HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340813_REGULAR50 Uinutes of the regulpr meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall at 8 PI!, on August 13, 1934. The meeting vas called to order by the President and a.11 members of the Council t7ere found mes'ent. Mr. %. A. Olson ameared before the Council to inouire if he might be granted a 3.2 beer license in connection.with B dining room znich he proposed to open in the new Edina Theatre building. He \vas advised that in as rnuch as food mould eonstitute the larger part of his business that he would be entitled to such a business. The Kiscellaneoue Bills, upon being duly examined 2nd found; correct vere on rat3tion Willaon be alloved and ordered paid, seconded by Blzckburn and carried. They are a~ Toflovs: Neal Funem1 Home E~ry Eoberg Bran Hardvare Go. J. E. Hennessy (30. League Hinn. Xunicipalities City of Mimespolis Minneapolis G. E. Co. B.E.Cooper & Sons Greennouse Hennepin County E. V. Harris C. A. Lindquist 3. D. Adam Co. Glacier Lend t: Gr. Co. Edina H9rdmre Thompson Lbr. Co. Paulson Broe. Han. Country Glub Garage Rennepin County Review Red Bing Sener Pipe Corp. T. F. Garvey PeerleFs Elec. Go. ERA Da hlberg 3r OF. T!. P. Cooper Alex Creighton Harry C. Hznsen Village of Hopkins Joan Buckett 17. S. Heydt Arthur Do cken H. A. Nelson Carl Olson. " Pederson Bros. Hennepin County Reviev Funeral $75.00 1/2 year rent 37.50 Hardvare 8c eupplies L. 7 85 Culvert 5.22 Year Book 5.00 Fire Dept. service 12.24 Street lightfing 385.48 Flowerg for narks 48.37 Old age pensions 370.00 Gas-oil lor tractor 92.46 Blackmitning 24.tjO Grader parts 8.00 Gravel . 8.00 Ha rdvar e 4.65 Shingles 1.12 Hardrm re 3.00 Police car 12.66 Police report blanks 26.50 Pipe 10.98 Road supz3liee . 4.80 Bulbs, batxeries,police 1.82 Aug. overhead expense 8.50 Repzirs,labor village & truck&police czrs , Flowrs Tor oerlrs 4.00 Assessor 790.00 AsPessor 52.50 Fire Dept. service 45.00 Po or 19.65 , Rerund money edvznced 1.35 Poor 22.23 Poor 13.92 Poor 36.79 Poor 5.31 February to Aupist 33.52 Treasurer's cnecks 8 17.50 Total ldiscellaneous Bills 2191.51 Tae Road ana Village Bills, won being duly exsrnined end found correct'uere on aotion Billeon be efloned ,and order?;J piiicl. Eotion seconded oy Willson 2nd czrried. Tnsy are as 2 011 07s : S. J. Rooertr, P. Dyhlgren L. Stolzman John Trecy Joan Tracy Harold KclJelli s J. H. Snaveley 0. ti. Spande , Ole IYeiland Kennetn Lorh Art nur Jensen Geo. 14. Z?Jei,con Utili-cy men Ope ra tor Lebor Labor Lcbor visn team Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor nitn team Labor Tith truck LOO .-00 105.60 93.00 36.00 115. EO 29.70 97.65 25.20 28.58 1.80 10.20 5.20 Frencis Bradley Art Peterson P. A. Redpzth T. E. Tilly jff. B. Heydt 0. E. Spa.nde R. J. Jonnson D. F. XcGuire J. J. Duggan Ben B. Koore - Geo. A. Villron 0. F. Prescott L. R. Black'ourn Dr. L. Id. Cmpbell Total Raod Labor nittz truck Labor aizn truck Village Xarsnall Police Officer Police OrIicer Police Ofricer Street Comissioner P re sid ent Treasurer Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Hea.l%h Officer & Villpge Bills 20.80 200.00 125.00 125.00 100.00 50.00 110.00 35.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.. uo $5620.33 Apdication in fora by J. R. Taorpe to build atzacned. garage adaicion, Fize 20 x 20, to be in Keeping with zne otnm garagee in the sane block and the height to be kept down as much as posFible in considerztion of the otner properties in the neighborhood, was on motion Bleckburn be granted. Seconded by Prescott and carried. Trustee Blackburn reported on behelf of the wa.ter comittee appointed on June 11, 1934, mnerein he stPted tne cormittee nad advised Mr. J. R. Thorpe of nwiierous complaints of lorn vzter Treseure lodged with $he Council and elso that the coramittee were not of the opinion the Village Council were in a poeition to purchase tse present proger-tier of the Country Club District Sermce Company in order to inst711 wells and puaping equimient, purchase tne necessary land, etc., end that before any such expenditure mm%s mde tne entire proposition mould 3ave to be subaitted to tne 170cer~ of che Village at a regular or mecia1 election celled for that purnose and the proposition to mve been duly a-onroved at such an election. The report contaipied tae turtwr information tnet it mas the wieh of the committee as expreseed to 13. Thorpe til& the gresent meter company take such steps to improve its Dresent propercy as would. afford residents of tae Villsge a more adequate supnly of good water at a lower price. On completion of the report it was moved Willson tilet it be accepted. Eotion seconded by Prescbtt and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting held on July 7 were read on motion Blackburn they be approved as read. Seconded by Willpoa and carried. \ The fiinutes of the regular meeting held on Juiy 23 mere on carried. There being no further ousinecs to cqae oefdre tne Council lnotion to adjourn carried at 10:30 PX. - motion Villeon be approved as read. Seconded by Blackburn 8nd f Vilbge Recorder