HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330522_REGULARBfinutes of the regular meeting of
the Council of the Village of Edfna,
held in Grange Hall an By 22, 1933$ at 8 P&Te
The meeting Bas called $0 order by President, the roll called
mssrs CarEStrm and Reeves, appeared before the Counc%l aiQh
a request that the garbage service preformed bg the Village be extended to their neighborhood and were informed to bring in a petition signed br ififerested citizens so as to properly
bring the matter before the Council,
. an6 all members of %he Cauncil mere prese&,
EtIessrs Harvey EI, Dean in company rrifih Xr I?, G. Storest, Right- - of-\yay agent for a. B. & s, By., were presen-b for the purpose
of concluding the matter of completion of the erection of the
hulk gasoline station in the area zoned for Industrial purposeso
etlr Storest advisedsthe Raikoadl, .Com2any vere aillilfrg ts purchase
a strip of land between the main track right-of-way and the sriitck tract provided certain minor changes vere made ia Ordin-
ance Hoe 7 for the comon befefit of all, After disolas si on
ia which the Cauncil, vas in accordo Trustee Prescott offered the.
f ollarving resolution and moved its adoption,
!*An Ordinance amending Ordinance No, '7 of the Village of Edina, entitled nAn Ordinance regulating the storage and handeling of dangerous liquidsn, passed by the Courzcil
on the 27th, day of February 1926,"
, The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Henlzepin Ca.w%y,
Einnesota, do ordain as follows:
'I'hat certain Ordinance .Eo, 7$ entitled "An Ordinance regulating the storage and handeling of dangerous liquids", passed by the -. I. -
Councilt of the Village of Edim, Hennepin County, Eimes~~ta~
f o1loving respects : . on the 27th, day of February 1926, is hereby amemded in the
Section! 6, paragraph is amended to read as follows-
Distance to line of Distance to any
Capacity of tank adjoining property other taa
300 gals. or less 5 feet
300-500 gals 10 fee%
500-1000 gals 20 fee&
1000-L0000 gals, 30 feet over 10,000 gals 50 feet
2 feet
2 feet
2 fee%
3 feet
3 feet
Section 6, paragraph. ltl*f is amended to read as follows
*All such tanks. shall be of material of sufficient, thickness
safely to hollci the contents and shaPI, have a factor of safety
at all joints of at least 2 - 5, A11 riveted ;joints shall have
an efficiency of at least 60 percent, No vertical tank shall exceed 30 feet in height",
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force sage and publication, after its pas-
.%'he motion vas duly seconded by Recorder &ore and the vo$e vas on the adoption of the resolution wherein there vere five ayes
and no nays and so declarea passed by President EcGuire.
(Published in Hennepin Coun-by Review Eay 25, 1933,)
Mr %. C. Erringer, made a
his 4-15 acre tract East request,
f the
far certain turnpikimg along
nes road, in the event the
necessary'land was given the village for road purposes. nso-bion the matter was refered to the Road and Bridge Committe, seconded by Reimann and carried
Messrs Smutney and BBcNellis appeared before the Council with the request %mihA$enpebe put in suitable condition South of the junction with Highway #5p inasmuch as the road mork assessed
against Smit Avenue property in 1924, 1925 and 1926, was not groperly done, On motion Noore, the matter be placed in the
hands of the Road & Bridge Committee with power to act, seconded Keimann and carriedo
Recorder read a cornmumication from Alexander & Bradley, Village
Engineern, giving a report on the grade &tf York Avenue between
55th and 56th Streets. Inaanueh as aMefinate future 'grade could naC be established at this time, it was moved Noore that the ViP- lage not order or give any sidewalk grzde at this time wherein the property owner would expect the Village of be responsible, motion
seconded .by Prescott and carried,
I'rustee \{illson reported in detail on the gardens for those who
had and. viere on relief and gave a written report of the seeds
furnished the several families of John Bowser , L. Schizacky, Fred
Cyril. Caqell, John Bensoas J. E. Cawell, and A. Hilts,
'1 iiitten, .. B. Ewest, Catherine Lumd, F. Harraadka, Oscar Johnson,
Trustee Vlillssn presented a bill of the Danish Import Seed Company, in mount $8,27 for seeds furnished in connection with the veg-
etable gardens for the poor arid thase on relief and moved i% be
paid, motion seconded by Prescott and carried,
A communication from Village Attorney Nr Strong, in the matter
or" closiag*off Strnnysi.de had at its Junctioln with Highway #5 so as to serve the residents living on Surmysf.de Road and to shut aff through traffic was read giving opinion and proceednre, Trrzskee Reimam moved the
notive be givea of a Public hearing to be givem by the Village
Council on June l:, 1933, at which time aetfors will be taken ozi
the petitiorr received by interested persans ILiving an Sunnyside
Road and elsewhere in the Cowtry Club Pistrict, requesting the
clcasing of said SEtnnysi.de Road at point of Jmcthm with State
Highway #5, the EOtiQn was duly seconded by Xoore and carried aith-
out discenting vote,
acceptance of the repor'c and that posted
Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held onXay 8,.1933,
were read ,, On motion Prescott be approved as read, seconded VilPson
and carried, .
Recorder year 1932, shoving Street & Road C~w%ructlon payroll of $5,722+00
Policemen, $13,240.00 and ather municipal mplayes $300.00 making the actual premium far year 1932 of $$348,86 and resulting in a credit to the Village of $20.35,
adviaed <viQh reference to payroll audit adjustment for
11s furlher business t~ corne before this mee%ing, motion to adg'ourn
carried at 11..35 PIII,
Village Recorder