HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330327_ADJOURNED.ESirau'l;eo of the meeting of the CoWzil of the
Tillage of Edina, adjourned from Ekrch 27p 19338
and held in Grange Hjll at 4 PN, 0x1 April, ls 1933,
The meeting was called to order b$ PresfdenP; EcGaire, those present
were EcGnire, Yi11son and Prescott, absent Bekann and Emre,
In the absenw of &corder Xctore, Trustee Prescott acted as Recordere
The purpose of the meeting being to consider passage of an ordianse
governigg the sale of 3.2% beer in the Village of Edina,
.The proposed Ordianee vas read 4x1 License and regulate the sale of Xan-intoxicating malt liquors, repealing inconsistent ordialzces,
and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, certain cabges
were made whereupon Trus%qe Prescott offered. same and moved ita
adopCion, seconded by P{illson, The mte being upon the adopt- ion of the resolution wherein there vere two vohs to adapt and
one vote opposed to adoption,
lost as it did not receive a majority vote of all members of the
Council D
The mo%iom .tu .zidopt .v&s-therefore
it ;vas moved T1illson and seconded by Prescott, that the neeting again adaoura to meet again on A~ril.6~ I.933, in Grange Ha11
atr 8 FXS to consider the adoption of the rejected ordianco as
above and to also carrsider the matter of applications for Wntt
and lkOfflt sale license germits, The vote being taken found there to be three votes in favor thereof and none oppsed and SQ declared carried.
Eotion to adjourn carried at 6 PEI
Re corder Pro -Tern