HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340514_REGULARKinutes of the regular meeting of the C07..ncil of the Villsge of Edina. held in Grange Hall at 8 Psi:, on $by 14, 1934. The iiieeting was called to crder by t-ie PreFidsnt 2nd 811 meiilxrs of tae Council vere f'ound wesent. h;eF.ere: Estebrcok 2nd Hargi'c^vee prepented on behalf of "e Pilleoury Engineering Coxpany a comnrehensive report on t7 TatFr narks proposition as ewthorized at the !?frch 12 meeting.. After explanation 2nd diecussion of the report by the reDresentative of the Pillsmry concern, it mas riloved ISoore tmt the rpport be acceoted PQ~ bill in mount of %ZSO.SO as agreed,to be ellowed pnd mid. Ilo%ion Eec- onded by Blackburn and' carried. Ik: D. 'V. "Ilallace of 'Yeet 50th St. apDeared before the Council and compla.rned of priss~e end rubbish burning prec- tices by George Pzyne, 1iviEg north of 49th St. It ave moved Koore that the matter oe referred to the Village Attorney, seconded by Prescott and carried, Ur. Hzneon mpeared before the Council requeeting thpt a building permit be granted him to complete building at 5448 France Ave. for residential purpoees. Hr. Hanson ad- vised thPt thie building he8 been stsrted several veprs be- fore encoctment o€ the Zoning OrdinPnce and tnat it w8s about 505 completed. application for building permit &vi+ng been aede thst per- misEion to com-olete building be given Flr. Rznson. Xotion Feconded by Eoore and carried. Yiee TTel~on, 4928 FrPDce Ave. apqepred 2nd requested Der- rflirsion to build a tzmporary refreshwnt stpnd on the Po~ers oroperty locFted on the ~outh side of ?Test 50th St. betr?een-!?r;t'nce Aoe. and Halifax Ave. After diecusRion it WE ifloved Koore that the matter DS referred to Triistee SYilleon for investigation end report. Seconded by Prewott aiici. cFr.ried. Lrs .' Jervie; Village re-lief vJorker, presented detailed re- port on relief extended bv the Village during the previous month, Vhich report 371as on rriotion LIoore be ecceoted. Itotio.? e6conded by Prescott and c,orsied. It was thereupon moved by 'fiillp?ori 'chat D VillPge Trnpsurer Dugg8.n preaented duly paid and cencelled. Letrrzl Sewer District No. 1, mrrznt l?o. 3 and Lateral Smer District Eo. 2, warran-t No. 1, together with paid interept cou.pons, -hich upon being duly exmined by the' several members 03 the Village Counci'l Tere nlmed. in the VFLrlt. The Iiiecellaneous Bi 11s , upon beiw duly examined Pnd found correct mre on motion BillGon be al3~ed ~nn' nrdered Raid, seconded by Eoore and corried. They 8re 3,s follom: Bren Hashare Park Const. Go. CP roline e Pha raacy E. X. EIPrris Pillsbury Espr. Co. 1 I 6 I: s h i:c Len n an City of ZinneFDolis . J. E. Ilennesqr Co. Edine Gerpae Rice Send Gravel Go. Village St. Louie Park Bennepiil Go. Review ikpi.s. G. E. co. 'E. H. Ziegler Go. Country Cl1-1-b Garage U Of hinnecota Dynmi t e Snom plow Drugs Gas-Oil "et?r report W survey Ineurence Police Radio Cu.1vert Police car Gravel Fire Service ETotice Street Liyhtins Pgrts Police CPT Inculin $127.85 40 t 00 19.95 82.16 250.09 16.00 26.06 31.75 9,40 10.45 35.00 9.00 386.00 13.09 23.43 17.50 34 Lindqui st Truck Eq, Co. Bickele & Siirith Xiller-DFvis Go. Bprrett C.org:pmy Union City 2iFsion Robb Cozpmy Edina Grocery Dockens $tare Carl Olwn KcClzllznfe Tooddale Grocery Philpott-Zeiley Youns Fuel Co. J. G. Clark Gregg's A. ITilson Frmklin Cremery Henry EPeg Edina Grocery E. Fopgerty J. A- Bright Urs. J. Andereon Ernie Davis 7. F. Garvey Borey'r Station Bleck mi thing 8.45 Police ci?r 1.50 In sur? nc e 26.92 Supoli es 5.40 Tervia 89.91 Bosrd 1?.2@ I!i p 0 1 e s Groceries II It II ti Cop1 COP1 Wood Drugs Ei lk II I1 CTA Rent II If Poets HE? rdrmre . E15 109.94 105.81 113.37 12.51 101.00 26.40 14.55 44.00 1.35 3.00 2'. 40 1.80 7.46 10.00 10.00 7.00 11.70 13.50 Kerosene _. -2.80 Total Hiscellmeous bills 1837.56 The Road znd Villpge Bills, upon being found correct rere on motion Bhckburn be allonee and qrdered mid, seconder? by I'iillson md czrried. They are 3s follone: Ernil Dah1 8. S. Joy S. J. Roberte A. '2. Stringer P. Dahlgren 3. Beversdorf 3. Enest T. 3. Tilly 7. S. Heydt L. 1:. Jervis R. J. Johncon L. Stolzmn J. Tracy J. Tracy . %. Lierrson T. Goble P. Dshlgren Rex Garvey 0. RP smu.F F'5n A. Peterson J. H. Snzvely 0. E; Spmde J. Cardarelle Dr. L. E. Gsrapbell L. R. Blzckourn C. I?. Prescott Geo. A. Y?illpon Ben B. Koore J. J. Duman D. F. EScGuire P. A. Hedpath Road lnbor Street Conm,. bbor I1 It It II Marehzll Officer Relief Tjorker Street Comn. Labor Tmra Lsbm Truck Labor Truck PPrk lgbor Lsbor Health Officer Trustee Recorder Treasurer It 11 It It il 11 If ti 7.20 50.00 130.00 25.20 125.15 16.20 36.00 125.00 125.00 100.00 50.00 110.00 108.00 163.20 13.05 17.10 10.80 4.00 3.6@ 18.23 120.00 40.50 32.40 2.30 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 P re F i dent 35.00 Total. Rosd 8 l"il1ZFe bills 1658.46 Xrs. Renner and Xr. Le2h.r on b3helf of the Rural He-nepin County Eiliergency Relief Administration 3poeered before the Council to outline the ERA progrem. The Council ERS advised tist the ERA Drogrzril ;.:auld reouire Old Ape penFions znd that *'ne cuo3ort of lega9 residents of Ed.ina living outside I .b 35 the confines of the Village: to be p8id entirely out of Billape funds but that for such iterne as would. come under relief and nork relief. to pey out of its fund.s about one ireek out of four, EEA overhead to be paid by the Village aould averap from 20$ to 25$ per fEtiiily per month at the preeent time. Apolication to come unzer the LG3.A propa having been :ilade arlci acceJ,ted, any furtner details to os left to Trustee Villeon and Xrs. Jarvis until the next Council meeting. The Villpge vould be expected Apolication in form by A. IT. Peterson to build prkvate dwelling on Lot 13, Block 5, CCD Fairway, 4524 Casco Ave. mas on motion Ela.c%burn be grented. Seconded by Eoore and carried. Application in form for building permit by Anton DUOOS, to build private dme3ling on Lot 2, Block 7, CCD Fairwy, 4602 Drexel Ave., vas on motion Blackburn be grsnted. Seconded by Moore and carried. Ap.olication in form by Norrie C.rsa%ery Com-aeny for permit to vreck three buildings on Lot 45, County Auditors Sub 172, was on motion Blackburn be panted.. Seconded by hioore and carried. Application .in form by Norris Creamery CoTil-amy for building Demit to build e 4 store an6 theatre building, costing $45,000.00 on Lot 45, County Auditors Sub 172, being 87' x 171t, per pkns and specifications atta.ched and duly approved by the State Fire Earshal1,Leibenberg and Ksplan architec%ts, 57a.s on motion Moore be granted. Seconded by Blackburn and carried. Application in form for building permit by Francis Beker to build a 20' x 25' dwelling on Lot 9, Block 5, South Haniet Park Addition, costing $1000.00, IS en cflotion Killeon be granted. Seconded by Prescott and carried. Tne mtter of location of i3uilbingF on lots fiiv contrrctorF in the CCD vas discussed by the Counci), whereupon it ws fioved Blackourn tnst tAie Recorder advise Tiiorpe Bros. 8no otxrs t;at -iei.cafter the Cou.nci1 nil1 enforce %.le ordin- ance recJuirin@ tnat before any aork is etsrt-e6 Droper rpplication for permit be iaade shominp the lecPtion of any proposed buildings as well as t3.e location of Parkmy trees, drivewage, and ,c'ewez and water stubs. fiotion seconc7ed by Premott and carried. Tae rainutee of the rpgular nieeting of the Council held on April 26 ?ere read on motion Blitckbvrn they be eD3roved 8s reed. Seconded by Tilleon and carried. After discussion by the Council and Street Coaaiccioner Ralph Johngon in the matter of purchase by the 'TTillaye of a siiiall truck for Villase purposes, it IWF moved ITillson tncrt Cclairman Prescott of the Road and Eridge Committee t3e authorized. and directed to a,rrpnge for the purchese of P second hand truck, to cost not in excess cf $175.00. 1:o"ion zeconded by Blackburn and carried. The Recordsr a9vised concerninp au.dit of counenFrtion in- mrznce cerried by the Comerc~?l Casualty Insurance Gofnpmv Fho:Ting n?t total of payroll February 11, 1333 to Feoruary 11, 1934 to lpTre been f$1114S.00. ET0 furt9er bueinzes to come 3efore tile Council, motion to adjourn czmied at 12:45 BM: \ Village Recorder