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Minutes of the regular meeting of
the Council of the Villa& of Edina
held in Grange Hall at 8 PM, on
Xarch 12, 1934.
The meeting was called to order by the President, the roll
called and all members of the Council were found present.
It mas moved Blackburn that Ifoff sale" liquor license to the
Hag and Stenson Company, 3901 West 50th Street be renewed
upon payment of license fee of $30.00 for a period of one year, beginning April 1, 1934. Motion seconded by Preecott and
Mrs. Henry Karding appeared before the Council with the request
tha.t Xerxes Avenue be opened up, graded and graveled between 63rd and 66th Streets, which was referred to the Road and
Bridge Committee.
It was suggested by Moore tha.t pursuant to resolution adopted
by the Council on February 13, 1934, that a resolution desig-
nating the location of cascade, well and pump be adopted at
this time. whereupon it was moved Moore that the Minnehaha Creek Idill Pond Cascade, well and pump be located approximately
150 feet west of No1 5 Xighway bridge on property acquired from
Mesers. Hmson and Millman in the bed of Minnehaha Creek. Hotion seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Efir. B. BA. Parks appeared before the Council requesting permit to construct and operate a Hotion Picture Theatre on the Norris
property on Vest 50th Street and mas requested to present the
matter to the Council at its next meeting.
ar. A. Nelson appeared before the Council with the request that a permit be issued him to build a Motion Picture Theatre on
the Kell property on West 50th Street and was also advised to
present the matter to the Council at its next regular meeting,
Mrs. L. M. Jarvis presented her report covering relief work
during the month of February, which was duly accepted and
placed on file.
The Miscellaneous bills upon being found correct were on motion Willson be a.11omed and ordered paid., seconded by Prescott and carried. They were as follows:
Twin City Ins. Uo.
Edwards Potor 00.
City of Minneapolis
Albert Graber
R. Helen Johnson
W. G, Christensen
Security National Bank
Young Fuel 00.
Philpott-Bailey Co. Docken s Cornm. Store Carl Olson
L. A. McOlellan
Wooddale Grocery
Pederson Bros
. Edina Grocery Boreyls Shell Station
E. W. Harris
W. F. Garvey
c B. H. Bradley
Paulson Bros.
Greggls Pharmacy
Peerless Electrical Go.
Insurance $ 6.90 Repair Wehr-Fordson 47.40
Fire Dept service 358.80
Engineering services 19%. 00
Stenographic work 8.10
Plumbing Inspector 20.00 Premium bond of
Village Treasurer 100.00
Coal for poor 104.40
C'oal for poor 112.85 Groceries for poor 49.66
Groceries for poor 44.36 Groceries for poor 12.43
Groceries for poor 37.67
Nilk for poor 2.07
Groceries for poor 64.04 Kerosene for poor 3.50 Gas-oi1,for police car &
tractors, less Fed. tax 61.15
Hardware-Road supplies 9.94
Engineering service s 25.00
Blasting caps 40
Poor supplies 1.64
Police supplies 3.39
\ Edina Hardrfare Road-Poor eupplies
Country Club Garage Police car service J. E. Hennessy Go. Light sash
Glacier Sand Gr. Co. Sand 3red L. Gray Co. Compensation Inc.
Nelson’s Dry Goods
Hoyt Nursery Parkway tree Justus Lumber Co. Lumber
hfinneapolis G. E. Co. February Street Lighting
Clothes for poor
Total Miscellaneous bills
13 .OO
The Road and Village bills upon being found correct rrere on
motion Blackburn, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by
Prescott and carried. They mere as follows:
Gordon Noleen Labor 3:20 Mrs. L. Id. Jarvis Relief vorker 50.00
Chas. Riller & Son Snow shovel 1.00
Art Peterson Labr mith truck 120.00 0. H. Spande Police Officer 90,oo
77. S. Heydt Police Officer 90.00
T. E. Tilly Police Officer 125.00 P. A. Redpath Village Marshall 125.00
A. C. Stringer Road labor’ 35.10
John Tracy Road labor 35.20 Ray Jansen Road labor 54.00 L. Stolzman Road labor 75.60 P. Dahlgren Tractor operator 85.80
W. S. Joy Acting st. Oomm. 76.00 R. Sorenson Road labor 7.20
Dr. Love11 H. Campbell Health Officer 25.00
L. R. Blackburn Trustee 25.00
C. F. Prescott Trustee 25.00 Geo. A. Tillson Trustee 25.00
Ben B. Noose Recorder . 75.00
D. F. McGuire President 35.00 1308.10
S. J. Roberts Utility man 100.00
J. J. Duggan Treasurer 25.00
Total Road and Bridge bills
Application in form for building permit by A. A. Phillips to
build an addition to private residence at 4604 Wooddale Avenue mas on motion Blackburn be granted. Seconded by Tillson and
carr i ed
gpolication in form for building permit by Carl K. Hsnson to huild a private dmelling at 4611 Mooreland Avenue vas on motion .
Blackburn be granted.
Seconded by Willson and carried.
Aoplication in form for building permit by W. J. Allison to
bbild a private dwelling at 4531 Arden Avenue vas on motion
Blackburn be granted. Seconded by Pkescott and carried.
The- matter of engaging an engineer to prepare a report on the
present status of the water situation together with requirements
for the improvement of the water supoly affecting residents of
the Village rrae discussed by the Council. moved Prescott that the Council accept the offer of the Pills-
bury Engineering Company for a detailed engineering report on
’ domestic Prater supply system to cost $250.00. The motion vas
seconded by Eoore and carried.
It mas moved Prescott that warrant De drawn and check issued in amount of 41.00 in favor of Thorpe Bros. in pavrnent for the
Hinnehaha Creek Ifill Pond Area of about nineteen acres, as
covered and described by deed. Motion seconded by Blackburn
J and It mas carried* moved Prescott that warrant be dram and check issued in
amount of $1.00 in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hanson in pay-
ment for the northern portion of Minnehaha Creek on both sides
of Highrray No. 5 as covered and described by deed.
Vhereupon it was
seconded by adoore and carried.
/ It was moved Prescott that warrant be drawn and check issued
in amount of $50.00 in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Millman in
payment for land conveyed to the Yillage on both sides of
Eo. 5 Highway Bridge on and along the south portion of Minne-
haha Creek. Motion seconded by Moore and carried.
Trustee Willson presented the matter of the necessity of pur-.
Chasing a new police car at this time and moved that bids be taken for one 6-cylinder 2-door sedan for police purtmses.
Motion seconded by Blackburn and carried.
After discussion it was moved Willson that the services of
0. B. Spande, police officer, be dispensed with after April 1.
Motion seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on February
26, 1934 were read, on motion Presoott they be apDroved as read. Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
There ~eing no further business to come before the Council
motion was made to adjourn and carried 11:40 EM.
Village Recorder
M,inutes of the special meeting of
the Council of the Village of Edina
held in Grange Hall at 8 Phi, on
March 22, 1934.
The meeting was called to order by the President, ro&l was called and all members were found present, the purpose of
the meeting being the considering of the several Hotion
Picture Theatre propositions of la@e proposed to the Council.
A large number of residents of the Village at;tended the meeting. It mas found that there were four definite apdications to be
made the Council for permit to build and construct, as well as
, license a Motion Picture Theatre.
The order of appearance before the Council having been dram
by lot, Ellr. A. D. Strong and Mr. Reuben first appea.red, followed
by Messrs Parks and Kiefer; Nessrs. 3. H. Bechtold and Larson;
Mr. Friedman and Nr. Hanson.
It was found that Messrs. Strong and Reuben mere interesed in
constructing a theatre building on the site of the'-present
Country Club Garage and would cost approximately $42000.00, OII
lot 50 x 170 feet, seating approximately 950 people, and would start work immediately.
The second project was that of Parks and Kiefer to be located on the Norris Creamery property on lot 60 x 170 feet, seating
capacity of approximately 1000, cost estimated to be approx- imately $65000.00. The CBuneil was advised that no immediate
date might be set for construction to begin.