HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340827_REGULAR52 Xnufas of the regular meeting of $be CQunciT of) $he Village of Eaina hela in the Grange Hall at 8 PA, on August 27th 1934. The meetbe; vas Galled to order by the President and all members of the council rere found present except Trustee 'J Bla ckburn. Tfie question of expiration of all theatre licenses to be issued xss brought up and after discussion it Fa8 moved by Prescott $hat they expire on April 3922. of each year e.0 conform tc exgiration aats of a11 okher licenees issued. Seconaea by Noore/ Carried. Fd.A.Olson again appeared Before %he council regarding his application for license to sell 3.2 beer in his new res- tanrant in the Edina 9IlXhbatre building. It Ras fomd t3at according to Paragraph 5 of Section VI of cur oraisanee that a party making Bpplicatioll for a license mast have been in business for 8 6 monthq periosZ. withe same location prior to such application. AbtCormey Strong for 8 suggested modification of the above requ3remant. . The matter was referred to Tillage Ekssers Greg8 ana Erickson appearred before the Council regarding the traffic contiition at Vest EiOfih St. ana 2rance - Ape., especially ahce the new theatre has bsen opened. The matter Fas referrea to the Pclice Ccmfttee Kith inatruetiom tp provide and insta31%top1t signs a%'tIi% 'SI7 ah& pi- OgmPrs cf tihe intersection and *%lo Sarking signanbetween Tiest 49th St ana Vest 51st Sf on Prance Ave and on both Sides of Jest 50eh Sf; from the intersecficn to a point 100 feet weat of the vest line of the theatre building. The territory with the '*Eo parking signs to have a 88 minute parking limit. Recoraer Uoore reported that the Uinneapolis Zorthfield and Soulhem Ry Co had agree& to contribute fj300.00 towarits the openine; of Azcadia Awe from Hopkins Road to the Eden Praiftie Boad on account of abandoning ana closing up of the old wocaen briageover the Rai%vay Coy s tracks.The Railxay a1sQ agrees to install and maintainfor all time barricades after the bridge ia taken out. piloveti by Prescott that offer be a accepteit. Seoonaeci by i7ilsm. Carriea. Eovea by Tlillson that the application of the Borthvestern Bell Telephone Clo fcr permission $0 lay 165 feet of mdergrom3 cable and place one anchor on Vest 49th St at Brooksiae Am be granted, SecondeB by Presaott. Carried. &love8 by Villaon that %he application of .the Uorthlrestern Bell Telephone Co for permissi0n to place 6 poles and trb onetree on west 60th St betseen Concord and %E.Johns &ire ana place one tmchor on Coneor& irire-St ,I;rs$t 60th 3%. ana one pole on ,rest 59th Sf. betasen Ashcroft Live ana St Johns Ave be granteb Seconde'd by Prescott. Carried. Uoved by Prescott that the pagroll advanctea for the second Half of August 1934 be BllOtwd, a2iik-w '~d'ri_caD~a^b3~he~~~~~~~ Hoeea by Prescott that $he following bills be allowed at this meeti-n@;; Seiberling Rubber Co- 2 tires and bne tube for tlre village truelr $35.51 and Nimehaha Gran 8 for rent8 for the pariod frcm Jaw 1st to July 1st 1934* &2/00. Seconded by ir'Jillson. Carrie a. 'The minutes of the regular meeting held Aug 13th were read and on mofiion bg Erescott were approved as read. by Villson, Carriea 6 book. Seconaea bg Villson, Carried. 'I Seeontied Bo further busineas appearbg before the council mo$ion vas maae to aajourn at 10:451rE?Zd.