary 8, 2934 and moved its acceptance togather nith payment of' premuis in arnou& of $9*209 seconded &!bare and earried. covering Pard 2 door Agplicatiun in form for building permit by Eilge E'. Helsoa, to build a, private dwelliBg at 4612 &den Avenue9 was on motion Reimann, be granted, seconded Xosre and carried. Niauteo of the regular meetiag of the Caunacil of the Village of Edjlna, held on Pebruary 27, 1933, were read, anmotjkon Reimam, be approved as read, seconded 2rescot.P; and carried. Before adjaur9aiEg the matter of passage by %he Haticrtnal Cmgrbss of the l*PresLide~tt~ Economy BillfO , at tke rmmen-b befare the Senate of The United Skates, was discussed by the CrsmcFI after which Trtrstes Reinam offered the falloaiqg reselhxtiora and mo.e.ed Lts adoglkm and that copy of same be telegraphed to US Senator Tkos, D, SckPl and US Sexlator Kemik Shipstead, Senators from lb1Lmes0.t~. Qlina, Nimesota, Marah 13, 1933# We firmly believe it to the bes% in%eres.%s of the four I thausaad citizens of our Village whom we offie- ialQ represent in civic matters that you sup- port vithout reservation and vote for the President's E~QEIQIR~ Billtk motion ria8 seconded by Eosre and carried by mapninous mernbers of the CoumciE, The telegram to be signed "All members of the Cowcil of the Village of Edim, Hemepin Cauntgp Eimeaata, '' and se~t by the Recorders af all I Ne further busigtess to corne before the meetiEg, motfan to adg'otrraz carried a$ 310.05 PIE. Village Recorder On 4, 1939, FraWia?. D, Rooseve1t9 Presiden% of the United States of Amerjlca, by ExocuP;Zve Qrder, GbseCZ a11 bads and trust companies in the United States and unti1 examinatiox of assets wonld permit of opening in bath liquid and solvent forme On Zlarch 160 1933, %;he Eariett State Bank of Einneapolia depository af General Funds 09 %he Village of Edima, vith ,legal ctlllate'rat con- siderably in excess af Village Deposits duly posted vith The First Xatioml Bink of Enurreapolis, as Trustee, had no% re-opened, Checks issued by the Village of Ediw at its regular meeting held on Ibrcb 13, 19339 Fere not being paid or cleared. At the suggestion of Recorder Eoore, President EcGuire, duly called a special meetiw of the Council af the Village of Edina, which was held in Grange Ea19 on Narckr 16, 1933* at 8 PElf, to consider the emergencys The minutes of said meeting as as folllovs, A Special meeting of the Cammil of the Village of Edina, held in Grange HB11-on Earch 1933, a% 8 PIXe The rneetixtg vas called to order by Preside& ETcGuise, the roll, vias called and all members of the Council were present;, The purpose of the meeting and general banking and financial situatfon sere stated whereupon Recorder Emre advised he had arraanged for an advance oh Tax moneys nith the County AudiWr and CouzLp;y Treasurer in amount of $2500.00, asrd sng- gested The Edland Eational Bank and Trust Company, of LEm- eapolis, be designated as depository of General Funds of the Viflage of Edima inasmuch as the said Itidland Hational Bank and Trust O&npany, had posted as legal ccxllateralv+- v- = $5,000.00 in United States Treasury -Resenre Bank of Einneapolis, 2s Trustee, to secure fmds on deposit of Uteral.Sever Districts Bo. 1 and 370, 2, and Fairmay Section improvements of the Village of- Edina $ and that as less than $l,OOOoOO '1788 so on deposit, ample protection nauld be given and much time saved by so doing. Trustee Reimam, thereupon .offerad the folP~vi~g Resalu~io~ and moved its adoption I ttResalved, %hat the Eidland Rational Bank and Trust Company, of Xinneapolis, be and is hereby selected and designated aa a depository of General Funds of the Village of Edim, for the period beginin@ as cd this date and ending December 32, 1933* on the ex- ecuZlion by*suah ba& of a sufficient bagd to the Village of Edina or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to 10 percent ia enem of the maxiurn sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Comci% and filed itz the office of the Village Recorder or in event ai' coll- ateral being furnished in lieu of a surety bmd, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Coxin- cil. and thereupan the Village Treasurer shall deposit all. or any part of 'che Village moheys in such bankft the motion vas seconded by Pfoore and the aroPre beins upon the adoptiom of %he Resolution, vherein there vere five ayes and no nays, and so declared duly carried and adopted, f. Bo further brasiaess to come before the meetiw, motion to adjourn carried at 8,45 PES Village Recorder