HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330710_REGULARNimtes of the regular meeting of the Catmeil of the t Village of Edina, held in Grange Ea11 at 8 PEE on July 10s 1933e The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the Cauncil were present except Trua.l;ee ReimnPta A Xr Bennett appeared before %he Council1 as the owner of a one acre tract between Halifax Avenue and France Avenue, Sauth of Vest 51ste Street and desired to know if he could divide his Eract having 132 feet front- age on Halifax Avenue into three ~Q'CS of 44 feet each. He was advised this wauld be a uLolation of Village Ordinances and that it would be best to divide into two lots of 66 feet each, Dr Campbell reported on the VoLLverton and Gibbish famihies in need of medical attention and was advised to continue ta handle them as he believed best, T@ JCkic bills upa~ being found correct, were on motion Prescott, be a1lov:ed and ordered paid, seconded by Billson and carried, They are as follaws Pinneapolis G. E, Ca Xay street lighting v $383,50 .93 10 e 52 2. A. Redpath Refunds for cash advanced Dackens Corm, Stare Groceries for poor Brenrs Hardware Village mower parts 7-75 E. V, Harris Gas-Oil traetars &police car 56 92 tilacier Sand-Gravel Go Road gravel 6,80 J,E,Hennessy Co Lumber- Culvert 3437 &A VooddaLe Grocery Graceries folr poor 14 0 90 League aha, Municipalities Xembership dues 30.00 Gregg's Pharmacy Supp Xi es la?4 Edina Hardware Supplies 1.50 Republic Creosotiag Co Road Oiling (Eackey Ave) 55,OO Country Club Garage Police car service 24.64 Lyle Signs, Pnc Road signs [SS Rd, ) 17,25 Chaa DfiXler & Sons Hardware supplies 8,43 Hoyt Landscape Nurseries Parkway trees 21.00 T .G,Hjrrison Refund for hose purchased far 11.70 use in Parks Ben S, Aloore Expenses attenting League Einn, Eunicipalities June 21, 22 h 23, 22.85 Edina Grocery Groceries for poor 12.85 Total EiB~ls July $723815 I - - The ViP1~g.e and Raad b&ll~ 'ETeei~g f~u~d COP~~C~, OEL ~~ti~un YrescoLt, ks alloaed and ardered paid, seconded by 4iIlson and carrFicds They arc as foll.ovs- 51 ,F,McGuire President July 35eOO J, J, 3Iuzga.m Treasurer 25,OO George A, i'jiLL3~~ Trustee 25 000 c, $0 J?reeca't,t Trustee. 25 000 Dr LSI*~C~. &* Gmpbe43 Village Health Officer 25eOO Bel3 a, I':OQ'9"e Re e~rd er 75,oo J, E, Reim2,nm Tsastee 25,OO Q, s. soy Street Gam 92,oo 3, 3, Ecbsrts Ut,iJ.!ity mam 100,00 John Tracy Lzbar with i;ea?B 147020 Road lakr 9060 2. Ddil,.. mren Tractor operata% . 45050 L, 8kobzmaa Boad 3-ab~r 68,80 -D ?'J1?1vcrtoa F, Morrnadka Grass Cutting 25050 John Benscm Read labor 28e80 John JlcKe Elf 8 Road labor 10e80 5. H, Smvefy Park labor 81020 E, MeEelli8 Road labor 10 oAQ 0 0 TJ e Spande Grass cutting 39,25 A, Peterson Lsbar with truck (Garbage Collectio$j270,00 Chs ZoIm3(322 Road hbor 15,20 R, Eo Uieske VibXage Earshaf.1 125,OO Y, 8, Redpath Village &%raEmtzll 125 000 Leslie Ericksoa :* Trustee in Bsnkru-pcy [ScZiR~bert,s) 57,oo Total Rd, i3 VilX=tge $ 1,386~25 'I'ataf. "far July $2,109 odO ?;" Application innform by Ne C, Halker, for building permit to btafPC! a frame dRellirrg; Z~gt Ik3,BHoclr 5$ Cadets EghvZew Far&, v~a8 on ma%ir2n Villson be gran-t;ed, seconded Prescatt and carriede Recorder read capx of letter to Cawtry Chb District Service Cosnga,zzy under date Juhy 89 1933* in reply ta le%.t;er addressed to the Couaci.2, dated February Lad k9330 as directed by the Camcil at %he Time 26, 1933, meeting, sta%ing it W~G the opinion af the Caurzclb that as the sever and eater systems in the Gountry (T1u.b Diskrick vent hsnd in bmd, it vas considered inadvisable ts accept 'the sever system X4.P;hOUt the Eater* Recmder als~ read capy of letter as directed by the Comcil 2% the hoe 26, 1933, meeting, directed to the Country Club DistntfeG Service Gomany lander date of July 8, 1933$ citil?g a letter received from the State Dept, of Health under date aP ?&y X80 1933, to the effect the sanitary sever system ia the Cawtry Club Dis'tric't; m,s in anch a poor state of coadition and opsraticrn as to varrzn.t prompt action to relieve present vszsatisfactory canditions mzd reques%ias prmpf; action by the campany to protect the heal%& sf all residents, Letters 'received 'from State Fire 3Tarshal.X. under dates of June 30 and J'crly 6, 1933 and Eecorderts letter dated July 5, 1933$ concernirzg the lilixon house at 5402 Eiatrttes of the regular meeting of the Council keld on 3wre 26, 1933, mere read, On motion Prescott,'be approved as read, secoaLded faillson and carrieda ainutes of the special meeting of %he Cauncil held on June 30, 19335 vere read, and carried, Xerxes Avenue, were read . I On motion VilLson, be approved as read, seconded b$ Prescott A letker from the Udland Natfma3 Ear& and Trtrs-b CampaEy, TIimeapolis, under date of July 7, H933, vas read in which the bank requested the release of the $60d0,00 City of lfimeapolfs Peraanenrt ktpravmetz% corn- struetion bandB 4*$ due 6n August 1, 1933, pledged cas legal mlJA~ePa1 to secure funds af the Village of Edina on doposLt mi%h said bank, Inasmuch as the aambined deposits of the Village vera apprQxha%t?Qi' $3000,00 a% this time and that there remained $5000,00 in Uniled States Treasury Bonds pleagad as legal collateral. to secure funds of the via-= lage of EdiIw by said bank and nith the Federal Reserve Ea& as Trastee, St vas agreeable to the Coxmcil to so release the $6000,00 CX%y of BkXIe~polis bonds 8s aboves The Villege Treasurer 17as directed to * -request of said Uidhand Katicmal Bank and Trase Gonpmy, 8s VflIage Depasitoqr, thaP; additianal legal collateral. be posted and ofEered for CavncFl's approval at the next regular meeting af the Camcfl, Federasl Reserve Bank receipt dated April 28, 1933* as trustee far Xor the $6000,00 Cfey of XizlrreapoBis bonds, t7as taken from %he vzult and given to the Village Treasurero hktiara. 'co,ad~o&n carried at 10,355 PEf Village Recordere