HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330424_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil of the Village of Edha, held in Grange Hall at 8 PI& on April 24, 1933, The meetiug was cglled to order 'by President XScGuire, the roll calPed and those present found to be XeGuPre, ?/billson and Eoore, Absent Trustees Reimnn a&d Prescott, Mr P .J.Hopfenmillek, appeared before the Couulicil and advised that in response to the Letter received fram Village Attorney I& Strong, that all the old au"crnob.iles had been removed from the Polucci premises at Best 62nd Street and the West Belt Line Highway, Recorder Xoore expreased his appreciation and extended the thanks of the Caumcil for Xr Eopfemiller's co-operation, The Time book was examined whereupon it was moved Willsun, that advances be made the Road crew as indicated, seconded Moore and unam'irrously carried. - Trustee Villson presented a bill in amount $12,50 by Spring Reality Company, for April rent premises 638 Fillmore Street N-E and occup- ied bu Albert Johnson, vho was moved back to Einneapolis by the Village of Edina, and moved %,he bill be paid, secanded by Moore and utiaminousIy carried, The Recorder advised the Council witn reference to the Village deposit in the Harriet State Bank and suggested the account be liquidated without further delay,. whereupon Trustee Willson moved the Recorder and Treasurer be empumered to take up with the Vi3- lage Attorney the maney on depasit by the Village of Edina with the Harriet State Bank and secured by legal collateral, motion - seconded by NcGnire and unaminoasly carried, 3ecarder presented the matter of necessity for a guard rail. ob Test 44th Street and the West bank of the Creek as well as extend- ing guard rail 50 feet to the Xast of where the Old Edina Nil1 stacad, B08h matters were refered to the Road &: Bridge Committee far attention, Application in form for building permit to erect a private dwell- ing on Lot 20, Block 23, Fairfax Addition, by Eynom L. Leerson, was on motion VIillsomZ be granted, seconded lldoore a-nd carried by affirmative vote of all members presenta It was moved Willson, tha% A.C.Statt, be granted Iron Sale" license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises knam as the Country CJub House, seconded by Moore 'and carried unaminausly, It was moved Willson, that A.C .Statt, be granted Wff Sale" license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises hown as the Courrtry Club Hause, seneoded Eoore, and uminoisly carried, It was moved by Villson, that 11, A. Hessian, be granted Sale" license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises Inavm as the Interlacken Glub House, seconded &bore and unaminously carried, It vas moved Willson, that M,A.Hessian, be granted "Off Sale" lic- en3e to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises known as the Interlacken Club Hause, secanded Noore and carried. It was moved Villson, that J.L,&?hn, be granted 'Qyh Sale" iiceltlse to sell noa-intoxicating malt liquors ob prernises known as 5000 l?rance Avenue seconded by Noore and unaminoulsy carried, I It mas moved Willson, that J.L,Elolan, be granted "'Off Sale" license to sell uon-intoxicating malt liquors on premises knomn as 5000 Prance Ave~ue, seconded by Moore and unaminously carried, It was moved hYillsonb that George Hansan, 'be granted Wn Sale" llc- enae to sell Don-intoxicating malt liqusrs on premises 4930 Prance Avenue, seconded &bore and carried unamioausly. 247 I It , a% moved 3'illsan that George Hilnson, be granted "'Off Sale" ILcense to sell non-in%oxicating malt liquors an premises knann as 4930 France Avenue, seconded Eoore and maminausly carried, . I€ was moved Jillson that Henry Gregg Jr, be granted n8iX SafQ2z license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises 4954 France Avenue, aecasded Eoore and carried wminorrlsy. It Tias moved gillson, that L.A,EcClellan, be granted Qff &dew 1j;cense to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises 3501 Best 54th Street, seconded Hoore and carried, unaminously, It was moved Xllson, that Carl Olson, be granted *ib%f Sal6 3.26- 8nse to self nsn-inkoxicating malt liquors on premises 4848 France Avenue, seconded Eoare and carried uxlaninously, It ; as moved ;'iillSOn, that George Trisler, be granted 'Qff Salefr license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises 5405 Prance Avenueg seconded Eoore and carried ranaminously, It vas moved i7illson3 that C.D.Kern, be granted 'Qff Saxe'' *Lis- ense to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises knovm as SYooddale grocery, Vooddale Avenue and West 62nd Street, seconded hy Eoore and uwinausly carried. It vias moved Villso~~ that Peter Ferguson, be granted 'Qff Saxen license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquors on premises know as Edina Grocery, Interlacken Road and Brookside Abe, seconded by Eoore and carried uminously, Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on April lo9 1933, were read and on motion Villson.. be appraved as read9 seconded by ILcGuire and carried by affirm- ative vote of all members of the Council present, 110 further business to come before the meeting motion ta adjourn carried at 11-00 PE I Village Iiecorder,