HomeMy WebLinkAbout19341210_REGULARIlinutes of the regulax meeting of the Council of the Village' of lidha, held in Grange Hall on December 10, 1934, at 8 PIS. \ The meeting vas called to order by the President, the roll called and all members of the eouncil were found present. Bids were opened for the purchase of one two ton truck chassis and cab, as duly advertised in the Hennepin county Review, issue of November 29 , 1934. The bids, upon being opened and tabulated, folxnd the International Harvester Gdnipany bid to be ()851.30 net. The bid of Gerard Uotors, fnc., on one Dodge 2 ton to be G8T9.95. The bid of Hetfield-Parry, Tnc., on one Dodge 2 ton was $844.95. After discussion it vas moved by Prescott, "that the lorn bid of-' Hetfield-Parry, he*, for $844,95 net be accepted and that the unsuccessful bidder's certified checks 'be returned, the President and Recorder to sign the order, motion was seconded by %'illson and carried without .any dissenting vote and so ordered carried. Connecticut fire, thef'c and collision insurance on Village Plodel 15, Holt Caterpillar tractor in amount $300.00 and fire, theft and collis- ion insurance on Village Tehr-Pordson grader in amount 0200.00, on being duly-exaimied and found correct, was placed in the vault. *% ML&)-I'b *JA Ins. Compayly policy No. INPS 454295, covering Eecorder Eoore, advised that the 10th. and final installment for Cwb & Gutter, Sanitary Sever and Storm Sever, levied against all lots in the Fairm Sec tioii, Country Club District had been paid by Thorpe Bros., and that the paid bonds or warrants, issured for the purpose of financing the improvements 17ere now cancelled and in %he Village safe. A letter by Er H. C, Utley, under date of December 8, 1934, as chairman of the Speaial \Bter Committee of the Country Club Assn., was read to %lie Council, requesting that a meeting of the Comm- ittee and the Council be held in the near future for the purpose of discussing the Committee's findings and the water si%uation in general. It vas thereupon moved by Boore , "that the Council as a whole meet with the Special Yater Committee at the conven- ience of all interested parties and at a time to be suggested by the Committeei1. motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It vas moved by Willson, "that as the next regular rneeting of the Council Tou3.d be on the evening of Wcember 24th., Christmas &be, that the meeting not be held and that the Treasu.rer,cPfesident 824 ,Becor'der,be authorized and empowered to issue the necessary warrants and Village checks for the purpose of making pay advances to Village Road crew and marsha1ls:l motion seconded by Prescott and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on LTovember .- 26th. $934, vere read, on motion Prescott, %hey be approved as read" seconded by Blackburn and carried. The Village and Road bills upon being duly examined and Bund cor- rect, were on motion ?7illson ''they be allowed and ordered paid" seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as fo11om R. J. Johnson S. Je Roberts Pe Dahlgren L. Stolzman John Tracy John Tracy George Schulson A, Hendricks c C. 7;"Eniting Harold mden R. Sorensen Rex Garvey De BW~S st corn Utility man Tractor operator Road labor Labor with team Road labor Truck hire E'RA Road labor Labor with team Road labor 11 I1 It 11 tl ti ti (I '1. 11 $1 LO * 0 0 * C' 0 100 .oo* 111.10- 84.15- 61.20- 439 20- 89,70* 23.85. 3.60- 14.40. 30.60- 7.20- 7.20- 3.15 * 6.30 = L 69 " Chas. Johnson I Road labor $3.15 . 2.25 I Bo mest 11 11 3.60, John Hilts 11 It Roy Swenaon 11 I1 9.00. Clarence Bovey 11 11 11 7.20. Eert Lyden 11 Eobtl 8cheU 11 * 11 Lewis In& I1 = II 11 8.45. Rex Conell 11 IEmie, Ssclza It 11 11 7.20. Lam~ence Bovey 11 11.26. John Bonssn Sfd PneSaton 4*05~ Rob%. Coburn 11 11 4.05, Robt. Burns 11 II 5.85. Riahard Norris- 11 11 4.05 * John Lund It 41 11 11 5.85. 4.05~ Harold NcNellis * Robt. &Neil 11 11 - If 51 85 e George Roeaner I1 Har-ry Roesner 11 11 7.65. 3.60 - George Saenson II 11 11 3.60. George Hoskins 11 fl a 3.60. Een Remple 11 John Lindbury lt 11 . 7.30, 3.60 * Russel Austin If it 3.60 - Art Richardson If 11 James Lindbury If 11 7.20. It 3.60, Rob%, Lindbury 11 I1 3.60. James Ryan 11 3.60, Hilmer Lenander 11 II * . 3.60 4 D8 Hansen II It - 3.60 - A. Hansen 11 11 3.60 3. SChrietke if i? 3.60 John Eovey 11 11 3.60 Graham McNeS1 * It I1 tl 3.60. E. Hoskins If 3. 60. Russell Holt' I1 fl R. Helen Johnson Stenographic lab or l?. 10 - c. R8 Blackburn Spl. Officer 6. booths 8.00. Louise &. Benson 11 I1 If 5.130. Alma Duns Clerk 11 I1 5.90. I1 5.90. Agnes I . Surensen If fl Gladys 17. Boater 11 $1 tl c'8 ??8 Prescott Judge 11 (I 5.90. . Chris Larson if iI If 5.90. Nellie Strate Clerk fl II 5.90. &the1 hfcCready 11 11 H 5.90. Laura Dirks- 11 11 It 5.90. P. A. Redpath Village Marshall ' ~ T215QO. T. e. Ti11y Police Officer 1,250 00 8 ' lOOoOQ* Dr Lowell 118 Campbell Health Officer '25. 00 C. I?. Prescott Tc us tee 25.00 * George A. ':Tillson I1 25.00. Ben B. Noore Recorder 75, 00. D. F. NcGuire President 35.00- Art PeLerson Garbage Collection 240.00. 9845 38 60, 14.40 78 65 - I1 11 11 11 4.05'. George A. Ib,xon Judge Village E;lection 5890. 5.90. \?e Sa Heydt 11 11 L8 R8 Blackburn 11 25800. J. J. Duggan Tr e as ure r 25.00. To..i;al K $v...**e.$ f.,?Q6*8O The Niscellaneous bills upon examina,.tion and being found correct, were on notion Blackburn, %hey be allowed. and ordered paid", seconded by Prescott and carried, as follows. !bey are 23. 'VI. Harris Gas & oil $74886 ' Narsh-NcLe nnan Prerniwn tractors ins, 7.50. Niller-Davis Co &Lee tion supplies 5.70, Country Club Assocs. Tools 7.91: Gregg's Pha-lmacy Prescriptions for poor 4.75- Eklinz, Grocery Docken' s Store Carl Olson J. A. &ight Tooddale Grocery Pederson IBflk Co 'fypenriter Clearing Assn. C. A. Stindquist Country Cluh Garage Dahl%erg Bros, Ine Hennepin County Review Alter t Graber Bren Hardvare Glacier Sand Ec Gr Co Hennepin County '91horpe Bros, Inc. , Burns Sandwich Shop 8. H. Bradley lk PI. Blackburn 3. a. Eennessy Co d. A, Lubricant Co ZRA Administration tYood6ale Grocery 4us tus Lunber C o ??le F. Garvey Albert HendYicks ainneapolis Go 3. Go % PtA groceries tl It (1 I1 It II II :I milk Repair & parts Blacksmithi rig Repairs -service Police car & truck Bepair !Tehr-Fordson Pub, notices, ballots Financial Statement &g ine er ing ser vi: c e s Parts for motrer a Sand & gravel Poor Fam Rent Tract Office eC tel. Eeals Bins prisciner Grades Village Triangle. Refund for cash advanced .. 9ao.00. 650 95- 84.3'9.- 10 . 00. 8 00. 11 90. 10.00. * 20 63; I 35.70- 213.90- 1.00- * purchase -Pirestone Police c 4.e 60. Paint 2.55 + Tractor grease.. 41e25- Overhead 14eOO- Cement 15000. tiee chains for truck 3.60. Gas for snowplow 7.5l. Hardware EC Road supplies 7.33- November St . Lighting; and Cascade pump 484.71- Parts for tractor rkpairs' UO. 42- Total Decelliber expenditure @3,165.01. Bo further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 11.25 Pld . I c . . ... I. .s 9 *L- .* *. 0