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"'fie meetiK i~as called to order by President TEcGulre, the roll called . and all. members of the Couaci'l v~er@ preseBtp16
D, VEslverton appearod before the C~unci'I on the matter af siclrmeas LEE
Ms family, which matter vas refered to Dr Camgbell, Village HeaUh
Officer far attention on moZIion by Xoore, seconded by Prescott and
Trustees Yrescott and 3illsaa, as the Road &Bridge Cornittee or" the
Cauacil, repor.P;ed on quite a number of streets which needed Road grarel, AEter discussion it mas moved Reimam, that the Road & Bridge Com-
i.ttee, be authorized to pruchase and spread up to 1000 yards of road
gsaveL on Village Streets as per their report, seconded &ore and caro
Nr E, B, r'festerlund, as the otmer of property located at 5506 York
Avenue, appeared before the CaukeKL and presented a letter dated Jme
26, 1933, vherein he agreed to stand all expense and lriabiilty for
proper grade of sidevalF; and to further agree that if later it should
develop that the grade will be changed to a'differen-b level than the
one he mould use, that he milZ lay a nev sidewalk at his om expense and in accordance with such new level, vhereupcrm it was m5ved Noore,
the request be granted as per the terms and conditions stated in the
letter, secogded ViITson and carried,
'llg~oa examination of the Time book, it was moved Villsoa: 'chat the Raad
crew advances be made as indicated by Recorder, seconded by Prescott
and carried,
The matter of considerable through traffic on &ckey Avenue was brought
to the attention of the Council by requests of several residents ask-
ing that the block North of Vest 44th Street be oiled, After dis- cussion i-t vas moved Prescott, %hat the Recorder be enpolmered to arrange
to have the said road oiled, seconded by 3illson and carried8
Pinutes of the regular meeting of the C0uncil held on June Up 1933,
pere read, On motion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded by Billson and carried,
R-ec.:brder EWare" reported an Ghe League of Hnnesata F-iei-pahitiea Cola- we%fan heki at Hibbirzg June 21, 22 & 23, giviog a conrplete report md
advising tbt aut, of the Clerks and Recrsrdess Sectional neetilag over
which he presided, c:'ase the recomendatio@. 'PlhiGkt wmEd be the major
project of the League this year, a simple yet adequate system of rec-
ording and accounting for Clerks, Recorders and Treaswers,
Beeting adjourned at 9, 30 PI&,
Village Recorder,
Einutes of a sgecialmeeting of the Council of %he Village of Zdina, held at the hqme of President IIcGuire
OH June 30, 19339 at 8 PEL
Those preseat being EScGuire, i7ilXsa~, Prescot-t, and Eoore, The meeting vas called for the purpose of acting upon the application
os^ the Country Club Association for permission to operake a J3our.t;Er of
July pyroteckkinical dis_alay for the residents of Edina, wherein &ore offered the follosing resolution and moved its adoption- -.
Bs 14; resolvedp by the Cauncil. of the Village of Edina, tEra.t; permission be and is hereby granted to the Cawstry Club Asswiatiora, to operate a
Baur'ch sf July pyrotechirrical display, when supervised and aperahd
by competent persons in the Village of Edlna, and in accordasce vith
the Fireworks Ordinance of said Village,
The motion was seconded by Trustee Rfllson and carried unminouslv -
AT0 further business to come before the meeting notion to adjaura >ar-
ried at 8. 80 PE
/ c
\ Village Recarder,