HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340122_REGULARMinutes of the regular rileeking of the Oouncil of the Village of Eaina held in Grange H~11 at 8 PIS, on Jmuary 22, 1934 7 I ,' The meeting ::'as called to order by tne President and 811 * rnembere of the Council were found -oresent. Severz.1 resid-ents in the neiFhborhood of Halifax Avenue and West 50th St. anpeared before the Council vith the request that a more definite progr?m of fire nr?tecti.on, vhich after discussion me moved by Boore tha,t the matter be left to the Fire Committee. Motion seconded by Willeon snd. carried. JXr. C. D. Vilkinson, chairman of Planning and Progect Comaittee, and tvit'n others, apneared in the ma.tter of the KinnehRhP Creek Nil1 Pond Area being deeded to the Village by TLiorm Bros. After coneidsrable discussion it was moved. Noore t%at tile proposition oe favorably received and referred to a comtittee of tne Council ae a -hole and the Village Attorney, to get new detzils from Thorpe i3ros. nhich may be acted. u.pon at en ad- journea ?fleeting of the Council to be neid on Jclnusry 29, 1934. hio tion seconded by Bhckburn and duly, 'carried. Cnaiman Vilkinson also presented preliainary 6Pta concerning tne dotrestic supoly of tirater for the Countrv Cluo District Area and presented petition signed bv aDproxiaately 175 repidents remesting the Council to pr0vid.e a new water eupoly syetera, the inetallation of wells, pumps, etc. It W~E tnereupon moved. PrFscott that oetition oe acceoted. Xotion seccnded oy Xoore and carried. It WBE moved Villeon that tne advances oe mae the road crew and police officers as indicated by the Recordef in the ViliaFe Time Book. ltotion seconded by Prescott and carried. Sr. Boven ap-oeared before the Council on beAelf of Interlachen Club and stated this Club would desire an "On S~le'l iard:liauor license. The :natter 02 the adoption of a IIHaxd Liauor" ordinance next received tne attention of the Council. 'VhereuDon and after discuseion it was moved Blackburn that the Village Attorney be instructed to draw up a imrd liauor ordin~nce which mould ;e considered by the Council at an adjourned iieetinp to be held JFnusry 29, 1934. Kotion seconded by VJillson and; carried. Uinutee of tne regular meeting of tne Council held on JmuFry 8 were read, on motion Prescott be amrove6 FF read. Seconded by ru'illson and carried. The matter of tne poaer of tile President of the Villace Council to apooint committees and especialiv toe right to be chairman of the Roads and Bridges Cormittee referred to the Village Attorney by action of the Council e-f: the :iieetinp held on JEnuary 8 was ansrrered by writ,-en opinion of the Villa.@ Attorney, Xr. Strong, dated January 17, 1'3334 as ~ollovs: "The specific powers of the village officers are derived from st3tutes. Swtion 1186, Easonls ldfinnesota S-katutes 1927, provides: "The Village Council shall be composed of five merubem of Thorn three eliall oe a quorum and shall nave Dower to adopt, amend or repeal all such orGinances, rules and bv- lam as it snall deem expedient for the folloving ~urposefi: 1 - To regulate the mode of its own procedure and to fix thre conmensation of its emloyees when not Otherr-iiee prescrroed." !'The section quoted above gives the council pot~i=~ to adopt rules and by-lams for its own governznce. Otnerviee the sower inherent in the council mst De exerciped DV tnpt oody through a majority vote. I do not anyvhere find power conferred upon the preeident as such to ZpDoint any I 8 comraittee or en37 officer of any kind out all such PpTointaents must be zTlade by and tarough tne action of the council itself by a majority vote.” Signed: George V. Strong, Village Attorney. The above opinion giving the Council through a majority vote poner to apsoint all cormittees, etc. vas accepted ba all rnemoers of the Council. \Vaereu.oon it vas moved by L’oore tnat Trustees Premotr, and 3illFon oe apoointed end continued ils Council Committee of Roads and 3ridgee. btion seconded by Blackourn end carried. It mas moved. \‘/illson tnat Ralph J. JohnFon be qmointeci Stre?t Comfiiesioner for tine vear 1334, to ueco~e ei’fec-bive upon his oeing relieved of the CTA foremanship with selary to be determined later. riotion seconded by Blackbwn and carried. Trustee Preecott reported at length on the Relief Bork in the Village and of tne activities of tbe Committee of Poor Relief and 1%. L. E. Jarvie, relief worker. On amount of tue next regular rneeting of the Council felling on Feoruary 12, Lincoln’e Birtaday, it mar mved oy Yillzon that said aeeting be neld on Tuesday, February 13. Eotion seconded by Prescott and carried. It zas moved Villson that this meeting adjourn to meet perin at tile same tiixe 2nd place on Jsnusry 29, 1534. Motion seconded by Xoore snd carried. Village Recorder Hinutes of an adjourned meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held on Jenuslry 23, 1934 in Grange Aall at 8 PM. The meeting nes called to order oy tne PresicJent, tae roil vas called 2nd all iilemers rlere tound present. Er. a. D. BilkinFon, cnairwn, and other me.’iltj?rs of tae Planning Committee and many residenzs of $,.e Country Club Disbzict Ar?a zp-oeared before %ne Council and presented a letter addressed to tae Council signed by Kr. S. SL Tnorpe, president of Tnorpe .3ros., tendering the deeding of tae Einnehaha Creek Xi11 Pond Area of about 19 acres lying De- tneen the dem at old Vest 50th Street and Hieaway Eo. 5. After consideraale discupsion tjy a11 present concerning such f items as floaage riseits on lots alrePdy .laid out 2nd extending into tne Greek bed, tne Dossioilitg of an interjTening strip of lznd oetneen the rear of lots fronting on Brovndale Avenue, Edgebrook Place Pnd Sunnyside Ro~d, and the edre 02 $he dm, funds for maintenance, etc. were among tile subjects. discussed. Truztee Tillson moved above Fgid letter dated Januery 29 be accepted and as said letter preeen-cs severel new phases concerning the z”i.11 Pond eituation, thpt it -ould seem that the governing body of the Villaye and Taorpe Bros. are not far apart in their understanding and agreement. Elut; as neu questions requiring additionaPlinformtion nad arisen rnzt tne fia-~er oe rtferred to B committee to consult rrith J nnen at a ;leigat equal to the top of tne old 5Otn Street f I I