HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330612_REGULARI 256 George Bape, advLsed he aaa-bed a road pnt iato his prspesp-ky Rw%h of Vest, 49th Street and \Yes% of _France Avenue at generaH Village ex- pense mhereupon it vas mved VilEsoa, the ma%ter be Tefered to the. Road and midge Cornittee, seconded by Eooafet, ad carried, Ur and Mrs Dye, Leon Eamissn, DUX~WO&$IL~~ Aryaaoo Austin, Chase, May, CaxqbelX ';batsou, BkEean and others appeared beforeifkhe Cmno%l i~ sespome to peti-kitsrn and pasted WY!XL~~ of Vacation of S'cree$" apply- ins tb Sunnyside Paad and abciu-k which discussisn was held for a con- siderable period, Ai%& the discussha Trustee Reibxsann coffered the i'olloning resolution and moved ita adoption, X~BT~ELS~ on aecauat af much through and fast traff&,c it dam. geraus hazard exists to ehfkdrea living fn and alar@ said Swa~ys %de Road , and IFL4ereaa petition has $em received fsam all reaidenks lining on Stmayside Raad between Browndale Avensue and Bighway #5 and. that due posted notice has Beenmade Dr Bryaat, of Browndale Apeme, ap-paared befare the CawcB1 in the; matter ~f %he saim%ary sever along Erowndalle Avenue haviug backed up iato his basement and stated his belief %he 8w.w~" vas not praperly comstrueted and that bpraeementa shoald be madee The matter was disposed 02 by Trustee Reimam suggesting %ha% the Cawtry CPub Distrhek *Service Coqamy, owners af the sewer franzeliise, be addressed witla re- ference to general condi-bioms, citing the recent let,ter of the State Canmissioner of Health in the premises and reqtzesthg tha% the system be put in first.class aad aperatkve aonditioea, v Sewera1 peti%iaas -v?ere recteived fron citizens asking that the Village Garbage ses~Ece be es'cablishecl for 'those liv~g on Thteilen Avenue, Brookside Avemue b mho a d * It mas tberenpsn moved by i?rescott, the pe%i$h.xs be re- fered to the Sanikation Committee with psv~er to act, seconded WillSOlr~ ariri carried, and the Wes% 50th Street aad France Avenue neigh- Trus%ee Reimam, reported he had inspected and viewred&he party line? fence erected by A,E.&pPaxd, as requested 02 the Trustees on April. LO9 2935, said report having been g;jbv.cn to the Recorder for present- ation to Xr Harford, as the report of I& Reham. Recarder repor%ed on the hause at 5402 Xerxes Avenue as appearing -Lo be: cmer 50 percent burned dawB aad thak a psrtisa was erected in 'the public s%reeJc, whereupon it was the suggestion of Truskee Prescott the R&cdrddf-.m$chrneniX.bo the State Fire Bkrshall to cmdem rand tear d OWt?le I I Application i;l farm far building permit by HmWmDesn, to ere& WIQ - . 11 feet x 21. feet steel 'tanka and one x 8? steel puinp house an6 locate sane OD property of" the 11. B. & S Ry as direc%ed bj the Camcil Zn aeoord with VZllage Ordinance Xo. 7 as amended Ea,y 22* 1933, vas on motion JilLs;an be granted and approved, se'ooszded by Reimam and carried, Applicatian is form for buildbg pernit by E=ruise Weseerberg, to ba5ld a private daeX1ing on Lot 2 Block 4, Codes Highviea Park, to he located 215 feet back from the fro& line of said lo%, ms on motion Jillsoa be granted on condition this lucatisn voetkd no% estab- Pish a buildiDg line in said block, seconded Reimam and carried, Application in fora by Gm W, Haward, ts build a frame private garage wit'a garage doors on Lot 3, Block 4# Cades Highvfev Bark, x7as OB motion Q5l'Jlson, be granted, seconded Prescott and carried, Application in farm by TOO L~~~IIIE~, to cornbina.trian private dvellixig and garage an lTsrth 125 acres of South 32 acres of IT%$ of Section 8, T116* R 21, set back a distance of 325 feet, vas on nation Billson be granted, seconded Prescott and carriedo K~plfca'cion By Eirineapalis Gm E, Company, to set 1 pole an Vest 65 St , between Ryan and Sbrmoad Avenue, was on lnotierr Wilhoa be grasted, seconded Prescott and carried, The Recorder was instructed to reply to the letter dated February 139 1933, by E5.r fTewhaX3. on behalf af the Cauu~t.2y Club District Ser- sice Co-aay, irs which the sewer system in the Cawtry Club Distriok '17as tenawed both as to o,t~narnhip end &pmati;ian Go the Village Ccrunchl of Edina, that on aecou12t of the sever and ttlater systems grriBg hand in hand nith each otker, it was cansidered to be inadvisable to accept one praperty i~iL.C;hout the other. I The miscellaneous bills upon being found correcti, vere on notion ReiniaEw he allioaed and ordered paid ,seccind,ed +by VilXshn.~and carried, They -are as follow- C<ty or" ~OaPOliS Fire Dept service 5402 Xerxers 32x0 a45 SilpliansoHi Stmp Co I. Police badge 430 Ye Em COO~~~P 64mers far parks 15,m Edllza Cash Grocery . Groceries far poor 22039 Wooddale GroceYy Graeesies for poor 13e98 Toaddale Grocery Gas for tractor 3424 Gfacier Sand Gs. Ccc Road sand &- gravel 11*05 liemepin Cswty Paor Farm service (to June) 92,oo Ce A. LiIIdqUiSt Blackszzithing ?,?fa Eae.l;aold ts Eardaare lkchine bolts 2,40 , Pockrand% hbr Co Cemeulk 8 roofing paper (ISSS CF &,I?) BS,XI -3* E, Ziegler co Tracktar Xubricatcir-grader blades 18-98 XETler-Daois Ca Ea DtmpiEg signs 2,oo Edirza Earduaro Co Hardwar e s uppli 8s G.93 Caunkry Chub Garage Police car service h June starage 20,u J,E,Hen~essy Co 2os.C;~ EC planks far road wads 11-26 Lo Am XkCPeItlan Graiceries for poor 15057 - Ehnea@.iu Gene Easpital 5 days Hospital care A. HaraouLca 16 e25 Village 3% Louis Park Fire Dept service Deinan 55-l)rev 45,OO Tirn E. Cooper 8 Sans Flowers fan. parks 29,U. E, V. Harris I Gas &- oil for Palice car C% tractors 80254 Docken's Corn. Sevre Grcnceries for poor 9e52 Te B. Garvey Hardware & Road supplies 15,60 Eliimeapolfs G. Em CO &ril SWeeQ lighting 382 g 72 I Hemepin Caunty Review PUbm notiices & printing 36,70 Dad& Zqort Seed Co Garden seeds for poor gardens 8,27 Total UiscLa 3$?i5,aQ . 25,00 75,00 25.00 25.00 25,00 85,00 1x4 eo0 loo ,oo 1025 lX.20, 108,QQ . 84 ,eo 38,40 . 25,60 168m40 6 e40 27,00 28e9Q 402,40 . L05eOO 12m80 29e60 17*60 ~~ 6 e85 125eOO 125,OQ Village Recordere