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I Uinutes of the regular meeting of
the Clouncil of the Village of Edina
held in GrPnge Hall at 8 PEI, on
October 8, 1934
The meeting vas called to order by the President and all
members of the Council were found present.
A communication dated Oqtober 6, 1934 by Geo. Id. Gale,
4374 Aurora Avenue, mas read with reference to defective
sidewalk in front of above premises. For the reapon the
siaemalk seemed to be poorly installed and the fact that sn accident or injury case might result, the matter was on,
motion Moore be referred to the street commissioner to re-
pair and place in a safe condition. by Blackburn and carried.
:Trustee Duggan presented original certification by the
-Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis shoving deposit vith it
,by the Hidland National Bank and Trust Company of Hinaea-
polis, of U. S. Treasury notes seqial D 1936-1$$, due
September 15, 1936, in amount $9000.00, said notes dep-
osited vith said Federal Reserve Bank as trustee and as
leg& collateral to secure funds of the Village of Edina,
on deposit vith said PSidland Rational Bank and Trust
seconded by Prescott and carried.
The motion vas seconded
On motion Moore said notes be accepted, motion
The Xiscellaneous Billb, upon being duly exmined and found
correct sere on motion Prescott be allowed and ordered paid.
Seconded by !7illson and. carried. They are as follovs:
Emergency Relief Admin.
Hennepin County Eagneto Service Go.
Geo. 17. Strong
City of Uinneapolis
C. A. Lindquist
Redwing Sever Pipe Corp
Fzrm Service Stores
B. H. Bradley Country Club Garage
Hennepin County
Vooddale Grocery . I?. 8. Garvey
W. H. Ziegler
Hennepin County Review
Lyle Sips Inc.
Minneapolis G. E. Co. E. VI. Harris
Joe Adelrnan Bucketts Grocery
A. HI Docken
Franklin Cremery
L. A.. UcClellan
G. L. Trisler
Scholz Uerc. Co.
Vooddale Grocery
Office overhead 9.50
Deed 1.00 Repairs for caterpillarll. 50
Recording fees 3.37
Fire Deyt. Service 38.37
Blacksmi thing 5.60
Pipe 26.52
Seed 3.75
Survey Triangle 15.00 Police ca.r-truck 15'. 80
Poor farm 92.00 Gas&oil,tractorktruck 13.15
Relief & hardnare 8.24
Bolts 13.70
Pub notices 13.95 Signs 114.50
Gashoil for police car, grader & truck 92.87
Relief 5.04 Relief 33.70 Re li e€ 45.81
Relief 1.80 .
Relief 3.50
Relief 11.50
20.10 Relief
Relief 30.16
Street lighting 479.49
Wooddale Feed &- Transfer Go. Seed 14.50
Justus Lbr. Go. Sidewalk 47.08 P. J. Csroline Drugs for poor 2.35
Buckets Oil Station Oil for poor -80 total Xiscellaneous Bi 11s $1177.45
The Villzge, having come in possession of the trianguler
piece of land bounded by Hopkins Road, Eden Prairie Road
and 3elt Line gighnay, it was moved Eoore that Xinnehaha
Grange be offered the proposition to enter into P dis-
cussion with members of the Council with reference to moving the Grange Hall building on said piece of land.
Hotion seconded by Prescott and carried.
-9 x
A bfr. Lunch appeared before the Council with request that
the Order of the Pur@le Heart be permitted to operate a
street carnival for the period of one week on Nest 50th
St. After discussion it was suggegted to Mr. Lunch that it vould doubtless be better for him to operate on the
Ninneapolis side of Fraace Avenue, which suggestion seemed
Application in form for build-ing nerait by G, €3. Vanderhorst to build a chicken house on Lot 2, Block 32, Exma Abbott
Park,.was on motion Prescott be grmted. Seconded by
Villson and carried.
Application in form for building permit by Lewis Hanson,
4511 Edina. Blvd. to build a private dwelling was on motion
Blackburn be granted. Seconded by Prescott and carried.
Application in form by T. V. Moore to a.dd to present garage at 4909 Arden Avenue ~a,s on riotion Blackburn be
granted. Seconded by Prescott and carried.
Apslication in form for building Demit by Jrorris Tach to build a private dwelling at 4613 Edina Blvd. was on
motion Blackburn be granted. Seconded by Prescott and
Application in form €or building permit by Mr. Lareon to
build a private dvelling at 4601 Casco Avenue was on
motion Blackburn be granted. Seconded by Prescott and
Application by the Minneapolis General Electric Company to
erect one (1) pole on Concord Street between 59th and 60th
StreetE vas on motion Prescott be granted. Seconded by
Fillson and carried.
A letter on behalf of Thorpe Bros., Inc. by Ur. Newhall
dated September 19, 1334 proposing the sale of the water
works 5ystem to the Vill-age of Edina alon with certain
conditions and provisions for the sum of # 16736.00 cash was
on motion Moore be referred to the Village Attorney. Sec-
onded by Prescott and carried.
B letter dated Segternber 15, 1934 $TO~!C.-~D.' Wilkinsan
enc1osing'"a; bZlliofdkaner Covflpany for $58.00 for the furn- ishing and installing of an enclosed type meter Bafety switch to control the Cascade pump was read. For the
reason the above is an obligation, not contracted for or
authorized by the Village Council, it mas directed that the bill be returned to Mr. Wilkinson.
A letter dated September 18, 1934 by Albert Graber re- '
questing the Village to pay him $150.00 for engineering
services performed for Country Club Association on the
Cascade me11 and pump mas likevise not allowed for the
reason it mas not authorized by the Village Council.
A letter dated September 24, 1'234 from the Hennepin
County Child {Telfare Bureau re: Geo. Jones was read on
motion Hoore be leferred to tne police committee. Sec-
onded by Prescott end carried.
After discassion regarding the biL1 of Strong; Meyers and
Cove1 for attorney fees in the case of Virginia Stolzman
it was moved Hoore that the same be allowed and paid.
Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
The matter of the 1935 estimated budged of Villa, me ex-
penditures Tor the year 1935 next received the atkention
of the Council. After going over the various items in
dbtail it was moved Prescott tha% the tax levy for all
Village purposes for the year. 1335 be set at $35000.00.
Motion seconded by Hoore and carried.
The Road and Village Bills upon being duly examined and
found correct vere on motion 17illson be allowed and
ordered pi2.d. Seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as follovs: $
R. J. Johnson Street Commissioner $$llO.OO
S. J. Roberts Utility man 100.00
Peter Dahlgren Tractor operator 101.20
Louis Stolzman Labor 81.00 John Tracy Labor nith team 27.20
John Tracy Labor 72.00 J. H. Snavely Park labor 36.00
Francis Bradley Truck 100.75 P. A Redpath Village Marshall 125.00
T. E. Tilly Police Officer 125.00
V. S. Xeydt Police Officer 100.00 0. E. Spande Bal pay as police officer 22.00 D. F. LkGuire P r e s i dent 35.00 J. J. Duggan Treasurer 25.00 L. R. Blackburn Trustee 25.00
Geo. A. Tillson Trustee 25.00
Trustee 25.00 C. F. Prescott
Ben B. Zoore Recorder 75.00
Dr. L. E. Cam-pbell Village Health Officer 25.00
Win. Kroll Tru.ck 7. SO
Thos. Goble Lab ox 3.60
A. Hendricks .Labor 7.20 E. Bever sdorf f Labor 3.60
Art Peterson Lzbor with truck 190.00 81447.35 Total Road and Villa.ge Bills
The rninutes of tne regular meetinp of the Council held on
Septemner 24, 1934 Taere read on motion Blackburn they be
approved as read. Seconded by Pillson and carried.
It vas moved Blackburn that tnis meeting adJourn unxii
October 15, 1934, to meet at %ne same time and place. Ltozion seconded by Zoore end carried.
There oeing no furcner business to come before the Council
motion to adjourn carried at 11:45 PLI.
L hi t, *' Village hecorder
Xinutes of 7jne adjourned :fleeting of tne Council of tne Villsge of Edina. neld on
Octooer 15, 1Y34
Tne meeting mas called -bo order by tae Presidend ;kn Grange
Hz11 after ahhh the meeting reconvened at the home of the
Recorder, 4605 Tooddale Ave. All inembers of tne Council
were present, togetner rrith Cr. Strong, Village Attorney,
and Ueesrs. H. 7. Dam and Q. H. IJcNezl, representing .
Elinnenaila Grange. Tne purpose of the zeeting being to enter into a discussion as to the terms and conditions nnicn migat
be entered Into Petween tne Village of Edina as omers of tne triangular gjiece of land bounded by tne Hopkins Road, Eden
Prairie Road and Belt Line Highnay, and Hinnehaha Grance as
the ovners of the Grange Hall.
After discussion of the verious term and conditions which
might be ihcluded into a lease, the matter IWS left vith
Village Attorney, Ur. Strong to prepare a necessary lease
which would be referred. to the next meetiBg of the Village
Council to be held an October 22.
On-motion the meeting to adjourn at 10:30 PX.
Village Reborder'