HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330724_REGULARUn~tees os' the regular meeking of the Cauncil of the VFllase of Edins, held in Grange Ea19 at 8 PX, on Jul;. 23, 1933, The meeting =as called to order by President EeGtarire, the roll called a;Ld a11 members of the Caurreil ivere present, A petition signed by Eessrs Christianson, Stewer, JnttZng, HsppW and athers requesting road work to be done on Xerxes Avenue arid de& 60 th Street was received and read, Rasd and Bridge Cornittee, seconded by Moore and cztFriedo 1.9; vim moved 'by 'Uillsan that T'A~o, PaU, be adTranced %100,00 on account for loading and hauling road gravel on TTiE1age StrseQs, motion ?vas The m,tY;er af ~;iving OfSel2s:Redpatkr and NLeake, a *3s& of vacation with pay OM account of the long daily hours.and "chat they vark all but about %no days of eacbmhnth,, Ivas discussed a% le~zgth by the Cotul@%l nhersupon i% vas mo.rred Prescotf; that Officers Redpath and Xieske9 be given one neek of vacation with pay, seconded by Ilfoore and carried, I On moticpmr fieimnn, be ,rerered to SecoIzded by Elloore and The m34,,'cter of providing a substitute Qfficer to take the place of Officers Redpath and IJieske while an vacatioxr was next considered and it gas the opinion of the Police Cornittee, that duBy elected and quailfied donstabl.e Raga S. Borey, could be engaged whereupon it B~S marsd Psescott'and seconded by Emre, that the matter be left with the Palice Cmmittee of %he Cowcil wtth paver to acto moticm carried* 1% nas moved 2rescott that advances be made the Road crew and Earshalls as,iudicated by the Recorder in Time Book, secol;fcaed by Reimann and carried. Applieatioa in form for building permit by William Fiedrickaoa, tm build a private dwelling on the South 312.48 of the Ibrtb 937.44 of the 9es3 40 rods or the 3--W 1/4 af Section 30S T 28, Range 24, except road, Bomey View Mekghts, 178s on motiom Villson be granted, seconded by Preseo%% and dulj carried. Applica%lon in form by E. Sword, contractor OM behallf of Er Bennett, ovner, to build a private dwelliw to be 1aca.i;ed GCEB the Xarth 50 feet of lot 57, Auditarts Sub. l'ip2, Ea be set back im lime iliith the other houses Promting zest an Halifax Avenue, was OE mati& WflEsan,.be granted, seconded PrescatL and duly carried, I It was the api~on of the Caumcil after considerable discussion of the subject, tbt the application by P. Hciffemiller, to build a private garage size 30 feet by 50 feet, an the present vacanti 4xac-t of land lyins SQIX.~;~ of West 62nd, Street and East of Vest Belt Line Highvay, camtituted a violation of the Zoning Ordinance, whereupm it vas mopd iriri~llaam, 'chat the said agplicatim for puifdhg pernit, be not granted, seconded Prescott and carriedo The matter of the house largely destroyed by fire at 5402 Xerxes Ave,, uaw being rebuilt by aae Nixon without permito wa3 dbscwssed by the Council and after due deliheratioas it 17a3 moved Reimam, t'nak Officer Plficske be authorized to sign a warrant and arrest armyam faud via&- aS;Sng the Zainfmg air Building Qrdim.nces of the Village of Edirra, at said address, motion aacmded hy Prescott and carriedo Eim%es of the regular meeting of %he Council of the Village of Edim,, held on ZuIy IO1 1933$ were read and on moticm Reharm, he approved as read, seconded Prescott and carried. A commica'ciam dated July 22, P933, by T. Om, on beblf of the Eid-land ;TJatiwial Bank and Trust Ctmpany, offering a3 legal collate*al, im "addition to the $5,000,00 U.S. Treasury Bozidg-heretofore pledged, U. S. Treasury 3-3/8$ Bands irjl momt $4,000.00 of B943-1947, to secure, rmneys of the Village of Edina, on deposit with said Iffidland Rational Bank and Trust Company, whereupan it was mawed Reimam, that the $4,000. of TT. S. Treasury 3-3/8$ Bonds of 1943-1947, deposited with the Federal. Reserve Bank of Ninneapolis, as legal collateral to secure funds of the Village of Edina, on depaait with the said Eidland National Bank and 0 by Noore and carried. r P Txmt GornpaBy, ~f &Timeapolis, be hereby accepted and approved, seeamded Nesting duly adjourned at 10,35 PM '. Village Recarder, \