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Uinutes of the regular meeti.ng of the Council of the Village of Edina
held in Grange Hall at 8 PX, on
January 8, 1934.
The meeting vas called
and all meabers of the
to order by the President, the raJ.1 called
Council were found present.
TDe Rbad~'&LV-i.LLageWlls upon due examination and beinp found. correct
mere on motion Premott, be alloved and ordered paid, seconded by
Villson, and camied. They are as follows:
R. E. Olson
>- R. Soreneen
S. 5. Roberts
V. S. Joy L. Stolzrnan P. Dahlgren
Art Peterson John Tracy P. A. Redpath
T. E. Tilly
Y. S. Heydt
John Tracy Rollin HcCregdy
Dr. Lone11 K. Cempbell
L. R. Blackburn
C. F. Prescott George A. Qillson Ben B. Eoore
1 J. J. Duggan
D. F. UcGuire
a 0. Id. Spande
Labor rrith truck Labor
Utility man
Street Commissioner Road labor
Tractor operator Labor with truck Labor vith team
Village Barshall Police Officer
PbIkeeWff icer
Police Officer
Road labor Labor
Health Officer
Trustee Trustee Trustee p.I
1 Treasurer
8 6.00
100 * 00
130.00 ,91020 125 00
125-00 90.00
25.00 25.00
25.00 75.00
President 35.00 Total Road B Village bills $1193.50
The bill 0% Geo. T. Strong for services as Village Attorney for the year 1933 received tae attention of the Council. After die-.
cuasion it FJEE agreed to allorr Ur. Strong $150.00 additional remuneration to tne $25.00 per month as &greed and arrwged for
et the January 23, 1933 meeting, vnereupon it WEE moved Preecott that cneck be drzm in mount of $450.00 in faqor of Geo. C. §tronp in full payment for services as Village Attorney for the year 1933.
Eotion vas seconded by Blackburn and carried.
The Lliecellaneoue bills, upon due examination and being found comrect were on motion Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded b)~ FJilleon and carried. They 'are as follorrs:
David UcKenzi e Joyce Insurance, Inc.
E. fl. Hmris Edina HardrJsre Paulson Bros.
Country Club Garage Edina Feed 00, Hennepin County Review
Acct. CVA 20.60
Premium on bond 5.00 Gas for tractors & nolice car 56.38
mrdware & Road suplies 15.60
Dynamite 6.40
Police car service & repairs 71.44
Salt 6.80 Pub. Financial Statement and Notices 230.50 Poor supplies 1.19 Sand 13.50 Services Village Attorney1933 450-00
Lumber 65.09 Tract or part s 8.00
Groceries for poor 22.16
GCJA Supplies 5.11
Police listing 3.00 Street Sign 9.85 Blacksmithing' 18.50
Groceries for poor 14.70
Police radio 27.85
Premium on bonds 20.00
Off ice 5.25 Street lighting Deceaber 382.72
Premium on bond 15.00
Engineering services 95 .. 00
Gregg'F PharrslPcy Glacier Sand d Gr. Go. Geo. 3. Strong Justus Lumber Go. TI. H. Ziegler Co.
Vooddale Grocery
Eelson's Dry Goods
N-V Bell Telephone Go.
Lyle Signs
C. A. Lindquist L. A. Xc01ellnn
Lem Bonn Company
B la c kburn-1Ti ck e 1 F & Sini t h
Xiller-Davic Go.
Minneapolis G. E. 00.
Fred L. Gray 00.
Albert Graber
Village St. Louis Park Dockenls Shore Edina Grocery
KoekBsh Hardware Bren Hardware
Young Fuel Go.
Phillpot-Bailey Co.
Mrs. ChaF, Ireland
Grant Collier
W. F. Garvey
Tri sler LC Grocery
BelPon I s Shoe Store Xrz. Iver Ruther
Helen Johnson
Fire Dept. Service
Groceries for poor Groceries for poor
Road supplies Xower parts
Coal for poor
Coal for poor Acct, CWA
Cord mood
Road supplies Groceries for poor
Shoes for poor
Rent for Door
71.13 65.19 4.75 4.40
98.08 5.75
21.30 11.71
12.00 St enogra.p'hic services 8.30
Total Niscellaneous bills $2077.03
Co--munication dated January 5, 1934 by Ch~s. T. By making
a~ dication-for license to operate a retail "off sale" liquor
store vas read and placed on file.
An armlication dated. January 6, 1934 by L. R. Nolan for "off sale"
liquor license was received and placed. on file.
Letter dated December 13, 1933 by Er. Fred If. Cnaee complimen'ting the Council for its good work in the management of Village affairs,
and particulaxly with respect to its financial condition, was read.
Letter dated December 15, 1933 by Dr. F. penton Nnite complimenting -Q the police officers assigned to night duty was read to the council.
It WBP Izoved by Blackburn that the President and Recorder be auth-
orized to issue warrant and the Village Treasurer to issue check
and pay in amount $1564.00 to cover redemption of tao b$500.00
iaarrantc due as of Januzry 1, 1934 and $564.00 as interest on
$9400.00 for one year at 6%, the same beinp the annu31 Drincipal reduction of interest payment.of Lateral Esaer Districts No: 1 and Xo. 2, seconded bv Willson and carried.
Bill presented by C. SI Deaver on behalf of DorotbyLDeaver covering
two thousand yards sand. presumably removed from the southvest
quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, section
18, T 28, Range 24 in amount of $1000.00 was on motion by Prescott, be returned as being a transaction in which the Council of the Village of Edina mas not involved. Seconded by Willson and carried.
Columbia Casualty Company continua-tion certiEicate SfFBR-6394 in behalf Mr. N. R. Bass, constable, was accepted and placed in the
Csl1Jmbia Caeualty Company continuation certificate #FB-66784 on behalf Ben. B. Moore, Village Recorder, mas accepted and pleced in
tne vault.
1 x
w n 0
Colurnbia Casualty Company continuation certificate #FB-5€3129 on
behalf W. H. Gilkey, Justice=of Peace, mas accepted and placed in
the vault.
Connecticut Fire Insurance Company' e plice #1-LISP-240827 covering
fire and tneft insurance on Model 15 Caterpillar Tractor and Wehr- Fordson Grader was placed in the vault.
Trustee Prescott advised he had arranged for the removal of the I?. H. Corbeht Family, residents of the city of Hinneapolie, on the
basis of the Village paying one month's rent in advance and groceries
to last forty-eight hours.
Hinutes o.f tne regular meeting of the Council held on December 12,
1933 mere read., on motion Willson they be approved-as read, seconded
by Blackburn and carried.
Trustee Prescott offered the following reeolu i on an6 rfloved its
"Resolved that the Midland Nahional Bank and Trust Compeny of
Minneapolis, be and is hereoy selected and designated as a
depository of the Gsneral Fund of the Village of Edina for'the
' period of this date and ending December 31, 1934, on the ex- ecution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of
Edina, or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount- sufficient to ten percent in excess of the maximurii eurn de-
posited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Council of the Vilhge of Edina and filed in the office of
the Village Recorder 02 in the event 02 coll8teral being furnished in lieu of a surety bond in a place of safe keeping
satisfectory to the Village Council and thereupon the Village
Trea.eurer shall deposit all or any wrt of the Village moneys in such b2nk.11
The motion na~ duly seconded by Trustee Billson and carried.
Trustee Prescott offered the following reeolution and moved its.
ad0.p t i on.
"Resclved tnat tne EXdland National Bank and Trust Company of
LAit:neapolis, be and is hereoy selected and designated as a
depository of the (3rier Fund for the Village of Edina for the period of tnis date and ending December 31, 1934, on tne ex-
ecution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of
Edina, or tne fmishing of legaik collateral in an amount
sufficieot to ten percent in exceFs of the maximum sum de-
posited, said bond or said collateral to be amroved by the Council of the Village of Edina and filed in the office of
tQe Village Recorder or in the event of collateral being
furnished in lieu of a surety bond in a place of safe keeping
satisfactory to tie Village Council and thereupon the Village
Treasurer shall deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in cuch bsnk.
The motion va.s duly seconded by Trustee Fillson a.nd carried..
Trustee Prescott offered the folloving resolutinn-:and moved its auop t i on. IlResolved that the Ilidland National Bank 2nd Trust Company of Minneapolis, be and is hereoy selected and designated as a
depository of the FairKay Fund for the Village of Edina for the period of this date and ending December 31, 1284, on the ex- ecution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of
Edina, or the furnisning of legal collateral in an amount
sufficient to ten percent in exces.s of the maximum sum de-
posited, said bond or said colla,teral to be approved by the
Council of the Village of Edina and filed in the office of
furnished in lieu of a. surety bond in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council pnd therewon the Village
Treasarer sna-11 deposit all or anv Dart of the,Vi118ge moneys
in such b;J.nk.tf
. the VillPge Recorder or in tne event of coflsfeml being
The motion ws duly seconded by Trustee IVilleon snd carried.
Trustee Prescott offered tne follorring resnlution and moved its
IIResolved th3t the Eidland ELational Bank and TrusZ Company of Ninneapolis, be and is hereby selected and designated as a
depository of the Lateral Sewer Districts No. 1 and Xo. 2 Funds for the Village of Edina for the period of this date
and ending Decernoer 31, 1934, on the exeoution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of Edina, or the furnishing of legel collateral in an amount sufficient to ten percent in excess of the maximum su! deposkCdd, said bond or sail collat-
eral to be approved by the Oouncil of the Village of Edfna md filed in the office of the VillPge Recorder or in the event of
collateral being furniehed in lieu-of a surety bond in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council and there-
upon t.ne Viilzge Treasurer shall deposit all or any part of
the Village moneys in such bank.fl
The motion vas auly seconded by Trustee 'Jiilson and carried.
It nas moved Blackbun %hat there :be c'2eBf;ad a~co~it~ee.l~of;Fublic Belife$ df ;BWlCbunci$f rno%fOXP$3eQQn&dihy Lfoojcle and carried& -I, -
It was moved Blackburn that Trustees Wiiieon and Prescott be
kppofnted Cduncll -Goramittee of Public Relief erith full poner to
act and report to the council, motion seconded by Moore and carried.
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It vas moved Blackburn that Lulu M. Jarvis be apgointed relief
worker to serve under the Committee of Public Relief at the rate
of $50.00 per month which to'include use of automobile. Motion seconded by Moore and carried.
It was moved Moore tha,t a Fire Committee be creqted of the Council. Notion seconded by Villson and carried.
It was rnoved Pdoore that Trustees Blackburn and Prescott be appointed Committee on Fire with full power to act and report to
the Council. Kotion seconded by Willeon and carried.
It was moved PreEcott that Trustees Blackburn and Willson be
appointed the Police Committee of the Council with full power
to act and report to the Council. Eotion seconded by Xoore
snd carrigd.
It vas moved TIillson that Blackburn and Moore be apDointed $anitation Comaittee witn full power to act and report to the
Counci.1, Motion seconded by Psescott and carried.
It mas moved Blackburn that Committee of the Council to be known as the Minnehaha Creek Developernent Committee be appointed. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried..
It mas moved Blackburn that Recordem @ooze and Trustee Rillson
be appointed Minnehaha Creek Developement Committee, Notion
seconded by Prescott and carried.
It was moved .Moore that Trustees Presoott and tb;rilleon be con- tinued as tne Council Comrflittee of' Rozd and Bridges. The motion
ma.s auly seconded DY Blackburn, whereupon the motion was ruled out of order by the-presiding officer. Recorder Noom appealed from the ruling chair. At th&>s point Trustee Prescott offered a substitute motion to refer the-matter to the Villape Attorney.
Kotion withdramn by MooiDe, second withdrawn :y Trustee Willson duly seconded the motion referr the Village Atkorney nbfah was duly carried.
Trustee 'ing the Bfq&oBbnEn. matter t 0'
It was moved by Prescott that the Hennepin County Review be
designated. as the official newspaper for the Village of Edina
for the coming year. Motion seconded oy I,I*rxcre amd. carried.
It V'BP inoved tnat Alexander and Bradley be appointed Village
Engineers on fee basis for the year 1934. Notion seconded. t3y
Moore end carried.
It 17.9s moved DY &@ore that W. G. Christianson be reapDointed Pikumbing Inspector with full power to act and' enforce ordinances at the rate of ~ay of $1.00 for each inspection. Iiotion was
seconded by Willson and carried.
Diecubsion on the subject of garbage collection and disposal .resulted in the general agreement to continue the present arrange- ment .:
It was moved by Villson that Geo. V. Stronebe reappointed Tillage
Attorney for the vear 1934 at a salary of' $25.00 per month b0
cover ordinary routine matters and tha.t anv other matters of major
importance such as a law-suit against tne Villape to be cnarged in addition. Uotion ~zs seconded by Moore and carried.
It was moved by Blackburn that Dr. Lowell Id. CampPell be re- a-mointed Village Health Officer for the year 1934 at a salary of
$25.00 per month. Eotion seconded by Prescott and carried.
Iflrustee Preacott moved that the dalary of the Village Treasurer
for the year 1934 be set at $25.00 per month. Eotion seconded by Yiiison end carried.
Trustee Willson moved that the salary of the Villpge Recorder for the yezr 1334 be set at $75.00 per month. IJotion seconded. by
Blackourn and carried.
Trustee Prescott suggested the matter of tne apoointment of Street
Commiskioner be neld over pending rulkng oy the Village Attorney
on the appointment of the Road and Bridges Committee.
It gas moved by Willeon and seconded by Eloore tmt S. J. Rooerts
be rearqointed as Utility Ean, to serve as tne Road and Bridges Committee rnay elect during the year 1934 at the salary of $lOO.OO
per month and carriea.
It was moved by Blackburn that P. A. Redpath be reappointed Village
Lferehsll for the yecr 1934 at a salary of $125.00 per month, -chat
T. E. Tilly be reapuointed @ice officer for tne year 1934 at
a salary of $125.00 pes month, tnat V. S. Heydt be reapDointed
police officer at a salary of $90.00 per montn, that 0. z;f. Spende
be reappointed police officer at a salary oi 890.00 per monttl, ell to serve directly under Police Uornmittee. Motion seconded by
TTillson and carried.
It vas moved by Tillson tnzt the rate 02 pay for labor Eith team De set at 80$ per nour. Eotion was seconded by I4oore and carried.
It vaP moved by Prescott that the rate of pay for road and labor
De set at 45@ per 9our. &tion seconded og liloore and carrieo.
It vas moved uy PreEcott tnat P. Dahlgren be reappointed tractor operator for tm r?-ar 1'334 at the race of SS$ per hour. Eotion
seconded by Eoore and carried.
It vas moved by PrIscott tha~t IT. J..Oxboro be reannoinxed special
carried. police officer for the year 1934. ?!Lotion seconded by Eloore and *.
It vas moved tnat Ed. Port be reappointed special police officer for tne year 1934. Xotion seconded by Moore and carried.
Trustee Prescott moved tnat Joseph Rush be reappointed special police officer for tne year 1334.
carried. Motion seconded DIT Xoore and
20 further businzss to come Defore tne Council, motion to adjourn
carried at; 11:55 PI€.
\ Village Recorder
Receipts by the Recorder
December 1933
W. H. Gilkey
8 Filing Fees J of P 86.50 Vi llage Elect i on 8.00
January 1934
Bowler & Martin
V. H. GilRey H. M. Peterson
Id. J. Johnson
Loui s Ham son
Anton Duoos
B. A. Goetze
School District $17
4613 Edina Blvd 6 .OO J of P 11.00
4901 Bruce 1.00
4634 Bruce 1.00
4526 Drexel 1.00
4523 Wooddale 1.00 4617 Noorland 1. GO