HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330606_SPECIALXinutes of a special meeting of the
Council of the Village of Edina, held
at the harne of Village Recorder Tbore
on June 69 1933, at 8 PE,
The meeting vas called to order by President ?J&uire and all,
members of the Gouzcil responded to the roU. calf,
Becarder Xoore offered the fohlcartiag resoXu%ian ~iting defauXk of the Harriet State Bsnk of Einneapolis as Village Depasltoty,
and moved its adoption,
tt'21HELEAS the Village of Edina has heretofore designated the I Harriet State Bank, Xinneapolis, Eirrueaota, as a depository
of the fuds of the Village of Edina, EinnesaLa, and,
VHiEEAS, said Harriet State Bank has, pursuant to Chapter
370 of the General Laws of EimesoLa for 3.929, deposiked
the Polloving secutities, to vit:
riith the VLllage of Edina as security for said dep0sL-b aEd
vhich said bods have heretofore been deposited mith the Firs% Eational Eank and Trust Company of EhmeapaPia gersuaizt to their receipt,number 29476 for safe keepizg oEjl behalf of said
village, and,
VEEECEAS, said Harriet State Ban& has defauxted in the payment
of the balance of said dep0si.t Lo $aid Village of Edina and
has been taken ower by the Goimmissioaer of Baas sf the Stake
of FIimesaka for the liquidation of said bar& and vhich said act cons"cff;ntes a default, in the payment of siad deposit to
said Village of Edina within the terms of said Chapter 370 of
the Lavs of 192g9
EO%, TKEREBOA3E, he it hereby resolved %ha% J. S. Duggan, the
Treasurer of the Village of Edina, be and he hereby is authmized
on behalf of the Village of Edina -ko smrender said receipt ta
said Firs% Uational Bank and Trus.P; Coqany upon the delivery to
him of said bonds and to denand a delivery of said bonds to him
for and,on behalf of said Village of Edina and to take and reeeipP,
for said bonds and to hold the same on behalf of %he said Village
of Ed ina e 1f
heretofore received by the Village of Edina from the 2irs.e;
Dat&mal Ea& and Trust Compaay and liere%ofore serving as sec-
uzity far the deposit of the Village of Ediuza in Harriet State
Bit-, he soldo
13a* and Trust Company of IXinncapolis that the Treasurer of the.
Village of Edina be and he hereby is authorized to empa;lles said
That said safe be made by the First Xationa3,
Pirat Natiamal. l3arak and Trust Camgamy to, sell said bonds and after
deducting the usual casta and expmses 05 such sale, to be paid to said r"j;rst Dational, Bank and Trust CanzpaEay for its regular
charges for such servicesB to pay the excess, if any, fPrtrrr such
proceeds aver and above the sum of 2vm Thousand Seven lfwndred Burty-
mine and 10/100 ($2,749.10 1 r?laich $aid EUEQUD~ is the mount of the deposit of the Village of Edina, in siad Harriet State Bank hereto- Tore secured by said bonds, to the said Harriet State B3rnk.
PROVIDXD FtBTHER, HQKEXER, That said sale shall not be made u~Pess
and until the State Eanking Department shall file its written eon- sent to the sale in the marmer prescribed in this Besolution Vi%h .the Village Clerk of the Village of Eqina and shall azath0r2ze the
paynent of said deposit out of the proceeds of said sale a~smthg t~ $2,749-10 to said Village of Edfm from the proceeds of said sale
and rehasing the said TiXIhage of Edim from all fuPt&e% crabs to
,said deposit and to said seearity, I
.The motion %o adopt was seconded by Trustee Preseott and the vote
being upon the adoption or the resolution wherein there were five
ayes and no nays and SO declared duly carried and adopted,
Contractors Public Liability Policy, offered k;y Carkson Bras. e
PZtmbing Company, in amount $5,000, and $10,000, to c5veE" the
legal liability of the Village of Edfm in connection 1~5th tke
installation of a private l+ft v1ate.E' main laid in and along the
North side of \Test 49th, Street, in the Parkway, extexldilng West from the East line af the TJilllage oif EdiEEa at West 49th Street, West a distance of 600 fee%, was on nas%ioa by Eieirralrarz, be accepted
seconded by &ore and carried.
No further business to come before the meeting, motion to adfaurn
carried at 9-30 PX,
Village Recarder.
Xeceigts by Recorder for perfad up
to and iacludirrg June 12, 1933, vere
as fo11ow
91,o0 1,oo
1 ,OO
20 a35