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1 Truetee Prezcat% advised ::e azd xen able to pu.rc'i-F.e F 12 ton Seccn6-hald rord truck for Village pu-r~o~es BF putiior- ixed et t?i? L%y 14 iileeting a% a .mice of $165.00 end tlnt
the raie had been delivered. Thereupcn he ll,oTed peyment of
the biAl to Dahloerg Bros., Inc., Hopkine; Kinneaota, in
eraount $165.00. 2otion seconded by Bhckburn and carried.
It CBF vnoved b1ac::burn tnat the bill of Holt l:otor C-mpany in amount $351.51 be 31Lol;Fed and ordertrlpzid for the :lev
Dclice c?r, t;w 83tfie being a Plymouth, 1634 Eodel, coach,
. ~otor #28051, seri2.l 1021683. Xotion seconded by TillFon
and carried. J The Becorder advised that he 5ad obtained the coneert 2nd
ap3rovel of the Soard of Perk cora-:isFionrre for the FX-
penditure of $200.00 to be paid oui of T5e Crier Fvd to
cover coFt of muling t-Daroxina+ely 700 yzrds of cf~g olaced on both Fides of the ::innebha Creek wpcede. The Grier
Fund oeing 2 donation fund an& not soney derived frm tax purpozes. Tciereupn it was moved Blackburn thpt order be *
dram end check ierued in anount of .$%OO.OO cn ke'cl~lf cf Cos Eros., 53p~i.n~ PcrX, Ziinnesotz, covzri+lp tie 'iiFuling
Lotion seconded 0.7 Preecott pr~d cerrisd, 'of 700 yz;rC;p or" c'irt frmi the Nmaon Cl~y Bank to cFFcade.
Applicetioa in lorzr for buildin$ ner-iiit by !':;rlter E. Johncon to build a dwelling on Lot 33, block 1, South Harriet Park,
eecond edilion, vzs on motion ?illFon be pmted. Seconded
bv Prezcott ?nd carried. J
Trustee 7;illeon Pdvised ne mcl conferred yith : TF. Irelmd reprding the alleged. da naye to bneewn-i; ~11s clai::ed to
h3ve been cl;?%aged di-irinq CTA blasting,--H.C.14 project, mii
th?rt Fhe muld settle for $50.00. The Council agreed to
p~y thie Full1 in coneideration of 2 cox-olete releaae beinF siven the VillPge for all o-oeratione.
It BFIZ moved Tilleon fhpt the bill of DPniph Seed Co,nv--r]v
in f:ic)unt of $13.20 for seeds furnished- Door gFrdenr be
zllcjlr-.iid Cnd ordered ozid. iIOtioi1 ercsno'ed by Prescott Fnd cerried.
The follnr*inz judFes ~vld clerks ;?ere ???oinked tc B'Tve on
tnr June 1E Stete Priniery Election: LTP. Jervi?, L'iFF.
Ellieon, :'?psre, Irgens, Svenson, ::nore, ?'cGuire, :'lillFon, DvEgpn, P~PO Lre. Streite 2nd I-rs. I'cCre?Gy.
dtcr diecu~sioil and the report of %'?e R+"CQTC'~T opr,cernine
contwct for ~)OIYJ~T to operste th2 dee-o vel1 V-I~ID cetrveen
-the Vi Lkpe irld tne I iqneeqolis G.X. Corfippnv, it TQS *.oved
ZlPck'surn tkt t3e Fresident end Recori5;.er oe Putliorized Fnc?
rli~c-bed to sip pgid contrect on behelf of tae Vllllrpe of
Edina covering 8 f0u.r yc'ar neriod 75th 2 ninimm bi ;ling
of $350.00 per annvsi the first wRr end $259.00 for each
of the eecond, t'riird ~qfi fourth vecrs. Yotion recondell bv
Pkescokt zni: 6uly dsrried.
The mtter of mv g'ilES*iloere of the Council PttendF-rJg the
League of Eiiinesota Xunicipalities Convention to be held.
Pt Rocnester June 6th, 7th .snnd. 8th was c%iscusF.ed Fnd con-
sidered by the Council. It mas thou,a.ht advisable thRt in
ee :iiuch c?e Recorder Noore was a Trustee and 'rTtetilber of the Executive Co.ilii1ittee of the Leacue t3zt he ahouldl attend.
It T'JP~ t'iereupon :i,i;cved b7T Prescott t'nzt the delegetion be
limited -to t~o .lieiiioerg of the Cou.nci.1, one of T'.T'~O.YI ~honld
be the Recorder and the 8ecoad rfie:i!Wr to be ?rre?ged bv
the F,!erfib?rF of the Council. Eotion ~econcied '07.7 Elackbr1.rn
pnd carried.
A conmunication d3ted :,::r7y 15 perporting to h:~7e Deen ~ioned
by cis pastors of churches in the 13th mrd of Yinnezaalie,
as ell FP F letter under drte of ?ley 15 by Pm.1 Raines RF
9eetor of L:ke Harriet Chrietim Chv.rch, 8FkinP for a re- considerPtion of the grzntinp of licenee to cn.6s-l;ruct znd
operete P ,ilzotion pictu.re t'ieitre on Vest 56th Street n(lp8r
FrFnce Avenue, Villaee of Xdins, KWF recrd ;Ind nlpced on file.
. .e. .
.. .
Villeze Recorder
Receipts by Recorder
May 1934
Yost and CO. .
A. Cragg Yost and Co.
V. H. Gilkey V. E. Gilkey '
F. MI Baker
Morris Creamery -
A. Duoos
A. V. Petemon a. A. Hanson
S%te Treasurer
4607 Moorland
45'24 Casco
J of P J of P
, 9/5 So Harriet 45 Aud's 172
4602 Drexel
4524 Gasco
5448 France
Cigarette Tax
Yost and Co.
E. E. Hawkinson
Spetz & Berg
W. H. Gilkey
H. Idasden
E. 17. Hanson N. EI. Kline
E. Larson
June 1934
4692 Drexel
4513 Edina
Edina Theatre
;E of P
Varden PYores
L3/B5 Brksd Hts
4629 Bruce
1.00 1.00
9 1-00