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Minutes of the regular 2ieeting of
the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall at 8 PK, on April 23, 1934.
The aeeting mas called to order by the President and all members of the Council were present.
The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Earth
3, 1934 were read. On motion Willson, they be anmoved as read. Seconded by Bla.ckburn a.nd carried.
k comaunication dated April 23 signed by nine residents living in the neighborhaod of the so-ceiled Perry Pi=irk, stating that
present uses of the park was a public nuismce and asking that it be c32msed. to be public. After discussion it was moved
Bla,cBburn thet the matter be referred to the Village Recorder
for such action as he saw fit. gotion seconded by Prescott and carried.
Newly apaointed Street Commibsioner, Ralph J. Johnson, having: finished his CIA duties, it was suggested by Chairman Prescott 0.f the Road and Bridge Committee that he now officially enter on to the duties of Street Commissioner, this being agreeable to all of the Council. It was thereupon moved Prescott that
the ra,te of pay of Street Commissioner Johnson be set at $110.00
per month. b1otion seconded by Villson 2nd carried. without
d i ss ent ing vote.
The faithful services of W. S. Joy extending bpck many yec7rs as
Street Commissioner mas discussed by the Council. As a. comvliment
to Nr, Joy it was moved Willson thpt pay check be drawn in his favor and th8.t: he be paid up to date. Motion eeccnded by Prescott and carried without dissenting vote.
The Time Book having been duly examined, it was moved Prescott that edva-nces be qade the Road Crew and Peace @fficers as in- dicated by the Recorder in the Time Book. Hotion seconded by WillPon and carr,ie’d.
After a discussion regaxding the moving of Pa,rkaay trees it m2s moved Blackburn that beginning as of May 1, 1934, a charge will
be aade for the moving of all Parkway trees vhich may be nec- eesary on account’of drivewayrs, said moving of trees in any cpFe
to be under the direction of the Street Commissioner. Motion
seconded by bioore and carried.
Apnlication in form by,George E. Gale, 4374 Aurora Avenue, for
building permit to build an addition to premises was on motion
PreEcott be granted. Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Trustee Blackburn reported on the ma-tter referred to hirn at the
last meeting of the Cou-nciJ., that of certain cracks in the basement of the Ireland house lomted on Hanson Road, which spid
cracks might have been caused by bhsting in the removal of dirt from the Haxson clay pit on a,ccount of CFA Hennepin County
Project No. 14. Trustee Blackburn stated he had visited the preraises in company with a building contractor and that if any
of the cracks were the result of Village activi.ties t;?e damages
fair with the Irelands t,le friatter vas re-referred to the Roed
and Bridge Commietee to ascertain nhat, if anything, the Village
might do in their behalf.
c would be rimll. In order thet the Council might be entirely
Go-cmunication dated April 13 by Geo. TV. Strong, Village Attorney, regarding a, proposed Baber Ordinance submitted tB the Council.
a8 a recent fleeting ma8 read in which Nr. Strong cited his
opinions on the proposed ordinance and. questioned the necessity
of such an ordinance at this time.
Regarding tbe continuation this year of tne plan for ga.rdens
together xith necessary plowing and harrovfing, be a.llorred to families on relief. Idotion seconded by Prescott and
. for the poor, after discussion of the proposition by tie
Council it nas moved millson that garden seeds and plsnte, ,-
No further business to come before the Council motion to
adjourn carried at 10:15 PIA.
Village Recorder
Receipts by Recorder
Aprii 1934
Gregg's Pharmacy Trisler s Grocery Carl Olson
Geo. Hanson
Nolan's Lunch Rm Geo. Hanson
InZerlacken Club
. Nolan's Lunch Rm
Country Club Inc L. A. UcLelland L. Hanson
Leslie Miller . W. E. Johnson
Geo. M. Cale
Interlacken Club
Country Club, Inc.
Li c enc e $5.00
License 5.00
License 5.00
License 5.00 License 5.00 License 25.00
License 25.00
License . 25.00
License 25.00
Li c ens e 5.00 4513 Edina 1.00
62nd-Belt Line 1.00
33/31 So Harriet 1.00
4374 Aurora 1.00
License 100.00
License 100.00