HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330508_REGULARWfiutes of the regular meeting of the C~undl. a€ the Pillage of Edina, held ail Eay 8, 1933, in Grange Hall at 8 PE, The meeting mas called to order by President NTEGuire, the roll called and ala members of the Council Tiere found present except Trustee Prescott, Kr Kestertom, 5404 Yclrk Avenue, appeared before the Cmane%Z with the request that Vest 54th Street between York and Xerxes Avenue formerly the old Einaehab Creek bed, be opened tip for traffic, On ~~ti~n Easre,the matter be refered to the Road eC Bridge Cmmittee for inveatfga$ion and report seconded Reimam, and carriedo Ur Harvey UDean, 4800 srance Avenue9 vas present fm? the purpose of explainihg the situatioa ni$h respect to the erection of a gaa- oline bulk atatlorn on the E.pT, b S RR Connpanyts siding in the Industrial area, on w~hid~ work had been s%ccpped because proper authority had not been obtained,and far the further reasan there. was violation of the Village Ordinance governing bulk oil statToms. After considerable discussion ~~-ID~BEL, at the suggestion of Recorder Eciore, agreed to take up with the railroad %he matter of submitting a defiaate plan for the future use and developi-ient of this Indust- rial. areaband t0 again appear before the Council at an early meeting, I Nesars me, I-Iansom and Austin, presented a petxition signed by all the residents of Sunnyside Road gest ~f Bravaadale Avenue and others, requesting that Ehe $k+%-ehtrance OB Stsnnyslde Raad at Highway #5, be officially closed on account of the street beiag bath mrrm and iviading and thaha%rbn ac.eocmt of fast through traffic there ex- isted a constance hazard to children li~ing o@ this streeto ]Ct 17as moved Xoore, that the petition be accepted and refered to the Village Attarney with the idea in miad to gsazar %'ne petition, seconded by Reimann amd carried. EIIss Margaret Eewberg *wbisedi< Coumil 8s the sdrmibtstr~~tar for one Nary ITewberg, that the Nev~be-ry property on which tho Village -Loo1 house is located, qaa';for sale and hoped the Council would be iats-rested in the purchase 03 same for Village purposes,, Application in form for building permit by R,E.Bemarat, to erect a private dv~elli~g '2-117 Mrth Range 21 Vest, was an motion Yiii17Lson be granted, sac- mded Reimann and carried, I on the Vest 13* acres of Lot- 8, Section 30, Application in form by Leonard Hamon to build a 20 x 22 f-b private garage on Lot BlscI:,l, Seeleyts lst, Additioa, vas on motion Willson be granted, seconded Reilnann and carriede App1icatian in; form %or building permit by hton BUOBS, to build a, private dwelling on Lot 6 Block 19 Fairway CCB wzs OD mslicsm by Reimam, it be granted, seconded VilZson and carrieds Dr LovmP1 PB, Campbell, Village Health Officer, reported to the Cauncil an the matter of Village Clean tip, stati~g over 75 track loads of mbbish had been collected and disposed of', We also advised with reference to the unsanitary condition of the VIE =ah1 premises -c -and was advised the C~.wna:iL,vsould stand behied him in the order of The Health Commissioner to clean up, Dr CzmpbeU. also reported on the m Upton of Fuller Street case as well zs Nr Harmmica living near tbc Blake Road, T~aa8arcd Ruggan-presented certificate by the Federal Reserve Eank of Niwneapo3is, shawing deposit of legal collateral Ery the Uidl&nbl National Bank &- Trust Campany consisting of $6,000,00 in City of nclinneapolis 'Perrmmemt Improvement Csmtrnction bowds due August I, T~933~ pleged to secure funds of the Village of Ediaa, 011 deposit with the said Nidland National Bamk & Trust Company, where upon it 17as moyed Reimams the same be hereby approvsd and accepted, secanded V'TilLson and Carriede I .(Above certificate duEy placed in Village vault) "i'ruatee ReimaJnn offered Fire Insurance policy #2740842 issued by Dubraque Fire & lhrine Insurance Campany, by L.R.BLackburn, 3g!sg c~vering Village tool house, its contents and snaafeneing, renening like policy expiring April 14, and moved its acceptance and apg*czval, seconded. by Tlillsoa and carried, Trustee ReimzWn Offered Conkinuation Certificate Band #9163, issued by Central Sureey & Insurance Corp,, Krznsos City, ITCB~~ contiriuixig said bond of E99ReBzss, Special Policeman, for term of one year and ending April 13s f95as and moved the same be and is hereby approved, seconded Elmre and carriedo Trustee Ebimz~a, offered 2aeltican $Wx?ty Caq?anyr8 band #6697309 on.~ep&f p8: ?,J.O,ybaro, as Special PoPioe Officer and moved ita approval and acceptance and payment of premium allowed by Tiillson snd carriedo seconded Trustee Rehana, offered herican Surety Cmpany's bond #669708, on behalf of Ed Pork, as Special Police Officer and maved its acceptanceo approval and pEbyment of premium allowed, seconded 'Q~J VZllsan and carrieda Applicatfon by ITorkhwestern Bell Telephone Compa~~y, to install one pole in the alley beti7een 55th and 564;h Strse.P;s, and YorR and Zenith Avenues, vas on motion Reimam be granted, sscozded Villaon and carriede The matter of Urs A. ltrtine, rrhaes board tke Einneapslis Comm- . ity Fund had agreed to payj vas discussed and generally agreed that it be refered to the Village Attorney for his recommendation, The Village eC Road bills upon being found correct vere on maP;iQn Rej.mm.n, fie allowed and ordered paid, They ar8 as folP0VS D. Burnes Road labor - 'B. Evest It tt E. Schacky lt 0 E. uIJrigh.t, 11 1I B. VJslvertoon It tt F. Homadka 1) 11 Rex Garvey in n J. Stelzig 1k n me s. Jay Street Comissioaser S, 3, Roberts Utility man P. Daklgren Tractor operator L, StoLzman Raad labor 0 .v .Spande tr 11 0. Ve Arxstips N 11 J, Tracy Labor nith team Roger Bosey Raad labor . Vm Heydt it lk 30hn Moore 7t It John Ee &und n R He Binley n tt J, Hilts w tt R, Covell John Eenaoa A. Kor'krell It It Art Fetersm Labor with truck R. T. Snisek I). I? I?. A. Redpath Vilhge Earshall. R. E. Iiilieske Village ?Earshall D. 3'. UcGuire President (%y) 3. J. Duggan Treasurer Ben B. Eoore Recorder %? Gecr, A, Billson Trnstee W C. F, Prescott Trustee 11 J. E. Reimnm Trustee w DS Lawell E, Campbe31 Health Officer (Xay) n %# lt If- P, Dahlgren It It n 8 *go# It *go# Tatal Road & Village $12,&0 -6 ,OO 6eOO b?,60 12,ao I?,diO l4.40 3e20 96,OO ~00,OO 74 e00 67020 33,60 28 e 80 b47,20 9 e60 28 e80 2s,ao 28e80 28 e 80 l?&O 16,OO 35 e20 30,40 100,oo , 38.70 26.s-15 125,OO 125,OO 35.00 25800 5'5600 25 0 00 25aOO 25000 25000 $19 5x0 060 The Xiscellaneous Bills upon being found Correbtp were on motion Reimann, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Willson and car- ried, Thet are as follows- 3primg Realty Cs Pederson Bras R. E. Olson Yimeapolis G. E, Cccmpany Gregg' s Pharmacy Bendepin County Review Pbilpot t -€hi ley Co Uihber-DavEs Co S. J. Roberts C, A. Liadquist Country Club Garage Ben B, &loore DahEberg Brasp Inc ~ J. E. Hennessy Ca Chas Miller &- Son Red Wing Sewer Pipe Co Winston & Newell Cs BPaclsburn Nickels & SnPth Thos Ryan vfm .r!4kssc fiirs CLaus J&.nson Vooddale Gracery Wo oddale Grac ery Edina Gro;c@ry Trisler 's Grocery Carl Olson I Ihckenfs Corn. Store L. A. lVlcClel2an E. W. Harris Christ Larson Elmer &ig harsh eC McLeflnan I Glacier Sand & Gr, Co Edina Feed Go.) \"I, E. Ziegler Company Rent €or poor (A, Jabsow) $12.50 Raad gravel. 1,50 llrfarch Street lighting 383,94 NiIk for poor 4,45 Supplies for poor le29 Published notices 22.50 Coal for poor 5.45 Office supplies le25 Refund on Fordson past (#53779) 1,20 BBacksmbthixzg 17.10 Paliee car service 15.85 Refund %Pice car license Rent Tr2c.t; office Jane 1933 to and Incl, May 1933 and three telephone calls to St Paul 25.30 Police car service 3.15 Lwnber (Vest 44th 6. Creek) 2,83 Hardware supplies 3,86 Sewer pipe 4,h2 25.50 2 Lawn mowers for Park Baard Insurance premiums (Tool house and Bass) 31e84 Road gravel 3.80 Road gravel 2.60 Road gravel 2,oo Groceries for poor 4L79 Gas for tractor 1.67 Groceries for poor 21e31. 11.36 Groceries for poor Gsseekies for poor 30,17 Groceries for poor 11.53 Gas for Tractors & Police car 66,69 Cabbage plants for paor gardens 2.55 Potatoes for poor gardens 9,oo lnsarance premiums (Oxboro & PQYP.& ti 000 Road gravel 42.50 Feed for goor SC Erau1ia.g 18,05 Tract or parts 36.63 Total miscellaneous Xay 8 915,86 (B-120094 1 10e25 Groceries far poor * 34.33 ~inutes of the regular meeting of the ~ounci~ of the village of Edina, held on April 24, 1933$ were reade On motion Vilbson be approved as read, seconded Reimann and carried, No further business to eone before the meeting motion to adJouarn carried at 11,30 PI4 Village Recorder Receipts by Recorder and turned over %a Village Treasurer on &y 8, 1933$ meeting we%e as follows Eynom Leerson Bdg pernit DL00 Leonard J, IEanson Bdg. permit 1,oo 6 . Bdg, permit 1.00 State Treasurer CigaCe% licenses 1932 59.40 A. Duoas Bdg permit (4904 Bruce) LOO Total $63,40 Re Ee 3ema11.t