HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330925_REGULARNinutes of the regular meeting of the CQUEC~~ af the Tillage of Edina, held on September 25, 1933, in Grange &ll at 8 PIEe The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll called and IcGuireB Villsoaz and Noore, were found present, Preacott and Xeimany~, absento 1Vlessrs Eermanson and Lindbury, were present and requested 'chat road sorb- be done on Xaldney A~enue, between the Blake Road and Pour 3''strrn Road, ohich was serered %Q the Road and Bridge Camitteeo 1% D~S I=oved by Villson, -that advances for Village and Road crew as indicated in time book by Recorder, mere correct, that same be a,lloned and paid, seconded by Eoore and carried by affirmative of all members presen%, ~t was maved by Wilkson, that check be dram in favor of Henry 3cBillinger fox. $56,10 to pay cost of 561 yards of-rsad gravel 0 log per yard, and used on Village Streets, seconded by Proore and carried by affirmative vote of a11 rknbzrs of the Council, ,4pglicrztian in form for buildizg permit, by Eugene Thorns, to build a garage building with garage doorso sot back 70 ft, on Lo% 4 Block 3, Code's Wig%zvie~~ was on aotiolz Yillson, be granted, seconded Tiloore, and carried by abflrmtfve vate of all members of the Colnnci1. -4pplication insform to build a private dnelliyzg on Lot 22, Boock ITomar~dale 2n4, Addet set back 35 feet, .was on notirsn 9illsoa be gra~Z%ed, aecoiided. by liifoore, and carried by affirmative vote of all rnenbe-ra of the Council, for )zuiIdLng permit by Theo, Eds*rom, Applicationsin form for building permit by A, R, I20ort.e~ 'to build an 8 ft, addition to present house, Lot 16, Aud's Sub, #1'761 was on motion I'Jilkson be graizted, seconded by Eoore, and carried by affirmative vote of all members of the Cou~cil, The matter of Village expenses and Viilllage Budget for the year 19343 aext cam before the Co;tr,Ezcii and received the careful aad deliberate consideratisn, The Recorder havqhg totaled all the coots for Village Gayerment togather nith the cost of each and every item of cost for the last several yearst each item being considered separately, The foflcming items and respective mc.wits of costs, were arrived at and agreed LIPOZL, ked grayel POQT Groceries Coal - poar Pire Dept services Pr=rks Yublis hed not i c es & printing 'I'ractor repairs Gas 2% Oil Rent3 Poor Farm Road labor Insurance Office supplies Snae Plaving Road supplies .$600,00 1500 eo0 500,OO 750 .OO 800 .OO 300 a 00 250,OO 750,OO 310 .OO 365,OO 200 B 00 6,000e00 300,OO 500,OO 50,OO Plumbing Inspectar 25 .OO ELe c% ions 150,QO Poor services s50,oo Police car 750,OO Engineor's services lO0,OQ f3arsWlhs-Police 4;500,00 Garbage Celbec%ion1,800,00 Assess OF 65OeUO Old &e PensioEs 430000 C0uncfZ 2 650 e00 . Village Attcrrney 500 e00 Street Lighting 4,608600 IIiS eelaneous 1OOeOO Page 271, J J Eirrutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village af Edina, held on September 25, 1933, were read. On modtion Presco-bt they be approved as read, seconded YJillscEn and carried, It was moved by Xecorder Xoore, that this meeting adjourn subzect to call by the President at any time previaus to the regular meet- ing om October 23rd. motion seconded by Trustee Tillson and carried. It being understood that in the event no call was made by the Pres- ident during the flakerimthat the regular meet- on October 25rd. would be held as usudl. Village Recorder, Receipts by EZecarder November 13p 1933, by. H. Gilkey J af P -50 It 6.75 Bawler 82 Uhrtin tl LeVa'retz Bras Plumbing permit 5.75 Building permit 1.00 14aQ6 I