HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350114_REGULAR1 Q (V1 C) J 71, Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina i? held in Grange Hall at 8 PM, on January 14,. 1935 The meeting was called to order by the President and all members of the Council were found present. The Miscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Willson they be allowed and ordered paid. Motion seconded by Black burn and carried. They are as follows: Margaret Newberg Minnehaha Grange Park Construction Co. W.. H. Ziegler Co. Edina Hardware 13.,W. Bell Telephone Co. Hennepin County Review Miller -Davis Co. ERA Administration D -A Lubricant Co. City of Minneapolis Country Club Assn.' Store . Thompson Lumber Co. Edina Garage Grayba.r Elec. Co. League Minn.Municipallties E .. W . Harris Carl Olson Dockens Grocery Edina. Grocery Franklin Creamery Greggs Pharmacy H. A. Nelson Clothing Co. Anton Nelson Or. Co. Philpott- Bailey Co. E. A. Raymond Geo . L. Tri sler Young Fuel Co. Hennessy Lumber Co..,, Nelson Shoe .Shop Anderson Bros. Anton Olson Philpott - Bailey Co. V1. F. Garvey Country Club Garage 0. A. Lindquist City of Minneapolis Edina Feed Co. Wm. Bros B & 11 Co. Geo. W. Strong Hetfield Parry Inc. J. J. Duggan Wooddale Grocery Dr. C. F. Wohlrobe Total Miscellaneous Rent 37.50 Rent 70.00 Snow plowing 106.00 Tractor repair parts 58.55 Bolts 4.28 Listings 3.00 Warrants 19.25 Office Supplies 28.06 December overhead 16.00 Lubricant 40.48 Repairs to policeradio 8.63 Road tools 2.84 Lumber 1.48 Emergency chains 2.40 Supplies 8.04 Legislative assessmnt 6.00 Gas-tractor, truck, �- police car 123.7 .1 ERA groceries 45.83 ERA groceries 18.75 ERA groceries 10.00 ERA milk _3.04 ERA relief 4.64 ERA relief 10.81 ERA milk 1.35 ERA fuel 8.65 ERA rent 20.00 ERA groceries 10.72 ERA fuel 40.25 ERA ftlel 102.30 ERA shoes 14.00 ERA overalls 1.00 ERA groceries 3.00 Fuel for poor 16.60 ERA & hardware 5.32 Truck,police car serv.66.73 Blacksmithing 20.25 Fire Dept. service 124.00 Hauling for poor 9.70 Repairs snow plow 34.50 Village Attorney 360.00 Dodge Truck 844.95 Stationary & stamps 9.20 Gas, snow plow 6.40 ERA relief 12.00 Bills 2463.71 The Road and Village Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Prescott they be allowed and ordered paid. Motion seconded by Willson and carried. They are as follows: S. J.- Roberts P. Dahlgren L. Stolzman John Tracy Albert Hendricks Carl Marth Utility man 100.00 Tractor operator 106.70 Labor 81.90 Labor 63.00 Labor 12.60 Labor 10.00 72 P. A. Redpath T. E. Tilly W. S. Heydt Rex Garvey D. G. McGuire J. J. Duggan Ben B. Moore Geo. A. Willson C. F. Prescott L. R. Blackburn Dr. L. M. Campbell John Traci R. Sorenson George Rosener Roy Clark Art Peterson Emil Dahl Total Road & Village Marshall 125.00 Police officer 125.00 Police officer 100.00 Labor 6.30 President 35.00 Treasurer 25.00 Recorder 75.00 Trustee 25.00 Trustee 25.00 Trustee 25.00 Health Officer 25.00 Labor with team 35.70 Labor 47.70 Labor 5.40 Labor 2.25 Collecting garbage 120.00 Labor 73.60 Village Bills X1056.55 Columbia. Casualty Company Bond No. FB -R -6757, of Chas. B. Carroll, Justice of Peace, in amount ;500.00, upon being duly examined ryas on motion Blackburn be accepted. Lotion seconded by Prescott and carried. Village Treasurer's Bond to the Village of Edina issued by the National Surety Corporation of New York in amount of $7500.Ou J. J. Duggan, principal, December 7, 1934, upon being duly examined was on motion Blackburn be accepted. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. Continuation Bonds by Columbia Casualty Company, ;66784, in amount x`500.00 in behalf of Ben B. Moore, Village Recorder, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Black burn be adcepted. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. Columbia Casualty Company Continuation Bond in behalf of .Webber H. Gilkey, Justice of Peace, No. 56129, in amount $500.00, was on motion Blackburn be accepted. Motion sec- onded by Prescott and carried. Fidelity and Guaranty Fire Corporation, Automobile policy No. 592470, in amount $1000.00, covering fire, theft, and tornado insurance on Dodge Truck, serial #8613795, upon, being duly examined and found 'correct was on motion Black- burn be accepted. laotion seconded by Prescott and carried. Stanoard AccidentInsurance Company, Minnesota Workman's Conpensation and Employers' Liability Policy A24436, to the Village of Edina, expiring February 11, 1936, upon being duly examined and found correct was on motion Black- burn be accepted and that the premium of $574.43 be allowed and ordered paid. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in form for building permit by Morris T ra.che to build private dwelling a.t 4627 Browndale Avenue :zas on motion Blackburn be granted. Motion seconded by Willson and carried. The Recorder offered the following Resolution, whereupon: It was moved by Blackburn, seconded by Willson and carried by an affirmative vote of all the members present that the President and Recorder of the Village Council are authorized to execute a bond to the City of Minneapolis, a Municipal Corporation in the County of Hennepin and State of 1innesota, in the sum of One-Thousand--- 01000.00) Dollars, to guarantee the payment to said City of Yinneepolis of bills rendered b1i said City for fire protection, including labor and the use of fire apparatus of the City of Minneapolis, to aid Village of Edina, for the vea.r ending December 31, 1935; and the action 1 I I 0 - -7 i�rS Yaf� r v� C� ki a T S— t V ----- 4 5-- � 3 3.`70 3 o . to rJ. � z,n' p I 4 R�V-� &-,en lool- � (p i . — ct—�a-P- .�-��- ck 73 II of the President and Recorder of this Council in executing said bond under date of November 23, 1934) is hereby in all things' ratified and co- nfirmed.11 The mat 6 er of Village depo si t ory funds:. It was moved Moore that wa.�rant be drawn and check issued against Lateral S -ewer Fund' of Districts No. 1 and No. 2 in amount 61100.00, principle reduetion and ,$504.00, interest, total $1604,iM , to take care of principle and interest account of above Sewer Districts as of January 1, 1935. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. "It was moved Prescott,',seconded by Willson and carried by an affirmative vote of all the members present, that the Midland National Bank and Trust. Company of Minneapolis, be and is hereby selected and designated as a depository of Lateral Sewer Districts No. 1 and No.' 2 of the Village of Edina, for the period beginning as of this date and end- ing December 31, 1935, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of Edina or the furnishing of legal collateral in an.- amount sufficient to ten (10) percent in excess of the maximum sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office', of the Village Recorder or in even of collateral being furnished in lieu of a. surety bond, in a. place-of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer shsll deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in such bank." "It was moved. by Blackburn, seconded by Moore and < carried by an affirmative vote of all the members present, that the Midland National Bank and Trust Company of 111inneepoli.s, be and is hereby selected and designated as a. depository of Fairway Funds of the Village of Edina., for the period beginning as (D of this date and ending'December 1, 1935, on the execution by such bank of a, sufficient bond to the Village of Edina., Ori t;he -furni sh.ing , bf :-. le al. oollaterdii in­art amOilnt' bu.fficient_to.".tOn (M percent in excess of the maximum sum deposited, said bond or said collateralto be approved by the Village Council and filed in the office of the Village Recorder br in event of collateral being furnished in lieu of a 'surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in such bank." "It was moved by Willson, seconded by Prescott end carried by an affirmative vote of all the members present, that the Mlidland National Bank and Trust Company of Minneapolis, be and is hereby selected and designated as a depository of General Funds of the Village of Edina'„ for the period beginning' as of this date and ending December 31, 1935, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of Edina or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount' sufficient to ten (10) percent in excess of the maxirpLun sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Courci.l and filed in the office of the Village Recorder or in event of collateral being furnished in lieu of a surety bond,, in a plsce of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council and thereupon the Village Treau.urer shall deposit all or any part of the Tillage moneys in such bank." It was moved Moore that wa.�rant be drawn and check issued against Lateral S -ewer Fund' of Districts No. 1 and No. 2 in amount 61100.00, principle reduetion and ,$504.00, interest, total $1604,iM , to take care of principle and interest account of above Sewer Districts as of January 1, 1935. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. 74 The Recorder presented to the Council the proposition of listing with the State PMA certain municipal projects which might well be done in the near future. Whereupon it was moved Blackburn that the Recorder be authorized to advise local Public Works Administrator in the matter. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It was moved Moore that the Cascade Deep Well Pump which had been in continual operation since July 23, 1934, be shut down until such time as the Council sees fit.to start up. }notion seconded by Willson and carried. The ?natter of city water was discussed by the Council and the Recorder thougtLt it advisable that the Village Attorney request of the Attorney General an opinion regarding the legality of the water franchise granted the Country Club District Service Corporation. Where- upon it was moved Prescott that the Village Attorney so request of the Attorney General. Motion seconded by Blackburn and carried. It was moved Moore that Trustee Willson and Blackburn constitute the committee of Public Relief for the en- suing year, with full power to act and report to the Council. motion seconded by Blackburn and carried. It was moved Moore that Trustee Blackburn and Prescott constitute the Fire-Committee for the ensuing year, with full poorer to act and report to the Council. Motion seconded by Willson and carried. It was moved Prescott that Trustee Blackburn and Willson constitute the Police Ummittee for the ensuing year, with full power to act and report to the Council. Motion seconded by Moore and carried. It was moved Willson that Blackburn and Moore constitute the Sanitation Committee for the ensuing year, with full power to act and report to the Council. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It was moved Blackburn that Prescott. and, Willsot con- stitute the Road and Bridge Committee for the ensuing year with full power to act and report to the Council. notion seconded by Moore and carried. It was moved Moore that the Hennepin County Review be designated as the official newspaper of the Village of Edina for the ensuing near. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It was moved Willson that B. H. Bradley be appointed Village Engineer for the ensuing year on the sane basis as before. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It was moved Willson that IV. G. Christiansen be apointed Plumbin p g Inspector for the ensuing ,year on a pay basis of $1.00 for each inspection. Motion seconded by Moore and carried. Discussion regarding the matter of garbage collection for the ensuing year was had by the Council and it was agreed that the arrangement with Art Peterson on a per diem basis be continued. It was moved Blackburn that Dr. L. M. Campbell be re- appointed Village Health Officer for the ensuing year at a salary of $25.00 per month. Motion seconded by Moore and carried. It was moved Willson that Geo. W. Strong be re- e- oDointed Village Attorney for the ensuing year at a salary of $25.00 per month to cover all ordinary routine matters, and that any matters of major importance be charged in addition on a. basis to be arrived at. motion seconded by Moore and carried. f 1 1 f1 It was moved Prescott that, the pay of the Village Treas- urer be sot at $25.00 per month.for the ensuing year. Motion seconded by Willson and carried. It was moved Prescott tht,t the pay of the Village Recorder be set at $75.00 Per month for the ensuing year. Motion seconded by Willson and carried. It was moved Prescott that Ralph J. Johnson be re- appointed Street Commissioner for the ensuing year and that the salary be set at $125.00 per month and that ciuTing' the period when he is on the ERA payroll the Village would pay the difference between the monthly salary received from the ERA and $125.00. Motion. seconded by Blackburn and carried. It was moved Blackburn that P. A. Red.path be re- appointed Village Marshall for the ensuing year at a salary of $125.00 per month and that T. E. Tilley be re- appointed Police Officer for the ensuing year at a salary of $125.00 per month and that W. S. Heydt -be re- appointed Police Officer for the ensuing year at a salary of $100.00 per month, and that be ginning as of July 1, 1935 the pay of each would be increased 410.00 per month. Motionseconded by Willson and carried. It was moved Willson that S. J. Roberts be an-oointed Utility man for the ensuing year at a riaorithly�_-saldry rate of $100.00 per month. Moti,on'seconded by Moore and carried. It was moved Prescott tha.t', road labor be paid at the rate of 450 per' hour. Motion seconded by Moore and-carried. It was moved Prescott that the rate of -oay of man with team be set at 850 per hour. Motion seconded by Willson and carried. It wa.s moved Prescott that the rate of pay for tractor operator be set a 550 per hour. Motion seconded by Willson a,nd carried. It was moved. Willson that W. J. Oxboro be re- appointed spec- ial police officer for the ensuing year. 11"otion seconded by Moore and carried. It was moved Willson that Ed. Port be re- appointed speciel police officer for the ensuing year. ,Iotion seconded by Prescott 'and ca.rri.ed. It was moved Prescott that Jos. Rush be reappointed special police officer for the ensuing year. 11otion seconded by Willson and carried. It was moved Blackburn that the Council as a whole con- stitute the hater committee. Motion seconded by I:oore and carried. i�i.nutes of the regular meeting of the Councii held on December 10, 1934, were read on motion Prescott they be approved as read. LIotion seconded by Blackburn and carried. There being no further bus iness to come before the Council motion to adjourn carried at 11 :50 PIS. 745