HomeMy WebLinkAbout19331009_REGULARUiuutes of the regular meeting of the Coumcil of the
TJillrtge of Edirra, held in Grange Hall at 8 PN, on
October 3, 1933.
The meeting mas called to order by President EcGuire, the roll
called and all members of the Council were found present except
Trustee Reimam, who vas absent from the Village,
I'he Uiscellaneous bills upon due examination and 'being found correct
were on motion 9illson, be allomed and ordered paid, seconded by
Prescott, and carried. They are its folloms
Country Club Garage
his Uiorkiinson
Herman hvarre
Edina Feed Campany
Ninneapobis G. E. Company
Edina Grocery
Blsckbura i cke 1 s & Sni th
Ei 11 er -Davi s 'C ompafly
Hennepin County
PleLaorats Dry Goods
Glacier 3snd-Gravel Co
Standard Clothing Co
Hen-wpin Cau~ty Review
City of Uinneapolis
Wooddale Grocery
League Him, 3'iunicipalitiss
Gr egg I s Phamacy
Pi.'ockrsnd-t; Fuel-Lumbr. Co
Laird-Nebelthau Inc
DscBens Cam, Store
J, Sasperaon
'Ee Tl. Ilsrris
C, R. Blackburn
3ara ETo or e
R, J, Johnson,
Chaa Hay
Zn1ily B 0 Qachs I
Police car service .336,67
Rent for poor ' 10,OO
Rent for poor 10000
geed for poor (Hormadka) 12010
August Street lighting 383 , 73
Premium an Pal, Off, bands 3.0,OO Office supplies 2-c Lockers 21081
Poor Farm service 92,oo
Shoes for poor 4 e27
Sand eC cement 43,95
Unifarm czp 2,oo
Printing & Published notice k3,40
Police Badio serviec,Apr-Sept, 46.10
Groceries for poor 18271
. 1933 Year Book 5,OO
' Supplies 1,49
Cement 5.75
Plash light batterhes-bulbs 1,66
Road gravel 5.60
Gas-Oil. for tractors and
Palice caro less Pederal Tax 54*17
Spl, Election Officer & booths 8,OQ
Groceries for poor 55.33
Groceries for poor 24078
Clerk 9/12/33 election 5,40
w I1 5.40 It a
11 5a40 ' Judge 11
It -return of 11 i1
bd lo t s 6,40
%I 5,40
in 5940
5 .la0
Taka1 JXisel+ 3917,57
n, It 11 It
Clerk It tr
n 11 11
Judge It 1)
n IP 0 n
It It 11 'R
The kind and Trillage bills upon due er,amim&tian and being found c~r"ect mere on rncltian Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, sec-
oilded by 'Jillsan and cayrisd, They are 3s follovs
Art Peterson
0 Ne Spamde
3. 3, Heydt
P. A. Red.pkh
T. E. Tillie
R. E, Mieske
J. 13. S-mvely
John fracy
L, StoZzman
3. J. Raherts
?'J. S. Jay Dr Lowell FII. Camp'aell.
C. 3'. Prescott
5. E. Reirmnn
Georse Ae 'Zillsan
Ben B, Noore
John J. Duggan D. 8. McGuirc
E, Schillinger
20 days garbage collection
2 rnen with truck i>200 .oo
Spl, Police officer 90,oo
Spl. Police officer 90,oo 125,OO Village KarshaXll
Village Nrashall 105,50 Village Xar shall 30 . 50
Park labor 63,60
Sidewalk. labor 51e20
Tractor operator 16eOO %bar with team 51,20
Road Eabslr 34 e40
Utility man 56,OO
Street Commissia-aer 44.00
Village Health Officer ' 25,OO
Trustee 25,OO
Trustee 25,OO
Trustee 25.00
Recorder 75.00
Treasurer 25.00
Pres iden% 35,OO
Road gravel 56.10
Total Soad 8 Village 9 -!I p226 4 50
Application by Northwestern Bell Telephone Campany to set 4 poles
on Benton Avenue, between i7arden Avenue and Russell. Avenue held
up at September 25th. meeting on account that certain trees would
have to be cut or removedp was on motion Prescstt after investigatfon
with Trustee Villson, that permit be granted, seconded ?'!illson
and carried,
Ulessers Vesterberg arid others living on Russell Avenue
ajpeared before the Council requesting %hat additional road work be
done on Russell Avenue, Code's HighTim Park, which 19as refered to
the Boad SC Bridge Camnittee,
I Application by Hinneapolis G. E. Company, to set 3 poles on ';;Test 64th Stree-k, betmeen Ryan and Virginia Avenues, vas on motion IVillsaa
be granted, seconded Prescott and carried,
Applieation in form Tor building permit by E. L, Baker, to build
a private summer cottage at the end of the Schaffer Road and located on that part of the S-3'2 of SI&& of Section 30, Township 117, 1TortI.L
Range 21 Pest of the 5th Principal Eeridian, was on motion Presccrti; be granked, seconded Villsan and carried,
The matter of rent to be charge t'ne Village by Thorpe BrOs,, for use of the Tract Office in CCD for Village purposes and refered ta in letters by J, R. Thorpe dated September 25 and 29, 1933, vas: discussed hy the Cauncil, It was explained by Ur Tharpe that the -
Tract Office would not be kept open for Thapre Bros,, and that the
cost of electricity, heat, water telephone etc., 17as approximately
t$300,00 per year in nhich. the Village was asked to pay one half the
cost or $12.50 per rn~atb, It vias therefore moved by Prescott
that the offer of Thorpe 'Bras. be accepted on a month to mnth pasis, seconded by Uillson and carried,
The matter bf billing the Cauntry Club DistrZct Service Campany, in amcrmt $250,00, the annual sewer charge made the Village of Edina by the City of Einaeapolis for right to discharge senage into the
Binaeapolis sewer system, s&%d gee hp,vikig alP.Bac3y been paid by the
Village was discussed, Inasmuch as the Service Company was nm
making a quarterly charge to all sewer users of 50,d per quarter,
it was unaminously decided %hat %he Village should be reimbursed.
The matter of the improvement of the Minnehaha Creek Xi11 Porrd area
was discussed quite generally by the Cauncil and it vas decided that Better co-operation cauld he obtained with the lESclrrrnzittee of Citizens
and otners -+vorking on the project through a Committee of the Caumcil, Tt was thereupon moved by Trpskee WilXson, that Recorder nuore be appoinLed a Committee of the Council to handle arrangements and
details mittfi reference to the improvement of %he Xinnehaha Creek
Bill Pond Area area as the same may camera the Village Cou-ncil and
to report back 'to the Comcil, mation seconded by Trustee Prescat'c
alnd carried.
Application for Building permit by H. Em Dean, ta erect 2 - 11 ft* diameter by 21 ft, tanks and &€e fif x 8' pump hause far Bulk Gas Station to be located Best of the Xinneapolis, Northfield and
Southern HailsJay, South of the Old Bden Prairie Baad, and as loca-ked
by the Village Council on Railroad praperty, siad permit having been tentatively granted Beretaflare, was on motion Villson, be granted,
secoslded Prescott and carried,
&plication inntorm for Building permit by Laura A, Day, %a build a
grivate dwelling on SBa of
66th Street and Brance Avenue:, was on matfon Willson, be granted,
aeconded by Prescott and carried.
1% was rnaved that S. Lee, be giyea permit wi-tlmut fee to build a priuate garage ar ckeicken hause size 10 x 12 x 8 feet on Lot 4, Block
2, CQde'S High View Park, seconded Prescott and carried,
It gas moved 'Jillsarr that G. Ehlmberg, be given permit to'bnild a
privale garage and chicken house, size 16 x 30 x 7 feet on Lot 5*
Blo& 2, Code's Highview Park, cos.ting approximately 338.00, see-
onded By Prescott and carried,
Section 30, T28, 3-24, approxinately
(Cost $l!j,]
John Tracy S. Ta XcCready
P. A, Redpath
Ta B. Tillie
RL Se Heydt
0, Snande
Labor with' tern '
Road labor Village EnarshaAl
Vi llage Ear shall Police Officer Poliee Officer
$1 50 e 40
Dr, LoGll E. Canfpbell Village Health Officer 288 00
C. 3'. Prescott. Tr us tee 25.00
J, & Reimann Trustee , 25.00
George AS Rllson Trustee . 25.00
J3en Be Eoore Recorder 75.00
J. Je .Duggan Treasurer 25eOO .
De Fa ,lkGuire President zgeoo
Art Pqterson Labor with truck 120.00
T~tal Road and VillWm88e60
Bbr, C; I), Vilkinson and a number of, other residints, ~f BroiGdaie a Sunnygids, ELnd oa:es streets in thColrnLry Club dis$rict appeared befor$ *he council on behalf of We property omqers living on qr
near l@nneha3na Creek Xi11 Pond and presented 8 petition and an engineering report relative to the improvement of said 1;Till Ponda
It naq moved by Efoore that petition be accepted and all members
of the council be appointed an active committee to further mem completion of the project. Motton was seconded by PPrescott and
unaniqously c arrtede
Application as in form for building permit to'build private dvell-
fng toJr 33e J. Visely on lots 4 & 5, block 3, Eendelsshon. Xt res on motion Reimann, %e granted, and seconded b~i Refnann.
It wa- mcrv&dby Villson that a warrant and check in favor of ,Je :Ae
Brigxi be dram fn mount of @lOeOO for sen$ of premises ocrcupied
by Req Garvey for month of October. and carriedo
lt as moved by Reirnann that varrant and dheck in fi170r of P*
Daklgren in amouilt of $9.00 for use of auto and services as special policanan.
I% wai moved by Reimann that wrant and chebk in favor of bgdr
Borey,fn amount of &&e00 for services as police officer be dram and paide
It -9 moved 13s Prescott that the Recorder by authorized to pur-
cl7ase ,1,0(30 feet of snow fence and poetsjo V~I~SQYI and carriede
1% mi moved by Pyescott that FR street sign be ordtered and in-
stalled at \%st 50th Street and Halifax Avenue- Seconded by PJoore and carriedo c
Hinutes of the regular meeting held on Octo&er 9, 1933 were reed I
on mhtion Frescott they be appropd as .readp seconded by ViIlson ana cacrried.
Motion seconded by Reimann
Eotion seconded by Noore and carried.
Hotion seconded by Eoore and carrieda
Motion seconded by
.* ?-
TherL:being no father business tocome before the meeting;, qotion
vas m+de to adjourn and carried, 11 PbL
* Village Recorder