HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340226_REGULARx Mlnutes of t@e regular meetlng of the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hzll at 8 PH, on February 26, 1934 The meeting was called to order by the President. Tae roll was called and all members of the Council were found present. Mr. W. F. Garvey and others presented a petition signed by thirty residents requesting the improvement of Vest 620tlly Street from Frmce Avenue to West Belt Line Highqay, the cost to be borne by#e-Village expense. On motion Prescott the petition be received and referred to the Road and Bridges Committee. Motion seconded by Blackburn and carried. Mr. L. L-, Hanson- and _Mr. Friedman appeared before the Council in the matter of being graated a building permit and also license VLb.i53&"&qpemdie$%r.X&~ a Motion Picture Theatre to be located on West 50th Street west of the N0rri.s Creamery property. After discussion, the outlining of details, etc. , it was generally understood that during the next thirty days no building permit or license to build and operate a Uotion Picture Theatre would be issued to anyone. -- Mr. Bowen on behalf of the Interlachen Club stated he had studied the state iton sale" liquor law, as well as the recent Village Ordinance covering "on sale" liquor, and stated that with the idea in mind to comply absolutely wikh the Village Ordinance, that section 8 of same might properly be revised. Nr. Strong, Village Attorney, concurred in Mr. Bowen's statements. After Biscussion Zr. Blackburn offered the following arnenda&!nt to the ordinance regula*ing the sale of intoxicating liquor in the Village of Edina passed by the Village Council on January 29, 1934, that section 8 be amended to read as folihows and moved its adopt f on: ftSectibn 8. Restrictions on Consumption.- In res- taurants and hotels having an Iton sale" license, II liquor shall be served and consumed in dining rooms at tables equipped with chairs, at which customers must sit to be served, and liquor shall not be con- sumed or served at bar6 or counters, but may be served at counters where food is regularly served and consumed and which counters are equipped with chairs or stools for seating of customers. All windows in the front of any such place shall be of clear glass, and the view of the vhole interior shall be unobstructed by screens, curtains or partitions. There shall be no partition, box, stall, screen, curtain or other device which sfizll obstruct the view of any part of said room from the general observation of persons in said room; provided, however, that partitions, suhdivisions or panels not higher than 48 inches from the floor shall not be construed as in conflict with the foregoing; and provided, however, such license shall entitle the holder thereof operating a restzurant or hotel to serve liquors in a separate room, a part of such restaurant or dining room at banquets or dinrrers at which are present not less than six persons or in hotel rooms to guests in connection with meals. "It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to mix or prepare liquor for consumption in any public place or place of business There no "on sale)' license is held or to consume liquore in such places. No liquor shall be sold or con- sumed on a public highway or in an autorbobile.tl The motion to adopt was seconded by Moore and duly declared carried. 20 It was moved Prescott that advances be made the road crew and police offgcers as indicated by the Recorder in the. Time Book. Motion seconded by Villson and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Uouncil held on February 13 were read, on motion Prescott they be approved as read. Hotion seconded by Blackburn and carrfed, Application in form for building permit to build a private dwelling on lot 4, block 3, Codes Highviev Park, by Eugene B. Thomas vas on motion Villson be granted. *Hotion seconded by Prescott and carried. BL.. J. B. Estabrook of the Pillsbury Engineering Company appeared before the Council in the matter of prer,wing an engineering report as to the proprietary of the Village buying and/or paying for the present ssater mains, hydrants, overhead tanks and other items, at present the property of the Country Club Service Company. was advised in as much as the Pillsbury Company had ex- ecuted the engineering fox Thorpe Bros. on the original developement and instalkti on of sever and pater mains, sidewalks, pavements, curb and gutter, tree plani%ng, electrical distribution, etc. that considerable information and other data was in the files of the Pillsbury concern sh-avipg the manner and methods by which all improvements in the Bronn and Fairway section in the Country Club District had been assessed against the benefitted property. After discussion and the fa.ct that the Council had not as yet discussed the water proposition amoung themselves, it mas deemed adviseable for the matter to go over until the next meeting of the Council before deciding on or ordering the engineering report. d' T'ne Council 1 i There being no further business to come before the meeting motion mas .made to adjourn at 11:15 PU. Village Recorder