HomeMy WebLinkAbout19341015_ADJOURNED60 The Road and Village Bills upon being duly examined and found correct vere on motion 17illson be allowed and ordered pi2.d. Seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as follovs: $ R. J. Johnson Street Commissioner $$llO.OO S. J. Roberts Utility man 100.00 Peter Dahlgren Tractor operator 101.20 Louis Stolzman Labor 81.00 John Tracy Labor nith team 27.20 John Tracy Labor 72.00 J. H. Snavely Park labor 36.00 Francis Bradley Truck 100.75 P. A Redpath Village Marshall 125.00 T. E. Tilly Police Officer 125.00 V. S. Xeydt Police Officer 100.00 0. E. Spande Bal pay as police officer 22.00 D. F. LkGuire P r e s i dent 35.00 J. J. Duggan Treasurer 25.00 L. R. Blackburn Trustee 25.00 Geo. A. Tillson Trustee 25.00 Trustee 25.00 C. F. Prescott Ben B. Zoore Recorder 75.00 Dr. L. E. Cam-pbell Village Health Officer 25.00 Win. Kroll Tru.ck 7. SO Thos. Goble Lab ox 3.60 A. Hendricks .Labor 7.20 E. Bever sdorf f Labor 3.60 Art Peterson Lzbor with truck 190.00 81447.35 Total Road and Villa.ge Bills The rninutes of tne regular meetinp of the Council held on Septemner 24, 1934 Taere read on motion Blackburn they be approved as read. Seconded by Pillson and carried. It vas moved Blackburn that tnis meeting adJourn unxii October 15, 1934, to meet at %ne same time and place. Ltozion seconded by Zoore end carried. There oeing no furcner business to come before the Council motion to adjourn carried at 11:45 PLI. L hi t, *' Village hecorder Xinutes of 7jne adjourned :fleeting of tne Council of tne Villsge of Edina. neld on Octooer 15, 1Y34 Tne meeting mas called $0 order by tae Presidend ;kn Grange Hz11 after ahhh the meeting reconvened at the home of the Recorder, 4605 Tooddale Ave. All inembers of tne Council were present, togetner rrith Cr. Strong, Village Attorney, and Ueesrs. H. 7. Dam and Q. H. IJcNezl, representing . Elinnenaila Grange. Tne purpose of the zeeting being to enter into a discussion as to the terms and conditions nnicn migat be entered Into Petween tne Village of Edina as omers of tne triangular gjiece of land bounded by tne Hopkins Road, Eden Prairie Road and Belt Line Highnay, and Hinnehaha Grance as the ovners of the Grange Hall. After discussion of the verious term and conditions which might be ihcluded into a lease, the matter nas left vith Village Attorney, Ur. Strong to prepare a necessary lease which would be referred. to the next meetiBg of the Village Council to be held an October 22. On-motion the meeting to adjourn at 10:30 PX. &3!LWJ%h* Village Reborder'