HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330911_REGULARI I I u J EipuZCes of the regubar. meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, hold. in Grznge Hall at 8 PN ora Sep- t.ember XIs 1933, The neeti% 98s called to order by the President %he r~11 called and 811 Rien?bess of the Cawcil found present, Ressrs Thatesberg, Hmard and Holter, appeared before the Council vith a reqtreet that additional. road gravel be placed on Russell Avenue in Code's Highview Park, which reqezeat was refered to the Road and Bridge Cornittee. Er Bridge Comnittee, Cornittee of the Country CPub Asan,, presented the psaposition of the imjrovemerat of the Nimehaha, Creek Brill Pond Area lying Earth of Test 50th StreeO: 2nd East of Highway #5, Xr Vilkinsm placed before the Council an Engineer's report giviag considerable engineering data relating to area, the work proposed to be done and the metkrad sealhs the 19il.Z pond area togather with mei;hods of water supply, Embers of the CouDcil expressed their approval of the proposition on the basis %hat the benefited pr~perty would be the property asse~~ecl~ that Thorpc Bras would give %he Village a. deec! to the Ellill Pond area vtit.hout cost and that the matter of maintaining water in the Eikl Pond might be considered a village aqset and paid for accordi~gly, After discussion by those present it was moved Xaoreo that the matter be re- fered to Village Attorney for his advise 6s to proceedure, seconded by Prescat,.I; and Carrieds BSin~fces of the regular meeting of the-Council held on August 289-t:lere read and on mcrtign Prescott be approved as read,. seconded by Vilfson and czrried, The'miscellaneous tailla upon being found correct, ivere ora motion of Reimma, be da;~Sy allov~ed and ordered $aid, seconded by Villsovl and caryied, They are as follows H, Person, requested that additional road gravel be placed on ,Division Street nest of Brookside Avenue., a.lso refered to the Road and ur C, De kVilkimsoa, of Brawndale Avenue, Chaisnan of The Planning J The S~VWL.,~ Rent for Poor (Mrs Lax) Police Offlcers' eqR$pment Paint & tractor pepairs Police car service Supplies for police Police Off icere Equipment Groceries for poor Gas eC Oil for tractors and Police car, less Federal tax Groceries for poor July Street lighthe; Police OffieesPs bzdges Blacksrrii thing .Galv. nails Police car service Tractor pasts Graceries for poor Eagineer img s emrice@ Road gravel delivered Road culvert (Larsctn) Flashlights for poxice Hardwar e supplies Publfshed notices and printing Road oil, (4800 gals for Vest 44th and Brookside) Guard Rail posts . 1 $6 a 25 S,48 8,255 12,85 le80 106 e24 22.15 58,26 25,02 383,72 1'9,50 .12,00 4,05 1,02 19e51 23.24 11,85 27,oo 11-93 17e40 6e21 1,60 91.90 240.00 Shoes for poor 5 * 94- Total Pisel September 8 1,065,27 The Road and Village bills up~a being found correct9 were on mokion Preacott, be allowed and ordered paid, aecsnded Willison and carried, They are as fol2oms- I See page #269 for Road &. Village bills, A. Jokulaor? 0, RL Spaurde, R. E, EIiieske P, A, Redpath Art Peterson 0, N. Spande J. E, Snavelsr Ve Se Kesdt I P . Dahlgren John Tracy JO~ Tracy E. Schnaelv John Benson L, Stolmaa S. J, Roberts Dr L, Ide Canpbell J, E. Reimann C. E', Prescott George A. 3.llson 3erz.B. Boore J, 6. Duggan De E', EScGxzire 8. S* JOY koad labor Special Police Officer Spacial Police Officer Village Earshalf, Village Earshall Labor with truck (garbage coll) Park labor Park labor Tractor aperator Raad labar Labor n7iLh team Raad labor labor repairing s id evitafks Raad labor UtiLity man Street Commissioner Village Health Officer Trus t ee Trustee Trustee Recorder Treasurer 312*80 45,OO 45,OO 125,oo 195,oo 18,75 74 8 80 46,OO 17,60 12,oo 35 e 20 76 80 100,oo 96,OO 25,OO 125000 115 E 20 25eOO 25eOO 25 00 75 00 25,OO Presiden% 35,OO Total Road & Village . $1 p 375 0 15 Total September expenditure $2,440*42, The matter of rate of pay for special police officers Zeydt and Spade WZS discussed at length by the Coulacil, after vhieh it vas moved Reimnn, their rate of pay 'be !.;90,00 per month, each to have one Eight off each two aeeks, motion seconded by Willson and carsieb, App1icaticP.n in form for building permit by Thea. Edstram to build a private garage vith gzrage doors on Lo$ 38, Black 17, Tingdalets 2nd. Addition, vas on motion 17ilfsoa be granted, seconded Prescott and carried, Permit to be issured vithout charge on acct low costr Application in form by 5s. A, on 5.10 acre tract, Section 339 T-l3I7-Rorth Range 21'Siest, Lot 4, vas on motfsn Billson be gran.t;ed, seconded Reimann and carried* Lo build a frame garage and barn Application in form for building permit by R. L, Bardwell-, to build a private dwelling on Lot 13; Block 7, CCD Fairway, 4624 Drexel ke,, was on motion Reimam, be grznted, seconded by Presctott and carrieda Application in form for building permit by Paul L. Covrell, Lo build a private dnelliq on Lot 26, Block-4, CCD Pairway, 4513 Casco Ave., was on motion Reimann, be granted, seconded Prescott and carriedo Application in form BOT building permit by Paul DmnaFaa, %a build a 12' x 22' addition to present private garage, at 4908 Stannyside Rdsp was oarrrcrtisnReirrram, be granted, seconded Prescatt gad carriede Application in form for buildir,g permit by R. A, Harvey, to build a prr-rate dwelling on of SQ of lW@ of Section 29, T117, Range 21, beipzg on Pn-berlacken Raad East of Interlacken Club, mi~s on motion Zrescott, be granted, seconded Reimann and carried, Lt W~S moaed by PreESCot%, that the Recorder purchase i?, double steel locker, for police in which to store arm, munition and other supplies for Police Dept, seconded by Reillrann and carrieds ft "vas moved Reimam, that check and warrank be dravn for -36625, in favur &rs C, A. HenphiII,, ia payment of rent for Ers Lub, living in Converse Add., Ebpkins, still a. legal resident of Edina, seconded by Presco$t and carriedr &lo%ion to adjourn carried at 11,OO l?X Village Recorder \* The desire of all members of the Council to make as lov a Tax Levy as posskble togather with adaquaPIe service tQ .the community vas expressed and whereupon Recorder Eoore, moved that t.he Tax Levy for a11 Village purposes, including Park Board, for the year 1934, set set a% *$30,OOOeOO~ or a reduct- ion of 32,000.00 over 1933, motion vas seconded by 3illsaa, and vas carried by affirmative vote of the three members of the Cauncil present, Eiimutes of the regular meeting of the Cauncil held OR Sept- ember 11, 1933, were read, as read, seconded by EcGuire and carried by affirmative vete of all meabers present, Ne further business to come before the meeting, mo%ion to adjourn carried st 10,05 PNe On motion Villsoa, be approved ? VLllage Recorder, Village Tiaxe Book ea~eriq period from January I, 1933 to September 9, 19331 vas placed in the vault for Village Record, Receipts Qctober 10, 1933, by Recorder and turned mer to Village Treasurer, 3. E. Gizey Justice' of the Peace 322*50 A, 3, Eoore Buildiag pernit' 1.00 1,oo E. €3, Tholzlas lt 11 Thecl* Edstram IS It le00 E. L, Baker I? a3 le00 Laura A. Day 11 It 1,oo He E. Dean IF rR (Bulk Gas SLa) 1,QO $ 28.50