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Idimuties of the regular meeting of the OomGt3 of-the ViTl&ge of-Edina held-in Gkange HaTl at 8 P.H. on November 12, 1934
The meeting was called to order by the President and all members of the Council were found present.
Hessrs. Friedman, Stenson and other merchants appeared before the Council regarding parking regulations at 50th
Street and France Avenue, Mr. Friedman asking that certain thrity minute parking regulations' be eliniinated on the
north side of 50th Street across from Edina Theatre, nhile
the petition signed by fifteen merchants requested that the present traffic rules be left in effect. both sides, it was moved Moore that the matter be referred
to the Police Committee. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried.
After hearing
Street Commissioner Johnson presented a stetement showing the expenses in moving a Parkway tree in front of 4509
Edina Blvd. It was agseed that Louis Hanson be billed $12.00 for this expense.
Application in form for building permit e. 0. Carlson to
build a private garage on Lot 5, Block 5, Mendelssohn
Addition, was OR motion Prescott be granted. Seconded by Willson and carried.
Application in form by Paul Brown to build addition to sunporch at 4206 Sunnyside Road vas on motion Blackburn be
Application in form for building permit by Louis Hanson to
build a private residence at 4509 Edina Blvd., Lot 5 , Block
7, Brown Section, mas on motion Blackburn be graQed, Seconded by Prescott and carried.
Application in form by Carl Hanson to build private dwelling at 4604 Edina Blvd. , Lot 17, Block 11, Brown Section, was on motion Blackburn be granted. Seconded by Prescott and
c arri ed.
Seconded by Willson and carried.
Application in fora for building permit by H. F. Nelson to
build a private dwelling at 4614 Arden Avenue, Lot 8, Block
11, Fairmay, mas on motion Blackburn be granted. Seconded by Prescott and parried.
Application in form by Spphia B. Stenson to build a 24' x 28' private dwelling on Lot 3, Block 3, South Harriet Park, was
on motion Willson be granted. Seconded by Prescott and c ar ri ed .
Application in form for building permit by Dan Ives to build a 22' x 30' private garage on Lot 19, Block 1, Peacedale and 62nd St. vas on motion Willson be granted. Seconded by Prescott and earlred.
The matter of parking regulations at 50th and France Ave. again came before the Council and after discussion it was moved Blackburn that the north side of Vest 50th Street
from the west line of the Theatre building east to Dxboro Driveway., nom in the thirty minute parking zone be placed
in the unlimited parking area, motion seconded by Fillson.
A vote being taken, mhereupon it was found there sere five
a~ys and no ayes, and so declared lost.
The Road and Village bills upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion t'iillson be allomdd and ordered paid. Seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as folloss:
R, J. Johnson
. S. J. Robertp Peter Dahlgr en Louis Stolzman John Tracy
F. Bradley
S. Sletten
A. Hepdricks
C. Whiting
J. H. Snavely
0. M. Spande P. A. Redpath
T. E. Tilly
W. S. Hepdt P.; -IF. McGuire
J. J. Duggan Ben B. Noore Geo. A. Willson
C. F. Prescott L. R. Blackburn Dr. L. M. Campbell John Tracy Geo. ShUlson Elmer Walker
H. Neuts Albert Young
Carl Marth John H. EcNellis
Chas. Ernponger
Art Peterson -a
Street Ooxnrnissi oner
Utility man
Tractor Ope rat or Labor
Labor with truck Labor
Labor Labor with team Labor Labor Village Marsha.11 Police Officer
Police Officer President
Trustee Trustee Trustee Village Health Ofilicer Labor with team
Labor with truck Labor
Labor Labor Labor with 'truck Labor Labor.
Labor with truck
110.00 100.00
132.00 100.80 82.80 62.40
30.60 27.90
125.00 110 . 00
35.00 25.00
25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 47.60
10.80 8.85
. 5.50
Total Road 8c Village Bills $1575.55
. The Miscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Prescott be allowd and ordered paid.
Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Strong,,Meyers 8c CovelLegal SerPPces 354.25
'- I_. w
a rn
I A. C. Price
They are as follows:
D, F. McGuire
J. J. Duggan Nellie Straite
'Emily B. Saohs Ethel R. McReady George A. Mabou Mr. Buresh
. Geo. A. Willson Victor Tregus J. 1. Newburn
Mrs. Earle Foster
Agnes Swenson
Chris Larson Alva Duos
0. R. Blackburn
Nickels & Smith Go.
W. F. Gazvey
Thorpe Bros. Inc.
Hennepin County Rev. Edina Hardware Miller Davis Co J. E. Henessy 00. E. W. Harris
Barrett Company Lyle Signs, Inc.
3. W. Hulme 001
J. D. Adams 001 Peerl-ess Elec. Go.
0. A. Lindquist Xinnesota Tree Serv.
Rent, A. Hendricks 20.00. Clerk Election 15.90 Judge 14 15.90 15.90 Judge It
Clerk II 15.90
15.90 Clerk I1
11.50 Clerk I
Clerk It 11.50 Judge 11 15.90 Judge it I 15.90 Judge I1 15.90
15.90 Clerk ti
Clerk It 15.90
Clerk . 11 12.50 Clerk It 11.50 Election booths and spec
Renearal Columbia Policy #88357 5.00
Hardware & road supplies 20.30 Rent Tract Office 87.50 Applications for Bldg permits 7.00 Hardware 3.55 Election supplies 3.85
1 gal curb paint 2.55 Gas & oil for police car,
tractors and truck 105 . 41
100 gal KP Tarvi'a, 18.50
1 "Mo Parking" sign 2.30
Tarpaulin for tractor 10.00
2 blades for grader 7.00
24 flash-light batteries 1.66 f
officer, election 8.00 r\
Village porgion overhead expense14.00 Blacksmi thing 17.83
Trimming Brees 50.00
Minneapolis G. E. Co Country Club Garage
Vooddale Grocery Jay 17. Craig Go. Anderson Bros. Dockens Store
Edina Grocery
Franklin Creamery Greggs Pharmacy PTelson s ShoeeS$ore '
Carl Olson Pederson Bros. Trislers Grocery Vooddale Grocery Justus Lbr. Co. Hennepin County John Tracy
P. Dahlgren Roger Borey PT. $. Heydt
U. R. Boss
S. Rice
October street li$h$%ng 472.52 gepairs police car &
truck 52.18
Gas for tractor 10.55 Road Oil 611.80 Olothing ERA 2.63 Groceries ERA 33.22 Groceries ERA 7.15
Milk ERA 3.60
Shoes ERA 2.45 Groceries ERA 194.83 blilk ERA 7.98
Groceries for poor 38.90 Cement for sidewalks 15.00
Services 2.50 Services eith' car 4.50
Services with car '
Services pith car 5.00
Drugs ERA 1. ?a
Groceries for-poor 9.00
Rental of Road Roller 19. ao
Road roller operator 15.40 Total Miscellaneous Bills $2458.09
The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on October 8 were read on motion Prescott they be approved as
The minutes of the special meeting of the Council held on October 15 were read on motion Prescott they be a-pproved as read. Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Seconded by Villson and carried.
' The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on
October 22 were read on motion Prescott they be approved as read. Seconded by Willwn and carried.
Application of the Hinneapolis General Electric Comp3ny for permittsion to erect nineteen (19) poles on Cahill
Road north of Highway No. 5 vas on motion Noore be granted. Seconded by Prescott and carried.
It was moved Willson that this meeting adjourn Bubject to call by the President for che purpose of auditing and ex- amining the books and accounts of the Village Treasurer and Village Recorder for the year November 15, 1933 to Novemoer
15, 1934. Botion seconded by Prescott and carried at 11:30 P*B.
Trustee Blackburn offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption, and seconded by Presoott:
'#An Ordinance amending an Ordinance of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, entitled The Zoning Ordinance of Edina, passed by the Council of said Village on the 25th day of May, 1931.
. The Council of the Village of Edina, do ordain: Section
111, that paragraph liall of said Section be and is hereby mended so as to include in the uses perscribed in the Open Development District, of the XonithgrOrdinance of
Edina, that of "Grange Ha.11."