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Minutes of the regular meeting of
the Oouncil of the Village of gdina
held in Grange Hall at 8 PU. on
January 28, 1935.
The meeting was called to order by the President 2nd all
members of the Council were found present.
It was moved Prescott, upon examination of the time Rneets,
that advances be made the road crew and police officers as indicated on the Recorder's time sheet. Motion sec- onded by Villson and carried.
The Recorder advised that check in amount $250.00 had been received from Thorpe Broe. in payment for the annual
semer charge by the City of Minneapolis covering the
period Decexber 19, 1934 to December 18, 1935. Vhere- upon it 88s moved Eoore that marrant be drawn and check
issued to the City of tfinneapolis for payment of annual
charge for tne right to discharge sanitary severage into
the Uinneapolis sewer system until December 13, 1935. Hotion seconded by Prescott and carried.
Application in form for building permit by Helge F. Nelson
to build a. private dwelling at 4903 Bruce, application having attached thereto letter from Xr. EacGan, owner of
the mewises at 4901 Bruce, stating the proposed location
of the buildings at 4903 Bruce was thoooughly acceptable and satisfactory to himself. On motion Blackburn be gmnted. Seconded by Tfilleon and carried.
Discussion vas had regarding some method vhich might in-
sure less confusion and delay in the handling of fire
calls in the area usually served by the St. Louis Park Fire Department. Bhereupon it mas moved Hoore thet the Fire Committee of the Council instruct our police officers
as to the giving out of instruction cards to be attached to the mouth pieces of telephones in the distrtct served
bg the St. Louis Park Fire Department. Xiotion seconded by Faillson and carried. J Nessrs. Graber pnd Bilkinson appeared before the Colmcil
regarding certain engineering fees claifiied by Xr. Graber
2nd not mid by the Counbry Club Association vho engaged
hi3 for the reason the Association had not received suf-
ficient funds through its subscriptione to apparently
pay all their a.ccounts contracted for in the Xi11 Pond
Improvement. It 17as found that Xr. Grsber had not pre- sented the Village with a bill for hie semli-ses in con- nection with the surveying, making up of description, etc., of the Xillman and rlanson properties purchaFed by the
Village and constituting the ETinnehaha Greek Bed nest of
the Highway bridge?ahereon the Cascasde pwr,p and well are
mas fair and reasonable. 'ttfhereupon it vas moved 'Villeon
that the bill of Albert Graber in mount $41.00 be alloned for the survey@description and plat of the I:illman and
Hanson properties nest of Highmay bceidge made during
February to Xay, 1934. Hotion seconded by Blackburn and
Vhereupon it was agreed thst a charge of $41.00
J vitb reference to ppyilient of any further sms, it me
moved Blackburn that any differewe claimed by Er.
Greber be referred to the Village Attorney for his opinion
if or not it could be paid legally if and 1Then amroved
by the Council. IJotion seconded by Xoore end carried.
Xinutes of the regulzr meeting of the CorZncil held on
January 14 mere read on mokion Blackburn they be m-oroved
as reed. Seconded by TVillson and carried.
Ho further business to come before the Council, motion to
adjourn carried at 11 PL!.
\ Village Recorder