HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340409_REGULAR28 Elinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall at 8 PE4, on April 9, 1934. The meeting was called to order by the President, all meabers of the Council mere present. After discussion on the matter of apdication for intoxicating 'Ion salefi liquor licence by The Country Club, Incorporated, it vas moved Blackburn that license fee of $100.00 having been paid 'Ion salei1 intoxicating liuuor license be issued to the Country Club Incorporated. Fiotion seconded Sy lJoore and carried. It mas moved Blackburn that Iloff saleti non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses be renewed to Greggls Pharmacy, Tsisler's Grocery, Carl Olson's Grocery, Gmrge Hanson's Restaurant, Molan3s Eat Shop and'L. A. McClellan Grocery, license fees having been paid in all instances. Hotion seconded by Prescott and carried. It was moved Blackbum that lion sale" non-intoxicating malt liquor licenses be reneved on behalf of George Hanron's Restaurant, Interlachen Country Club and n'olan's Eat Shop, license fees having been padd in 211 instances. 2ilotion seconded by Prescott pnd carried, District Engineer, L. P. Zimmerman, Heintenance Superintendent, Kr. Barks of the State Highway Department, and 15. Beetrom of the Hennepin County Good Roads Association, apceared oefore tlie Council mith the request that the State Highway Departraent be given permiseion of designating Vest 50th Street in the Village of Edina from France Avenue vert to Highgag Bo. 5 as State Highmy No. SO. After discussion Recorder Koore offered the following resolution and moved its adbption: trHEE?XAS, The Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota is now considering xiarking vith truck higharzy markers certain stre.ets in the Village of Edina not a part of the truck highway system BS authorized by Article #16 of the State Constitution, or by Chapter #440, Laws of 1933, and indicating such markings on the maps of the Highsay Departinent for general distribution, IJOlV, TZXREFORE, BE IT RESOLTTZR, That it is the under- standing of the Village Council of the Vi1lap-e of Edina tnat any roads so marked are not ir part of the truck highway system and cannot become .such except by further legislative action. That motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Villson. The vote being taken upon the question 03 the adoption of the resolution XThereon there mre five ayes and no nays, and so declared Csuly carried. Mrs. L. E. Jarvis presented a detailed report of relief covering the month of Earch showing the total amount of relief on account of the Village of Edina to have been $537.56 of Fhich $372.80 vas for'-groceries. The report further shomd 31 frDilies, or 112 persons having been given relief. The Xiscellaneous bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Prescott be allomed and ordered paid. Seconded by Blackburn and carried. They are as follovs:. A. 57. Skoog Recording Deeds 016.50 Young Fuel 00, Coal for poor 82.60 J. G. Clarke Wood for poor 7,OO Renry Haeg &ilk for poor .66 Borey' s Shell Station Kerosene for poor 2.16 Xrp. J. B. Denneny Rent poor 10.00 U x Nelson's Dry Goods Gregg s Pharmacy Wooddale Grocery Phi lpo tt-Bai ley Go. Carl Olson Edina Grocery Docken's Store Hennepin County C i ty of Minne zpo li s G. A. Lindquist Mi ller-Davi s Go. Country Club Garage W. H. Ziegler Go. Hennepin County Review Edina Hardware Thorpe Bros Minneapolis Abstract Co. Minnemolis GE Go. Albert Graber J. E. Henneesy Go. E. W. Harris J. J. Burnes 'Edwards Hotor Go. H. G. Hanson H. V. Johnson Culvert. Go. Edina Grocery Grant Collier gllen Fogerty Mary G. Harmon Laura A. Day Vincent N. OIReilly John P. Kennedy Vincent kl. OIReilly Nora Mullen Nan A. Miller Robert Roberg Harold PdcNelli s Clothes for poor Sick a.r?d poor Groceries for poor Coal for poor Groceries for poor Groceries for poor Groceries for poor Poor F'arrn Fire Dept service Blacksmi thing Office supplies Police car szrvice Cable Published notices Ha rdmare-Road supplies Rent Abstrect Xarch street lighting Engineering services Ltmber Gas 8c oil Eeals Trzctor 3823 Yds clay . Road culverts Coffee, etc. CWA -$ cord mood Right of may Right of way Right of way Right of way Right of way Right of wa,y Right of way Right of way Rent Labor 2.00 .89 57.33 80.05 93.44 12P. 84 96.59 90.00 73.74 48.05 1.45 17.66 2.00 25.20 10.05 50.00 4.88 28.00 10.44 85.47 .50 1.50 229.38 135.90 11.18 3.50 35.00 25.00 1.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 10.00 384.93 . 25.20 Total Miscellaneous bills 2034.09 The Road and Village bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Prescott be allowed and ordered paid. Seconded by Blackburn and carried. They axe as follows: A. Peterson Hrs. L. M. Jarvis 0. M. Spande W. S. Heydt T. E. Tilly P. A. Redpath Gust Issaceon Oscar Grant R. J. Johnson N. H. Sundquist Otto Rasmussen Richard Atkinson Ray Janson L. Stolzman A. G. Stringer John Tracy John Tracy P. Dzhlgren 5. J. Roberts Ill. S. Joy Dr. L. M. Canpbell L. R.. Blackburn C. F. Prescott Geo. A. Willson Ben B. Moore J. J. Duggan D. F. KcGuire Lzbor with truck Relief worker Police Officer Police Officer Police Officer Village Marshall Labor Labor La.b or Labor Lab or Labor Labor Labor Lab or Labor Labor with team Tractor operator Utility man Acting St Comm Health Officer Trustee . Trustee Trustee Recorder Treasurer Pre si dent Total Road &c Village bills 140.00 50.00 90.00 95.00 125.00 125.00 9.60 37.60 6.20 27.20 27.20 32.00 30.60 61.20 56.70 19.80 92.80. 70.40' 100.00~ 76-00, 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 35.00 1506.30 The matter of receiving bids for one police car next came bet'ore the Council as duly advertised in the official newspaper. The bids disclosed tenders of Holt Eotor Company, Edina Garage and A. T. Hansford Company, a.11 bids on Plymouths; also the bid of Berry Cnevrolet Company and the BeVier Harrington CompanyTI bid on a, Ford. The bids upon being tabQlated found the bid of the Ho1$ Eotor Company of $380.30 to be the lortrest and in accordance nith the requirements as set forth in ilhtotice for bids" advertiseient. Vhereupon it was moved Willeon that the bids of the Holt Motor Company of $380.30, together with exchange of present Ford police car be accepted and the police committee be authorized to order and carry out necessary details for and on behalf of the Village. The motion seconded by Prescott and carried. Petition vas received signed by 18 residents of the girror Lake District asking that the Villsge Council co-operate in the matter of maintaining a higner water level in Mirror Lake. Whereupon it mas moved Xoore that the petition be accepted and that the President be empowered to apnoint a committee for the purpose of co-operating with the property omners eo accomplish the desired results. ldoiion seconded by Blackburn and catrried. chairman and Uoore to the committee. \ I The President appointed Prescott It was moved %illson thet warrant be drawn and check issued in mount of $10.00 in favor of Hrg, J. B. Denneny for rent R. Anderson.. Notion seconded by Prescott and carried. Hinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on March 12 .;ere read on motion IVillson they be aporbved as read. Seconded by Prescott and carried, There being no further business to came before the Council motion to adjourn carried at 11:05 PM, ..- I Village Recorder