HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330410_REGULARMinutea of the regular meetiBg.of the Council of the ~ Village of Edina, held on April IO9 19333 in Grange . Hall at 8 €'E, 'i'he meeting was called to order by President; XcGuire, the roll pllas celled and those present were EcGuise, 'GVillson and Xoore, those absent Reimamn and Prescott, Nr A, E. Hjrford9 5528 France Avenue, appeared before the Council hi the matter of the Village Trustees acting as Fence Viewera as re- quested by him last Hovernber, The Trustees not having finished 71i.E.h the work 1.k Harford mas informed the matter x7as still in the hands of' the Trusteese Bnessrs Oscar Jahnaon and Stanley Lee, appeared before the Council with request for road road to be done in Code's Highview Park and which was refered to the Raad and Bridge Committee, Mr E. R. Jones requested road vrork to be done on Kellogg Avenue between 53rd and 54th Streets, whicki was also refered to the Road and Sridge Camittee, ldr MorrFs kdkins, requested permission to erect a temporary shed on the rem2 of Lot, 8 Block 5b South Harriet Park Addo, to cost about $I=?,OO,,, payment of fee, seconded by Emre and carried unamitloushy, Whereupon it was lntoved Willson same be granted aith out Application in form for building perait by Alfred Christenson, to build a frame private dwelling at 6022 XePxes AveEue Sau'cka, to cost $1,500,00, was on notion Wil2son, be granted, seconded by Eoore and unsmirzoiwly carried, Application in form for building permit by Harringtorz Building Co,, to erect a private summer cabin costing $4,500.00 located DM the E-23 corner of of KW-& TllS R 21 Section 7, OD. County Rocad #39 leading to Highway #5$ was on motion VilUon be granted, seconded by Moore and carried by affirmative vote of all mernbers present, Application .in form for building permit by W.E.Hars~om, owner, to buiBcl a private dwelliBg costing #~4,000,00 Road South of the Scriver and Gillneas property, Effirroz Lake District, Lot 30, T 117, Range 2h OM 2.38 acre tracts rJas on motion "fillson, 'be granted, seconded by Elloore and carried unaminously, located on the so called Jones' I It was moved Tii3,lsclin %ha% bill of Roger s, Borey, Canstable fsr fees in caae of Paul Sievert, Juvenile, in amount $1,80 be paid, secanded by BRoore and, umasnirnously carried, "he premises o&upied by De Pahucci at 62nd Street and West Belt Line Highway, were reported to the Cauncil as taking on a place of business . appeaxence fn a residential neighborhood, The matter was left wit& the Village Recorder to take up with the Village Attorney, A comunication from the Clerk of the Harley Eophins School dated April 10, 1933, was read in which the Council QI~S requested to withdrav its Jsint application with &he Village of Hapkikzs for a grade crossing at extension Nonroe Avenue in Hopkims and E'ourtka Averttae in Edim, and requestimg in lieu theresf a Pedestrian crossing, car stop and sheller, The matter KELS Fsfcjred to the Village Recorder . "he, Village Recorder reported on audit covering Carpensation inaurance carried by the Village and ending as of February 10, 1933, The total payroll being the equivelent %o $9$261,75$ the premitm thereon being $348.86 and the credit due the Village being $20e35e gather with letter date April 3, 19331 by Nr George '17, Tanner, of the State Banking Divisfim, and placed in the file, * . 0 . Letter by George W. Strong, Village Attorney, dated April 4, 1933, PIQ- regarding the Harriet State Bank, was read The Road and Village bills upon examination and being found correct were on motion Willson, be allowed and ordered paid, secanded by Noore and carried unminou-sly, They are as follows Continued on page 245, J. J-, Duggam Ben B, Eaore George A, VZllsan C. F. Prescott J. E, Relmnma Dr Lawell He Campbell L. Stcrlzman P. DaKLgren 5, Tracy J, Tracy D. Barnes Be Evest John Benso~i E. schnaclc;y A. Horbell O,B,Spande B, Galverton John Lmd John a, Lnntl E, McEelEis Art Peterson P. A. Redpath R. E. Ellieske m, so Juy Se J. Roberta Pres id ent (April ) Treasurer Record BY Trustee Trustee Trus-bee Health Officer Street Cammissioner Utility man* Road labor Tract or operator Labor with team Read lakm Road labor Road la'lbor Road labor Raad labor Road labor Road &%or Raad labor Road Labor Road labor Read labor Garbage collection 'vith truck Villzge Earshall 335,OO 75,OU 25,OO 25.00 25,OO 70eOO 100 .oo 42,OO ' 55,OO 86,OO 5-20 25000 25eOO 4.380 3,20 7,60 4,80 6,40 6,40 3,20 125,OO 125,OU Village Xarshall 125,OO Total Road &. Village - a,o2zr The Xiscellaneous bills upon due examination and being found correctp @ere on mcltim Tillson, be alloved and ordered paid, seconded by Ebore and umminously carrieds They are its follows Edina Grocery Booddale Grocery Dockens Community Store TrisXer ts Grocery E, V. Hadris PederdBros Hiller a SCZ~ Eae-fzo3.d t~ Hardware EilPer-Davis Co \Yestern U&on Tel, Co: Camtry Club Garage Hemepin County Bevies Philpott-Bailey Co 3.Z ,Hennesy Go xaumg Buel Go Ediw &rdr;are Roger S. Borey J, C. Deleney - Groceries for poor . $61,10 Groceries for poor 58,6? Groceries far poor 40,75 Groceries for poor 48 56 Gas & oil for police cas &: tra~tors52~l.9 Nilk far poor Pick & HandIs Picks 8c handles 3,05 Office supplies, (Re@. h Ass,) 13 e 30 Telegrams to US Senators le51 Police car service 16,09 Published Motice 3/16 7*80 Coal for poor 36,25. Coal for poor 24 e 3.4 Canstable fees 1,80 "1:: Steel culverts 27e84 StreeL brushes etc. . 6e75 labor with team Ec gravel 14 20 Tataf. Eiscelaneous $419,70 Binutes of the regular meeting of the CouT)cilheld on &far& 27* 19339 nere on motion ;fillson, be approved as read, seconded EcGtkire and unmimously carried, %.inu-E;es of a Special meeting of the Council held on April 1, 1933$ riem on motion Billson, be approved as -reado seconded by EScGuise and carried nithout discen%ing vote, Einutea of the Special meeting of the Cauacil held on Apil 6* 19333 mere on motion Villson9 be approved a8 read, seconded by EIcGuire ,, and carried by unminoua vote of all members of the Council, No further business to come bgfore the meeting, it vas lnaved VilPsoxz the meeting adjourn, seconded by noore and declared czrried by President EcGuire, I Village Recorder,