HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-03-15 HRA Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES
MARCH 15, 2018
7:30 A.M.
Vice Chair Stewart called the HRA meeting to order at 7:33 a.m.
Answering rollcall were Commissioners Brindle, Fischer, and Vice Chair Stewart.
Commissioner Staunton arrived at 7:35 a.m.
Absent: Chair Hovland
Motion made by Commissioner Fischer seconded by Commissioner Brindle amending the agenda
by removing Consent Agenda Items V.C. Temporary Easement for 3945 West 49th Street, and
approving the Meeting Agenda.
Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart
Motion carried.
No community comment was received.
Motion made by Commissioner Fischer seconded by Commissioner Brindle approving the consent
agenda as revised to remove Item V.C. Temporary Easement for 3945 West 49th Street, as
V.A. Approve minutes of February 15, 2018, Regular HRA Meeting.
V.B. Approve Temporary Easement for 3918 Market Street.
V.D. Approve Request for Purchase for Environmental Services for 5146 Eden Avenue.
V.E. Approve Second Amendment to Private Development Contract for 44 16 Valley View Road.
Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart
Motion carried.
V.C. Approve Temporary Easement for 3945 West 49th Street
Economic Development Manager Neuendorf said the City was working with residents and business owners to
mitigate impacts to their property because of the north parking ramp project and the resident closest to the
ramp asked for additional improvements that staff has said no to but would like commissioners feedback. The
resident requested air condition, new windows and sound proofing for all the houses on the block to mitigate
noise. Commissioners concurred with staff because the noise level was not expected to be different after
construction; however, because they are committed to the noise ordinance, should things change, they would
address it later as needed.
Motion made by Commissioner Staunton seconded by Commissioner Brindle approving
Temporary Easement for 3945 Market Street.
Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart
Motion carried.
VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS — (Favorable vote of majority of HRA Board Members present to
approve except where noted).
VI.A. Edina Affordable Housing Manager Proposal
Executive Director Scott Neal asked the commissioners for feedback on hiring an affordable housing manager.
Director Neal said the strongest priority from the community on the City's last two Quality of Life Survey was
for affordable housing. He said the City has an affordable housing policy and a budget but does not have dedicated
Minutes/Housing and Redevelopment Authority/March 15, 2018
staff. He said the City would partner with the Housing Foundation and that they have already agreed to
contribute $.5M to support the position for the first five years. Director Neal noted that the City Council has
added five new positions with revenue streams to provide important services.
Commissioners discussed part-time vs. full-time; value the City is receiving from the five positions; the manager
would be a City staff; change in Housing Foundation's role; proposed salary and other costs. Commissioners
gave permission for staff to move forward.
VI.B. Edina Affordable Housing Policy Amendment Proposal
Executive Director Scott Neal asked for feedback from the commissioners on amending the Edina Affordable
Housing Policy. Regarding adding a 'buy-in,' Director Neal said this would be to add a specific amount that a
developer would pay if they did not include affordable units in their development. For example, the OPUS project
was to provide 25 units but instead they paid $2M or $85,000 per unit. Mr. Neal said he was proposing $100,000.
Commissioners discussed an amount equivalent to the cost of each unit; finding a balance that does not scare
developers away considering that Edina is the only city in Minnesota with this type of policy; collect payment
when the developer gets closer to closing on their final loan for the development, if they chose not to add
affordable units; sliding scale amount based on the median income being used by the developer; focus more on
partnering with developers like Aeon instead of high-end developers; amount seems arbitrary; would prefer
affordable units over buy-in. Economic Development Manager Neuendorf explained that the proposed amount
was arrived at based on an analysis by Ehlers of the Market Street project of estimated rent loss over 15 years.
He added that at least three large projects were in the queue and that they would need this for. Commissioners
gave permission for staff to move forward based on their discussion.
VI.C. Guidelines for Investing in Affordable Housing
Economic Development Manager Neuendorf said the guidelines would help staff when evaluating projects to
invest in and types of projects like Aeon.
Commissioners discussed using Tax Incremental Funds (TIF) vs Affordable Housing Funds (AHF) or both on a
project; the City is lobbying for legislation for access to more than 40% of TIF for affordable housing; does not
reflect creative ways to retain single-family homes (TIF funds cannot be used to buy single-family homes but can
use AHF); instead of listing preferred districts add a paragraph describing creative ways to retain affordable single
family housing without changing characteristics of single family neighborhoods. This item was tabled for staff to
revise and bring back later for approval.
VI.D. Amendment to Preliminary Development Agreement for 5146 Eden Avenue
Economic Development Manager Neuendorf explained that staff and developer needs more time to
understand financials because of several recent changes such as confirmation that Metro Transit is not
interested in a park and ride.
Commissioner Fischer made a motion seconded by Commissioner Brindle approving
Amendment to Preliminary Development Agreement.
Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart
Motion carried.
There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Vice Chair Stewart declared the meeting adjourned at
9:08 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Neal, ExecutiVe Director
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