HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340213_REGULAR14 Xinutea of the rqular msting of the Council of the Village of Edin? held in Grange Ha11 ;It 8 P2, on February 13, 1934. Plrs, L. E. Jpr?lie., recently cnoointed. VillPge Relie? --orker, arsoesrzd ;=2fcre c-is Council TitLi 2 very comle'ie end ???is- z'pctory report coverinp ~11 relief aork xor tne month of Jznuary. Ere. Jf r'Tie v?s comolimented by Feverp1 r:icvbers of the council for her excellent servicee rnd her rxmrt we C;uly Iiled -it5 the Recorder. The miscellpneous oiPls, uoon due cxmifnrtion ;.nd being found correct, "?re an motion gillson be rllor7ed 2nd or6ered wid.. Seconded b;r PrFscott and carried. Tiey 2re 8s follorre: Carl Olson Edina Grocery Philpott-Bciieg Go. E. 17. Harric Docken s Cann- Store Pederson Ercz. Tooddale Grocery Ycung Fue3 00. Triskrls Grocery L. A. XcLeilan Xi lle r--Di)~i s CO . 3nce2poliE AbFtrsct Co. Ch~s. Xiller end Son Albert Graber Le i rc3-23e'ue lthm , Inc . Glacier Send Gr. Co. Country Gluo Garpge Ti. F. Gervey Dphloere 9ros. Inc. J. Z. Hennesq Go, Edins Kerdr;eye Hennepin COU -;ti7 Rmi ET C. A. Linduuist City of Xiniizzoolis Eelson e Dry Gclode Univercity 02 ;-inn. GrPnt Collier ESins Feed Co. Kiinni?a3oiis G. 5. Go. Village St. Lmir Psrk Kinnekha Grznge Groceri@r for poor $74.56 Groceriec for noor 44.88 Coal for Door 147.00 Ggs-oil tr~c-bc~s, Police cr"r IPFP tax Grocerieg for Door ::ilk for poor Groceriee I'cr ooor Coel for poor Groceries for poor Groceriee for -goor Office supplies Abstract s Rozd euvolies Sngineerinp services Police FUD -.lie2 Sznd Police cpr ??mice & repi re Road suplies Police cr?r ec"rvice S en er p i p e Police & Roa6 eu-opliee Pub. notices Blackwii thing Annua 1 Sem r Chc? rge Relief eupplies Inmlin for Qoor Cord nood Hauling h w1t 54.61 52.11 2.52 22.59 97.40 7.68 15.219 2E. 55 1s. 75 3.00 69.00 1.78 51.75 42.02 7.20 .55 2.35 24.65 52.45 13.2.9 250.00 18.34 17.75 4.m 7.95 Januarg Street lighting 384.92 Fire DeFt. service 70.00 1/2 year rent spl meetings 79.00 1/2 gear rent tool aouee 37.50 Total Idiscellaneous Bills $1700.44 Coumunication oated Febrwry 13 from A. C. Statt, xewger of the Courntry C1ub;Lo tne effect tmt ~e zed lessed tlie dining roo% and cafe Pzcilities to :'m. 3rie tell^ 2nd her FO~, EdTard Tiells YJ~E rPad. The ourpose of tais transzction cein;r, that 3s. 'tTf.11~ Ea6 son :iiigat oozain an "oi> ~rle'l liauor license. In EF m~.cn as tbestate 13.1.: specifies t.i3t C~~J.OE, and not individuels, might be licensed to sell lion FPiP liquor in toe Village of Edins, tiie imtter VTE rez?rrt?r? to '-be Village Attorney for inveeti *ation an6 renort. .. Village of Edina, covering a period of one 2nd one-half .' ,: .* -. J "'* ' (. montm 2nd. expiring a.t noon on Epril 1, 1134. The aatter VBS discussed by the council, Fiiereu-gon it vas moved Blackburn taat an "off sale'' ;bstailerf I lirru-or license be issu-ed tx Xay and Stenson Co.:;gmy. Xotion seconded by 2nore and carried. Lir. Victor Irgens a.ppea.red before the council on oe2elf of tge rssid,=.nts of hie neighborhood asking- t~8t a fire plu'q x installed at Vest 50dcii St. snd. iYalifex Ave. 'iiiattes WPS referre,d. to %Lie Village R.;-c=order to take um vita tAie Country Cluo District Service Co:r~r~;:nv, ovmers of tile r.7atz.r franchiee. G'nairmn ;:'ilkinFon zdpcea.red eef'ore tile council end reported the cornc:ittee azvne6 at t:ic last cou.ncil iiieeting nad riiet for t:ie purpose of ciarifving tt-2 terms xtd conditions undzr ?.r;iicn 'ifnorpe Bros. nou-ld. tender the Fill Pond Area and. mder vhich the Village of Kdina. nig:it accept. After furtiler discussion Recorder Zoore offer20 the Poliowinp reeolution and aoved its adoption: T~le ~y J flThaTCouncil of tne Village of Edina acceDt tile offer of lEhorpe Broe. 70 deed to the ViP1,ope of Edina csrtain property knom as ?,:innemha Creek Bed., s~id offering oeing more fully drscriced in tneir letter deted Feorwrv Stiz, 1934, -.iiich letter iE 6.ade e pprt of tnis Pesolution and reads as follows: "1'11 consid5ration of your wving taken steps to clern out 211 dearie rvl6 ruzaish, md to reline E-pots ia the IZimenahFt Creek 3~56 vit,h clay, hereinafter d.escriGed, and in concid.eration of your completing tvis qork proriiptly, ?nil in considerstion of your agreing to iceep the Creek oed continuously full or' mater as here- inafter provided., tae u.lzd.ercigned herebv a-grees i;o convey to you. oy Quit Claim Deed taeir iztereFt in tde re21 estate oziscrii;Ed ra ~rie r?'pcrt 01 ,curaoy Pnd Dlat of Xiaiiehsha Creek bed. now being prensreB by Aloer Graber snd shich will outline the ar~2 to oe conveyed in said deed. oased upon water Geing mintzined to the iieignth of %ne old 6arn at 52th StreEt including a11 riparien riigLits upon, over, adjacent to 2nd. or a.p-ourtenant to t?le lam3 iiereoy conveyed, and also including florwFe rig'hts to tile extent covered oy ws.ter in s?id. creel: rceised to tw :ilei?hth. of the old darn, over and. upon Pli lends noT! owned by the grantor adjscent to. tile hn6a ,ierEt'ov conveyed. I "Tne d.eed snall pr0vid.e that if %tie ViiPaSe of Edina at sn:r tixe ijetneen tne date of' eu-ch deed snd Jr.nv.zry 1, 1945, fails tn mintein du-ring a period of 90 d2.y~~ during tile months of April, Lzy, June, July, Aupht, Septm'uc-r 2nd Oc-tnber, in any T.rec?r except 1334, tile mPter level at lesg then taelve irlcnes lowsr tmn cae neic-ith of tile old dam level rahich is appoxiza.tely one foot 2nd one incn Celom tae heigbth of tae present darn nt ,53t3 Street, t3e- titPe to said pre,iiises to- gethler vith Bn?T aarl all i.i,provements an8 errui~~aent tiisde tilereon sntill revert to the tmztersigned.. "It is orovided, ~iomevEr, tiat if t-1~ Tell frils Xo lunction ljeceuse of tx feilure of the Fub- 'eerrariean source, du.e to an 2ct of God. or other- :nise, tnere shall ee no reversion u:nless nitbin six ifiontag fro:il szid tailure, ~nz nater level is not apin rziceci to t:ie rnifiim7-?m ~ereinsoove providecl. IIIt is fu.rti?r Qrovided tiizt in Epio deed by tne ursdsrgigned tne uxd.ersigiied :.17y reserve. the ris 11% to cross tile real e,ctate txreiii descriord -i%h T-7.- ,.dter ;xins, severs 2nd midge arid to con:-iect storii; PeEers to tae creek bsain, suaject, to license repiscions nhica raay De in effec~; :.;_.ien F*-:c~I ixprovemente riiay be f,esirec. yae Viilap of Edina furtner i5 to a~xce $10 pz~ 911 costs, if any, expended by the grantors' in obteining the.title under the reversion condition eubea- queat in the event of its becoming effective bTr breach cf snx: of the foregoin.; conditiona. r ['The Village of Edina ip to agree tiirt after J;lnupry 1, 1.334, the land to be conveyed iiiust ~ used by szid Village 5s a lake in the mnner heretofore urovidad or used- and :r18 intained for aerk purposes as my be decided by a mz,johi-Gy of the votes ceet by the voters of the Village zt either a reruler election or st 2 soecial 3lection czll~4 for the purpose o? soting on the future 9,pe of tile property. After Jenuery ~1, 1945, all rights of revewion riiall cezse and oe of no forct or effect ex- cepting the real eeti?te hereln3efare des- cribed giil iaecoxe -the pezlmFnent pra-oerty of the Villro-se of %dim to oe used ap 3 1E":e or iri?intPined r?e a perk end no yrt of the riaintenance expense is to be urovided. by ~pzcizl aezeez:nenta, it beinc the int3ntion to conv?y only FUC:~ lmd as Till be covered '39 mter nhen the wter level is reiFed to trre :~~xisx: heighth provided for in tilie sgrekxznt 2nd BP covered in tbe repmt of sl-rvey heretofore specified. It P~FO being the intention not to convey P~Y ororerty yiiich ?we previowly ceen dreedzd- to other property o:mers. llT-?is Letter shall be regarded BP revokinc ell pstvirsus offers, mitten Q-P. ors31, to deed tile Gre?:: oed hereinbefore descrioed t? the Village of Edinz." ;rnB thr-t Te rccept the terms end conditions outlined in said letter, the descriDtion in the deed and plot thereof to be delivered to oe furnished by Xr. Graber, the surveyor, covering the area based umn mter b@lng mzintPined to the heiqtnth of t'ne old dm .~t 53th Street. Thet the villpge attorney is iereb.7 2uti1or- ized 2nd instrwi;ed to promtly confer :with Thorpe Broe. for the purpose of dmninc tile deed to the property to be conveyed. The viliaps clerk is autharioed Pnd in- structed so delivpr to the villzge attorney copy of tiis Rewlution and to pronerly ri=- cord tie deed rrkn such deed ie maroved t'ne vill3F.e pttornsy end to DF~ cll costs nec5ssary to oot?in 'the record of such deed,. pnd thst t25 sEib villae chrk ehrll, in ariting, notify the Plrnnin;, PropreFp FCI+ DsvPlopeaent Oomittee, throurh ite G3:ii'I"s <r~, C. D. TilkinFon, Eeqliire, t'n-t tae vilkce ~PE teken titls to t,ie orogerty. I Tile zotion VPS secanded. by .Truetee Prescott pnd the vote oeing woon the adoption of the resolution niierein there lyere five ayes 2nd no nave pnd ms decbred di~-ly c3rried. It we ccoved Blackburn and second-ed by Zilleon thzt tile Recorder ~e recjuested to write Er. S. S. Thorpe a letter on behalf of t-ie Council tknkinF iiix for hie interept Pnd help in -the mtter of conveying the !Tiniie~i?tm Cree?': ~~i~l Pond Area to the Villzge of Edins. The ,-fiction vas un- 'pniriiou.Ely carried. T3e Xozd and Village bills, on due exmjination and being found corr?ct >ere on i*rotion Wlleon be Pllovec? and . orn'ereci gaid. Kotion Seconded by Prescott 2nd cerried. They ,?re 8s follows: 0. I!. S9,mde Police Officer $90.00 8. S. Heydt Police Officer 90.00 P. A. Redpath Vi llaqe Xers'nc 11 125.03 2. Soreneon Lebor 52.20 Art Peterson Lybor vi t h truxk EO. 00 R. '2;'Pstling Lsbor 7.20 B. ElneEt Labor 7.20 E. Schnsc'.:y L%bor 3.60 George Xillsm Lzb.or vith truck 6.00 S. Sodergsen Labor 7.20 I'rz. E. X. Jarvis Relief aorker 50.00 I?. S . Joy Street Commi esior,er 28.00 P. Dcnhl>, wren Tractor Operztor 100.65 L. StolzmEn Lzbor 21.15 . Rollin XcCreadg Lpbor 13.50 John Trecy Lrbor 46.00 S. J. Roberts U'cility mn 100.00 SF.^ i:cCreed.y Lc?bor 3.60 George Hoekine. hbor 1.80 Ha r so Id Xccfte 1 li s L3bor 5.40 Dr. Lowell X. Cemnbell Heelth Office 25.00 L. R. Blsckburn Truetee 25.00, 0. F. Prescott Tms t ee 25.00- George A. millson Trustee 25.00% Ben. B. ?'[nore Reco r d er 75.00 J. J. Dugpn Tr e? sur e r 25.00. D. F. XcGuire P re 8 i dent 35.00 Totel Road and Villpge i3ills $1248.50 T. 2. Tilly ' Police Officer 125.00 Cowiiunication by one Hsrry Stehl dated JenugrV 22, 1334 etatin2 that nis motbrcgcyle tvas dsmaged to the extent of $15.00 mhile riding upon and c7cross Reet 66th Street non und.erconstruction by County CVJA. On motion ElFckburn be placed on the table, seconded by Yoore end carried. ApalicEtion in forrd for buiiLc?inz :,ei-ni-i by alJ.riI?rfl Scinefer to ouilci 3 private garape 3uilGing mving g-2rP-e doors, on lot 1'7, crlock 2, Brookside Hei;:;ts Addition, ws on !iiation Prepcott ce gmnted. Seconded. zy Yillson rnd carried. . Application in fora bv ILun Ring to bgild e tool hoi-rse mrj ir root .cellar 03 tne Xun Eing Droiierty iccrted on Inter- lechkn rioed. mis on motion Prascott be grpnted. %eo-nded by Tlill~on end carried. Amlic?tion in form by Nels Bruce for buidling -o?rmit to rebuild the Sarwon residence recehtly p~rtly destroyed , . by fire loczted on lot 42, Aucitors 33bdiaision 172, TPF - on -*ilotion BillPon be grr-qted.. Seconded- bv Prescott pnc? c8rried. ' Application ill form ~y czrl 1'. Hzneon to build r,riv;.te - dwelling on lot tX7, block 12, CCD Brown eections, 4620 12orelond Ave. mas on riotion B1Rckbur.n be PrPnted. Sec- onded by Prescott and cerried.. Apnlimtioa in forffl for iwilding ueriiit oy l'orris Trach to ouild 8 orivete dwelling orl lot; 8, block 10, CCD Brmn section, 4615 Zdiw Elvd. SJRP on motion Eclpckburn be granted. Sex cnded oy Yliihon and carried. Vil1.ie.e Recorder 1 Receipts by the Recorder February 1934 Hay and Stenson License Narch 1934 G. Hanson 0. Hanson M. Tzache Mun Hing A. A. Phillips C. Hanson W. J. Allison N. Bruce B. Schaeffer A. Thomas fJ. H. Gilkey Hay & Stenson Go. 4620 Moorland 4506 Rooddale 4615 Edina Interlacken Rd. 4603 Wooddale 4611 Moorland 4531 Arden 4045 West 50th Brk. Hgths Code*s H.V. J of P License $3.75 1.00 1.00 1-00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1-00 10-00 30.00