HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330814_REGULAREMZes of the regtxlar meet- af the Couactil of the VLXlage of
Edim,, he126 an &ugust 14, 1933,, in Grange ETaU at 8 PXe
The mee%%ng %as called to order by Pseaiden% EcGuire the roll called arid all members were present except Truskee Reimann.
ET Ee Be Fa'uTataine, appeared before the Council to request that a buixding permit be granted to 1Ess D, L, X&xonB, the fee amner
of 5400 Xerxes Avenue, to repair the damage done by fire at said
premises., The work having been started aithou% a permit being
issued but sPlo]eped and the building closed up for the previous
10 days.
the damage by fire to said bcgildijag was less than 50 pereenk and
that it aou2.d be proper under the Zoning Ordinance to issue a
building permit he granted to D, L, Nixunp to repa* and rebuild
the private di7elliag located at 5400 Xerxes Ayenue, damaged by fire, seconded by Eoore aad carried,
Jus-tice of the Peace, Eed J, Jaubert, appeared before the Caurxcil
and stated %kat ctertah of the Village Ordiances needed revising and Ghat others usually found in Village Codes had never been
enacted, After discussion it 17as sugested by the Recorder, %ha%
Village Attarney Elr Strong, H'r JauberP: and Justice GiPkey, con-
sider them selves a Coninithe to rewise avld add tkrose certain ordiancss vkiich may be needed in the Village Cade af Ordinances
~amd submit same to the Village Cawcfl. at a later date, Agreed.
After discussion by the Cauracil it vas decided that
. permit to rebuild, Vlhereupcam it was moved Tlillson that a
Ur P, Hofferimiller, appeared before the Cou.~cil and subi%ed a plan dravn to scale of a prapsed privake garage, work sfrclp anad
chicken house -h be built on the acreage lying South of Tkst 62~6~ Street and East of the mesP, Belt Liile highway to be set back 300
feet from the East line of haid tracto The ma-ttes having beers, discussed at length, it.was moved Sillson, %hat permit be granted,
seconded Presco'ct and carrieda
I The miscellaneous bills having been duly examined and found cOrrects it vas moved Y/il.lso~ that they be be alloaed and ordered paids
seconded b3r Presccr-bt and carried,, They are as foEPai7s
Pederson Bros Eilk for pool' $6,UO Theo Pahl Laading & Imauibg 2016 yards gravel from Jas2ergoon pit in Hopkim and ScEllimger
pit in Edina, and sp&ead olfi Village streets
as per list, attached by Skree-b Gomissioner 481.17
Danish Seed Import
Yl. 2. Garvey
Einaeapoiis G. E, ComBany
Lyle signs, be
E, il, B'arris
Edim Seed Co;
Republic CrgosoPling Co Booddale GrckCery Vaoddale Grocery
E. A. Rogers Co
Hemepfn cowty
Dackens Comm, Store
Edina Eardaare
Thorpe Bras, Inc
2, E. Hennespy Co
Gregg's 2Wrmcy
Cawtry Club Garage
Niller-Davis CQ
Carl QBson
Je D. AdaS CO
89-3/4 days Assessor 448,75
25-1/2 days Depty, Assessor 127,50
1455 yds raad gravel 89,85 Insulin for poor
Hazel Elza Jan, to July, 49,75
(I Seeds for poor gardens 2,307
Road supBlies 10,20 June Street lighting 383072
Gas & oil for tractors and
Palice car, less ii'ederal tax 62,75
Hauling and Feed 11e60 Road tar (100 gals) 17,OO * Graeeries for poor 14 , 75
Gas for tractor Be47
S~P, B/2 of Village 10,14
Grader part 8,95
Road sign (West 49th) 8.00
I Old Age pensions 43OoOO
Groceries for poor 17.54 TocrZs & serwice 1,50
Lumber 10,94
Use of Tract Office ta 8/1/33 15,30
Supplies (Palice 6s poor) lz49 1 Police car service Cpe starage LV.50
Off ice supplies 1.25 Groceries for paor 16 13
Cant inued an ,page #264.
C, A, Limdquist Blacksmi%hinag $13.35
Yamg duel CQ Caal fop pQCZr 5,45
Glacier Sand Gr CQ Cement & Sand 11.15
Packrazdt Fuel-Ubr Co Tcs balance aceaunt 2s94
Edim Erscery Groceries far par * 14-83
Iimehaha Grange
$I. Nemberg ' 1/2 rear rent tool house to 8/1 37,50
lk2 year rent to 8/1/33
and special meetings 67eOO
Total ETiscl . $2,4018 14
The Road and Village bills upon being duly examined and found cor-
rect were on mstian Presco-tt, be alfaved and ordered paid, seconded
VFlLsom and carried. The3 are as foSlows
Presiden-b - August
Re e or d er Trnskee
. Trustee
Trus t e e Health Officer
Road labor
Road labor
Road labor
Street Cammissioner (30 days)
Utility man Tractor ogeratos Road labor Road labor
Road labor with team
Raad labor
Road labar
Road labor
Raad labor
Park labor
Labs9 Parkway brees & grass Village Xar slzaP1
Village Ifarskkall
Village NkrshaPl
120 eo0
11 0 20.
125 00
Total August expenditinre $3891.34
Application in form for building permi% by PhiSpott-Bailey Company to build an 8 x 10 x 14 ft high building 'ca be used as a steam
treating plant for coal and to be set back 125 feet from Eden
Prairie Road and locaked on Pkmilpott-Bailey premises, was OM motion
!'/iLlson, be granted, seccmded Prescott and carried ,,
Applicatisa in farm by E, ESmOMdb to build a private dmellirsg on
50% 20, Block 5, CCD E'airvray, mas on EW'~~QEZ &ore, be granted, eecorzded Preeeott and carried,
&-plication in form for building permit by Frank Tupa, to build a private dwelling an Eat 5, ]BlQck 9, CCD Brawn, vms on motion l@iOrE,
be granted, seconded 2rescotk and carried,
Receipt by the Federal Reserve Bas& of Lfinureapofis, dated August
1943-1947 pledged by Xidland Eaticlnal Banfr & Trues% cldrnpanys as
collateral to secure funds of the Village of Ed-, in accordance Chapter 41, Laws of 1fimeso.ta 1933, read tol the Coi~ncfl and placed in. Village vault.
Application by Knneapolis B, E, Campa~y, for permission to sek 4
pales on \Jest 56th Street, between St 3ahn and Kedgg Ave, was on
rrrotisn Ylillsoa, he granted, seconded Eoore and carriedo
2.933, aa-Trustee and shaving deposit $4s000.00 US Treasury Bonds
1% was moved PrescoCt, as Chairman of the Road Ec Bridge Cormittee
tha$ the bill of Jasper 3asperson in amount 8935 in papen; for
1455 yards of road gravel fron pit, be a2ltoned and pafd, seconded
by Killson and carried,
Bills for the 1933 assessment were presented by Assessor Creigh%@rm
and Depty, Assessor Earrsaa, -whereupon they being found correct and the 1933 assessment having been accepted by the County Auditor, i'c
vas mwed Eoore, that Creigh$on be paid for 89-3/4 days # $5@00 per day and Hanson be paid for 25-1/2 days 0 $S,OO per day, the 'tctals being $448,?5 for Creighton and $LZ7,50 for Ha;H1sclmo seconded
Prescotg and carried,
Trustee Srescott reported to the Cauncil on %he meetbe; he attended
relative to Federal Relief I&rployment.
The matter of ammending the Building Ordinance mas next discussed
by the Cauacil and whereugan Recarder Boore, offered the fcsllowing resolution and moved its adoption,
Village of Edina
Hennepin Gaurpty liinne s &a
As Ordinarace amending an Ordinance of the Village of Edizza, entitled
Ordimme Regulating the Buildia~,Conatrnctfoa, Erection, Estab- lishent, Afteratioa, Enlargemen% jJa~iprg, r]emolition of any build-
ing, structure, in?provement, for the purpose of promking the health, . safety, order, convenience, prosperiety, and general melfare in the ViXlage of Edinaw passed by the Council on the 25th. day of Eay 1931,
The Village Council af the Village of Ediria, Hemepin Catmty, BXm- esota, do ordain as follaw:
That certai~g Ordinance entitled Cmstruc-kion, Erection, Establishment, Alteration, Enlargement,
Ebving, Demolition, of arty buiBdhng, strucfxre, impravemen-k, fa??
the purpose of promoting the health, safety, order, convenieace,, - prosperiety, and general welfare in the Village of Edinafk, passed
by the Courrcil on the 25th, day of lky 1931t is Erereby ameraded in
the f ollowhg respects :
Ordinance regulating the Buildingd
The second paragraph is amended to read as follons: .irZy persoa,
firm or corparatian violating any of the provisions of this Brdin- ance shall he guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon convdctic~lra thereof be punished by a fine of not more than One Eumired (8100,OO)
dollars or by impriaonnent in jail Tor a term 09 not maFe than
rrhety (90) days,
The motion vas seconded by Trustee VilLsw~ and the vote being uson
the adopeion of the resolution, there being four (4) ayes and rice (0) nays as folla-crs - Prescott Aye, Villsm Aye, Elc=Gaire.Ay~~~ P'Toare Ayes and so declared carriedo
Einutes of khe regular meeting of the Co~~cil held on July 24, 1933, were readp on motion Billson, be apprartsd as read, seconded Presco't-k
and carried,
Eo further business %# cane before the meeting, notion to adjawe?
carried at 11,OO P lL,
Village Recorder,
z67' '' Recarder &kcare advised with reference Lo the eonz%w Statewide
electZon to be held on September 12th. far the purposing of
voting on the proposilian of repealiw the Eighteenth amendmeat
and the mimg ar" Judges and Clerks of Election, ';IPlsreUpon the following were namedt for I3astPrecinc-t Xa. 1, Victor Xrgenss
J.B,Hztupt & Rex Garvey, Judges Xaude BTackbmn: and E.E,EH.isom
Clerks, Far Vest Beciaact No.2, V.S.Heyd.Ep Cbsl T. Hay and
D,B,filcGuire, Judges, Ers' E,B.SacErs and Sara Xaore, Clerks,
Recorder read a communication received from local. Special Agent
crf UeSJ%pt, of U%crr, vith reference 4;o unemployed men of Edim,
registrating for zedera1 rrork, The Xis% of those on Poor Relief
as vel1 as all athers in the mind of all Cc~c~l members wits given
to Village, Ehrshall for notificatioD,
ElinUtes of the reiular meeting of the Cauncil held on August 14,
1933, were read nhereugon it was moved PrescoBt they be appraved
its read seconded l!IcGuirc and carried,
Hotio@' to-gdjourrr carried at 10.55 ZX
Bdge sermit
Justice of Peace
tt It
n n
Village Recorder
Bdg. permit
Streee Repairs
rustice of Peace
1) 11
Bdg perm)i.t
tt tt
It ir
lt It
. tl- It
July 10, 1933,
Xeceipts by Recorder and *turned,
over to Village Tressurer
. 1,oo
C .TI .Vand ekhzor st
Jahn C. Garrissrr
EIIe C. Halter 1,OU. 17, H. Gilkey
.\ Fm Bredricksan 1,oo -
Esr Bermem% le00
Country Disk. Sere CO, 19,48 I?. H, Gilkcy 2% * 00
De Lo Nixan xi00
P Hof fenmiller le00
PhiIpatt-Bs&ley Co 1,oo H. Esmomd le00
Bra& Tupa 1.00 ESinnehaha Plumb, & Heat, Cq 5225
A. Pavalka
IVn Roushs
Adel Hening
'3. E, Gilkey
3, A. Rmst R. L. BardveTI
Paul. L, CaweIl.
Paul. Dunnavan R. A, Harvey
.- m 1 eo0
11, 1933
1 *oo
1 -00