HomeMy WebLinkAbout19331212_REGULAR279 1 Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council, of the Village of Edina, held in Wgnge Hall at 8 PUS on December 12, 1933. Tke meeting f7as called tb order by the President and all members of the Coundil were present except Trustee Reimam* =so JiL We Harris and Nrse Do F. 3dcGuire appeared before the Council dth a proposition that if the Council would furnish certain materials a number of ladies whom they represented t70U1d be glad to make up the material into maring apparet for dis- triaution to the pooro The ladies vere advised to subit a list . of materials to Wustee \7illson who was authQrized t6 purchase and otherwise .* use his discretiono The. road'and village bills; upon due examination and being found correct mere on motion Prescott , be allomed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson, and carriedo They are as f0110t78: .. We S, JOY Street Commissioner $88.00 Road labor 61.20 82075 Road la%or with team 125060 130*00 VI llage Narshall 125.00 125.00 TI. S. Heydt Police Officer 90 00 S. Sodergren Carpenter labor 18000 Re J. Johnson Road labor 3.20' D. F, NcGuire President*December 35.00 Je Je Duggan Treasurer 25000 Ben Bo Noore Recorder 75.00 250 00 C, Po Bescott * Trustee 25000 So J. Iioberts Utility man 100.00 Le Stcrlzlman f. P, A. Redpa"& *. 09 M. Spaqde Police Officer 9oeoo Rsllin WCready Road labor 1.20 Pe Bhlgren Tractor operator John Tracy Art Peterson Labor with truck To E. Tillie Village Marsh11 George A, %illson !bustee I)r, Lowell N. Campbell Health Officer Xiscellsneous bills -ere on motion Willson, be allowed and odered paid Prescott, and carried. They are as follo278: Jo ;E. Reimann *US Lee 25.00 --?F$2* To tax Road & Village upon due examination and being fotmd correct seconded by Chae. T. Hay &so &rl Poster George A, 17illson Nrs, Arthur Straite hily B. Sachs Fred GY@~@I~+ J, 59, Newburn 3? 2Z. Ellison Lulta B. Jarvis C. 2. 13lackburn Grant Collier' & 1% Harris VPC tor Irgens .. Bren Hardmre Coo Earsh Bc XcEennan He YI. Darr Justus Lumber Coo S & &I Tire Company Auto mectric Supply COO Hennepin County C. 9. Lindquist aina Hardware 3, 3. Hennessy Co. Country Club Garage Hennepin County Review Laird-Nsbelthau, fnc. Minneapolis G E Company 0. N. Spmde Judge of Jilection Judge of Rection ' Judge of Election Clerk of ELection Clerk of ZLection Judge of Zlection Judge of JBection Judge of ZLection Clerk of ELection Clerk of section Arranging booths & spl officer Cora vood Gas 8s oil for tractors, police Dynamite Premium insurance Rent Lumber Tires for Police Car Repair magneto + Poor Farm service Black smi thi rig Road koobs-and 8UpplieS Lumber Police' car service Ballots and Published notice Btteries November street lighting Nine loads manure car 6040 6.40 6040 60 40 6048 60 40 6040 60 40 60 40 6e40 8000 4000 37075 3.75 18000 18000 290 20 33.44 6000 91.00 67 o 42 55.79 9084 230 56 Be 48 394.72 $1025 18.50 Snowfence & Posts $7 28 57 afrac ~BF repairs 16053 Pire DepL Service 107 0 10 Office & msction mpplies 5.20 I Ren% Road oiling & tar Castage c% Feed Groceries Tor poor GrocerieEs for poor Grocexies for poor Shoes for poor Groceries for poor Groceries -for poor Csel for poor Coal for poor DynmL te Road toole 3c suppliers Rent for poor Total Hiscellmeous The matter of snova-pfwkng Le paved streeta of the V next discussed by the Cotancil, ttrhereupon it was moved Ilage was by Prescott Communication on behalf of the Standard Accident Xnsurance Company regarding bond guaranteeing payment of fire protection to the city of Minneapolis was read and propastisla diactssBed, vhereupon it pdas moved by Prescott, seconded by VXillsem and carried by an affirmative VQ%@ of all the members presentp th$ the Preafden$ and %corder of the Village Council are authorized to execute a, bond to the City of EIinneapolis, a Municipal Corporraplion in the Cow$y.:of Hennepin and State Of Xinnesots, in the sm of One Thousand -=e ($3.,000eOO) Do1lars to guarantee the payment to said City of Ninneapolis of bills rend- ered b$ said City of Minneapolis for fire protection including labor and $he use of fire apparatus of thecity ofxinneapolis, to aid Village of Edine, for the year ending Bcember 31, 1934; and the :” action of the President and Recorder of this Cbuncib in executing said bo& under date of D.?cemlaer 11, 1933, is hereby in all things ratified a.nd conflmecL I A petition was received from ckrtain residents living in Browndale Park for a street Zltght to be installed on %st 44 Ste between Borndale Avenue and Glenn Place on motion Villson seconded by Prescott, and carriede !Be matter vas. referred to the Recofder and 1 President with power to act, Application by the Dlifnneapo3.i 8 General Bectric: Company for permission to set three poled or? Yest 662;h Street in the vicinity of Nomandale -B1vde and Sherwosd Avenue, was on motion Wi13son9 be granted, aeC- onded by Prescott and carriede Application by the Northwestern Bell Telephone Corapany for permission to set one pols on 65th Street b&%;r~eara Xormandale B1vdo and Sherwood Avenue, ims on motion Prescst.P;, seconded by Villson, and carried. XinrtteEs of the reguBar metting of the Counkil held on Novernber 2.3 wm8 ’ifead, on motion Prescott they be approved as resdp seconded by _- PJlrflaon and carriede BBintatezt of the regular metting ofthe CounciX held on November 27 were read and carried. OI-I Notion %llso-ta they be apr~ved as reade seconded by Preseott On account of the next meeting ~f .the Collncil coming on Chriatmad Dqyl it waa mo-tled by allson and seconded by Fresco%% that that regular meeting of the Council scheduled for Decerrdber 25$ 1933 be held at the time of the firs.t meeting in January to be held on January 8 1934 and th& the Recmder and %he President be au%hori~ed to issue warrants and the Weasurer to issue checks for theusual semi-monthly advanced to village employeese There being no further business to come .before the meeting, nation TJBB made ts adjourn and carried at 11 PM. 281 Off'icem elected to 8eme tihe Vilfago December SI., 1934, af the hnua% VPllege of Edina, period January 1, 1934, %to 1. ELectfen held .on December 5, 1933, .. AI1 the above elective officials were du3y smrn fn on December 12, 1933. Village Recorder The Elhd of this bOQko 3 For minutes of meetings held hereafter please see nerr book begining January 1, 19346 . . . Ninutes Of The C0’l;ncil of the Village of aim Hennepin County Hbmneaota Begining