HomeMy WebLinkAbout19340910_REGULAR53 I: -. * .I-..&_ - __*- _-- ..- "- .. - t Xinutes of the regular meet;ing of the BouncfP of the Village aP Ea5na held in the Grange Hall at 8 PU on Sept 10Hi 1934, The meeting as called to order by the Presiaent and all members were present except Recorger Moore. $0 officiate a8 Recorder Protem. Trustee Presgott m~s asked. Stmeon Strand appearred bafore the cowoil, at the request Of Truabee Preacott and was prevailed upon to give a 38 foot 8triQ of ground lying east of the center line of 9ooddale Am and sotzth of Vest 62 n& 81; to the south line Section &br9-%!wp 28-R 24 in .order thaO the village may improve the approach to West 62118 St from the sout-h Ehich is now a vew dangerous ap roach, 1Q.Bbrand agreed to aeliver a deed for a consideration of x 1.80, l;ettaer from Tillage Attorney Strong p%as receive& regardhg change to Paragraph 5 02 Section PI of %he 3.2 beer ordimkce anti he qug- gw3%-eaLEhaS we repeal $he entire paragrash mith an alternative sf a&di.ag to the presaat paragraph the worita ltprovided, hoxever, that the council may waive said requirement of six months operation by a four-fifth& Agber some discussion it; xas deoiaed to retain the paragraph and amend the orainaxlce in accordance with the second suggestion. Blackbum then rnovea the adlitption 69 the followhg oralinance bending an ordinance Licensing ma Regulating the Sale of Son-intoxicating Ealt Liquors amendmerif; ; I- it in the Tillage of Eaina, Hennepin Co.Nimeso6a. .- The common Council 09 %he Xillage of Edaa"da,ordaih; Section 1. !Chat Paragraph 5 of Section VI, reading as follows: "Eo ron-oalef lioense shall be grmtea for sales in coulsection with any business or olub rhere -such business or club has not been in operation at that plEtOe for at least aix (6) montha :'unmediatel$f preceding euch applicationtt, being Paragraph 5 of Section VI Of an ordillarPce enfitlea It h Ordinance Liceneiag ma Regulat- ing the Sale of Bon-intoxicating Xalt Liouors, Repealing Inobsistent OrdbanceS ana Providing a Penalty for the Tiolation Hereof", be and the same is hereby amended by aadbg to the present paragraph, lfprovidetl, hmever, that the caunoil ma$ waive said requirement of 8ix' (6) months operation by a four-fifths vote". Section 2. This ordiuamce shall take effect an& be in force from and after-its gublication. 3% Passed by the council this - (6 4 dar of September 3.9a4, - .. *. Preaident of Council Atiiest; Village Recorder. Beconded by illillson. carcriea, Report from Justice of tbe Feme was receive& accompanied by B16.20 a'hich was 'burned over tb the Zlreasuer. i'Ji1lson reported that the Hendrie'ks family haa been ordered aut of the place where they mere at present living on aceomt of being unable to pay tbefr renh He stated that he Ea8 unable to fiad antsther place for the fmily and suggested thaf the Village 3ay the rent for Auguat and September 1934 at $80.00 per month. It was moved b?illso& , aeconded by Blackburn that ttro months rent be -paid. Camie6. millson aavisea that; a party named., 080. Jonea living mlth Geo Pame had. established residence in the Village, but that if he oouM get transportation to Grand Rapids, Issich. There he had friends he E!Wld be glad 60 go and relieve the Tillage 09 a;123t fuf;ared;' “ -. -.- - _. - .- .*- -- __ -. -7, 54 expense. Lirs.?/h%pple of thB *@iiXa Velfare Bureau had agreed to arrange for EL half fare bicke.1; and Thllson motrea tha$ a marrant be dram The Uiscellaneous Bills, upon being auly exmined and Pomd correct nere on motion Y?illson be allonea aria graQred paid, eeaondea br Blackbum. Carried. ?hey are as Follows; Himehaa Grange #398 Rents 18% half 3954 ($62.00 Seiberling Rubber Co Tube ma &ires far tmucrk 35.51 her favor for $7.39 , seconded by BLaoZrbm. Carried. V. B, Garvey Rosa aupplies 5, or Eatina HaraEare Boa& supplies 10.35 BoH.Braaley Village Engineer 10,OO Chas Uller &Scm Hard~are Supplies 10 10 c,~.~ina~ui~t Blacksrnithhg ?*OO Xplia Oenl Eleotric CO Eleotric sexvim 438. 50 The co~cry Club Repairs to lam Tract Office 13060 A, C,Price 2 months rent Henaricka fam1.s 40.00 &&el GWpple Ry fare for Ges Jones 7.39 Repzblicr Creoaoting Co Ruad supplies -. 65.35 E. %Harris Gas ma oils for equipnent 106273 E0Bavis hence post8 3.25 Elrs. John Greer Tater used 8,430 C.f).lCerm Gas and oil village equipment 9.69 Joe Adlemarr Poor Relief groceries 4-90 JGb BUOke’bt Poor relief groce5iea 12.00 Dockens Community Sf;ors 11 Prank%in Creamery Co n PQokrarrdf; Lumber Co Eat erial 7; 83 Countzy Club Garage Sesevice and storago 26.22 Biller Davis 00 * . General Srfcense book 10 25 Police repore8 & minutes 25.70 Hemepin Cod Reviev Ccuntrg Club Garage Repairs for village truok 40 25 3, Jaspers on Read gravel 19 0 11 HOT0 Johnston Culv Co. Culvert pipes 202.98 It 11 50.71 l1 milk 1.58 Greggs Phamnacy rt supplies 1.89 Peney K:errtS I1 t* groceries 3,50 ** milk 63 mrthiaa Bin co ir Groceries 26. 00 Carl. Olson It milk 5.49 Pedersoen Bros tt groceries 6.60 ‘Potal i’iliscGllaneous bills 1238.29 ~cholz aero. CO/ 1r 2he Road and-TJlllage bills, upon being auly examined and fomd corredt were on motion Blackburm be alloxed and ordered paia, aecoaaed by Jlllson. ad carriea. 2.A. Retipaf;h Village €!amhall $125. QQ T.Eo2illy 9o19ce Officer 125-00 :TT. s.Hegat II I1 108. QO 50,oo aai. s$mae 11 11 Re J. Johnson St;rset Commissioner 1100 00 S4 J. Roberts Utility Kan 100.00 Fetier Dahlgren Lab 03 74-80 75.60 Louis Stolzmul 11 J. Tracy with lieam 95-20 32.40 J.’Pracy 11 If wif;h -, truck 78.00 854 10 @ancis Bradley X.KcXeZlis JOE, ma~~ly 1.80 c 0 Y 0ung;blut;h I? 4.40 - Geo Shulson It 7.20 Q, Eo @aulae -n 5.40 Sslmner Sl8tf;en 11 A.Hen&:riehs If with truck 3.60 IT ir 11 1950 QO 35.00 Art.Pe%erson D. F,P;icGuire President Tr e as uer 25.80 Becorder 75.00 Berr BKocre G.A. Billson 2rus.f;ee 25.00 25.08 G. F. Pres cote n 25.00 L. Re Bla Ckbm R Dr,L.K. Campbell * Health Officer 25.00 13%. 60 2hey are’as Pol10r;s; ll It 8U/LO J* Jo DUggan Total Road and Village bills of the Edina !l!haaf;re moved Yillson that a . suchmanvles as to properly Tight the sidewalk sgace betreen the BMee$..$htsssec%ion and the entrance 4;c the parktug space, seconded by BJaclirbura. mrriea. As the minutes for the prerious ~egular meting had not; been ?;rSfiten ug they could not be gassed on. /