HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330828_REGULAR266 ' Xim-ke~l ef the regular meeting of the C~urrefl ~f the Village of Ed-, held in Granhe Hall, at 8 PE QP~, August 28, 1933, The meeting was called to order b% Presbdent and all1 members of the council were present on roll call except Trustee ReiEann. The time book on being examined and fmmd correct, it vias moved VilPson that $he Road bills as indicated by Recorder9 be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried, Application in form for Baikdig;g permit by Arthm Pauelka, to build a 22t x 22O x 8' nii3.k shed and garrage on South 1/3 of Borth 3/5 of Tiest 5/8 of STI:JL/4 of Seetior, 31, T 11?$ R 2X, vas on motion Preacott, be granted secooded by f'JFllsow and carriedo Application in form for Building permit by VmRaushar, to build an €3* x 8? x 7' Xilk house on West 112 of South 1/5 of Vest 5/8 of STr'l X/4 Section 3X9 T 117, R 21, 10 acre^, was on motion Pa*eecott, be granted, seconded Villson and carried, kpplica-kion in form by Adele He~ing for BuildiBkg permit to build a frme stucco barm 26O x 13' x 26) on the Horth 199.26 feet of South 465.63 fee% of KE l/4 of SE l/4 lyirg Vest of the EasP, ?97 feet thereof except roads, 2,36 acres, set back 300 feet, vas on motion PrescoPtt be granted, seconded Vilfsotz and carried. Ek E, S. Dale, of Edina, appeared befare the Couacil to request that a permit be granted and lieenas issued to hhself and: other associates to 'rsUiPu and ~perst%e and desireable movie picture house to be Located near Vest 50th Street and E'ranee Avenue. Xessrs E. Greg;g, Carl Olsoa., H. Schwest, L, Stein and others also spoke in favor of the proposition and that any obJectiom heretofore having existed by residents or officials of the 13%h, I'lard of Uir!!eapolis, waulld no:-J asgear ats having been withdrawn. or otherwise removed, After considerable discussion it was moved by ViiHlson that the Cota~ci.1 go on record as in favor af a motion pieture'proposi'Ghoa in general as outlined by 119r Dale and others, subject to Council ' appproval of PhPB, speoirications,-ldcatioaai and a-&hhr debi3-s as' iti may Later see fit, seconded Preseatt and carried, Nr *&alter Cankllia,, af Edina, proposed to the Couiscil the desire- ability of an Ordiinanee prohibiting the delivery of milk or other comdi-bies before 8 AM, which proposition seemed well founded, 1% ivas mved by Xcmre, that -the proposition be refered to the Gam- rai*Lt.r;le re~ishgg anJ Ccrdefyiag Village Ordinances, seconded by Prescot'c and carried, Residenks in the visaeiaity ef West 49th Streek aad Arden Avenue, headed by 132 Lauia tS%ein, advised the Camicil cpf much fast auto traffic a'c. and near said intersection and suggested that proper road aiEm be installed, After discussion Trustee Presco%t offeGsd the Pclloning resalution and moved its adaption, ttb~e~eas, In and along \Test 49%h, Street at Bruce and Arden Avenues there is much fast autamcsbile traffic endangering pedestrians as well. as children, Therefore, be it resalved lay the Council or" the Village of Edina, that r,egulation SLOQ road aigms be imtalled at the E~rsrt:k~?ea-b carrier of Vest 49th Street on Arden Awenue and 813: Yeat 49%h Stree% at the Nartheas'c and SautEmest carners of Bruce Ammue, The motion to adopt VISES secaaded by Trustee Billscsa and the vo%e beiag upcan the adoptSon of the resultion wherein there were four ayes allid no nays as fol1ot.r~~ 1JcGub4e Aye, T~XISQIB Am, ZTooro Aye, Pmaaatt Aye, and so declared carried and adopted, 1% sias moved Pres,cat%, that warrant be dram aad ch~ck issued in moua-b of $10,00 for payment crf rent of Edrs L&T at 3321 Brc~mloa ATeazue in, favor X.rs Anna Eartiman, seconded Emre and carried. Agplfcatioa of Borthvestersa Bell Teleghorte Company, for permission to set 4 poles on Division Streek betmeern Vaudervar% and Fulton Sts was on rmtcstion 's7illsan, be granted, seelanded prescot'' and carried.