HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350211_REGULAR77 Emtes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edim, held in the Tract Office, 4409 Vfes't 49%h, Street, a% 8 PX Ollli P&ER~~~.KL%~ 1935 e T&en the Cauncil endeavored to convene on above date for the pwipose of holding its 'regular meeting in Grange Half, 2% was f omd that the house or building mavers, to VJ~OEI the contract for moving the Grange Hall. 4;o the new site at .'ies.t; EehL Line E-Iigbway, the Hopkins and Eden Prarie Roads, were enjoying the first favorable weather for house moving in %he last several mom'cr?s and that the building was on rollers and could not be occupied, It was thereupon decided to hold the regular meeting in the Tract Office and the Village Barshall posted at the old site to inform or convey any and all who might desire to attent the meking, Xinnekaha Grange Hall vm,s erected on the site kaovm today 2s \Vest 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue, County Road No, 2, back in the older days, and vas built irz 9879, The meeting to consider the proposition Lo separate from the VPlLege of Richfield, as well as the neetirrg of incorporation following, all were held in Grange Hall v:hich also has served as 8 meetlng place for the Village Council during more than fifty five (55) years which followed e The Hall stood an the South East corner and was one of the four buildings making up the fine settlement of Edina NillS. The other three bnildings having been the General Store and Post Office, a Blacksmith and mgon - or carrzige shap and the OM Red 3Iilf. . The meetirslg in the Tract Office was called to order by the President and all members of the CQPXH~C~~. were presento The miscellaneous bills upon being duly examined and found correctp were on motion Blackburn, be a1lQwed and ordered paid, seconded by WilJ.sora aizd carri~d. They are as Toltloas- Yotmg Fuel Cornpamy EBA Coal $34.60 Geo L. Trisler EBA Groceries 10.72 A.G .Price ERA Rent 10 000 - Eederson Bras ERA &Elk ?e68 A.C .Price ERA Rent (November) 10 000 Carl Olson Grocery ERA Groceries 2L46 B.k.XeIson Dry Goods Go ERA Clothing 44034 Phi lpott -Bai ley Co ERA Coal 17,30 Etby tk Sather ERA Payment OD Furniture 5e00 Edina Cash Grocery ERA Grocertes T?, E, Ziegler 60 Repair pasts tractm: 1;-28.77 City af Einneapolis Fire Dept, Service 13 32 Thorpe Brop In@, Rent Tract Office Jan. . and telephone toll calls Jme to December 5P8t, 14,25 triooddske Grocery Gas for truck Ec tractor 12,92 Biller-Davis Ca Office supplies 3,25 Eennepiw! County Review Verified Blanks and Lyle Signs, hc ExchaEgbg 30 minut e Parking signs (141 7.00 E, We Harris Gas 8c Oil for tractars, truck 8c Poxice car 142 74 A.V.Skog, Reg, of Deeds Recording Deed Henraepin County to Village of Edina, JO~XBQK~ triangle & Comm,Highways orde . Osacr Hokehson EEiA Milk 2,40 FrankfG Creamery Assn ERA Milk 3e04 8086 Alfred Boh (Carver ,Mim] ERA Rent (NOT &- Dec) 16 000 Anton Xielson Creamery Go WA XiIk L,35 Edina Peed Ca Salt 6 Hzuling 7 020 EFlA Adninistrakion January BRA Overhead 19000 C .A.Eimdquist Blacksmithing 46000 PtibPished no tic es 29035 Total Eiscl, expenditures 0 78 ReaGrder ElQQre, presented Lo the Council, a, questionaiere on the operation of water works systems, as asked Comcilts order to have %he same made up'-am3'sent out; togather with postage, On motion Blackburn, that the Recorder be authorized to snnd out the questionairre and to present same to the Council vhen tabulated for Council*s informatioa and midance in connection with the City Yater problem of the Village, seconded by YIillson and carriedo . 'I " The Recorder moved- tkat warrant be drawn and check issued in amount $2.10, sayable to A, Q, Skog, County Register of Deeds and for the purpose of recording deed fnom Eennepin cumty to Village of Edina of the. triangular piece of praperty bounded by ;;lest Belt. Line Highway, the Eden Prairie Road and Hopkias Road, togather with Commissioner of Highway's order # 9067, which vas The Road and Village bills upon 'being duly examillaed in the warrant bmk and Time book, were on motion Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded bt Blackburn and carrjled. They are as f 0X:fo-i'ls- . seconded by Blackburn and carried, Art Setersan B. Ewest s8 Sletted Job Hilts Ray. Clark John XclJellis R. Sorensen A, Hendricks John Tracy John Tracy II, StQkZlDaY3 P , Dghlgren 38 J. Roberts Ralph J 8 Johns on P, A. Redpath T., E, Tilly V, S, Heydt Dr Loge11 E. Campbell C.. F, Brescott E. Blackburn George A. Vill.son Ben B, Ectore J, J, Duggan D,. 3, EcGuire Labor with Bruck on garbage Boad labor Road labor . Road labor Road la%or Road labor Labor on skating rink Road labor Road labor Labor with team Road labor Road labor Utility man Street corn, (Less ERA1 Village &rsh&ll Police Officer Police Officer Eealth Off ieer Trustiee (February) TrusP, e e Truskse Recorder Treasurer Pres id ent $140 ,O 0 3e60 3e60 3060 3060 3,60 41,a 16e85 28 a80 !7!5,65 69.53 - 105.05 ioo,oo . 34oOO 125.00 125000 100 000 25 000 25 -00 25 e00 25 *O 0 75 eo0 25,OO 35 e00 Total. - - 8 19212,28 TFustee Blrzckburrm offered.Insurance Policy cevering Fire arid theft insurance 011 Police car, Policy 30, A0-14011, Erne Ins, CQ,, of Nen York, and moved its adoption, seconded by Prescott and carried . - Cktinuation Policy No, C-5465, in amount $500.00 by Columbia Casualty Company of New York, on behalf of Roger So Borey, Ccmstable, upon examination by Trustee Blackburn vas offered for acceptance, seconded Prescott and carriede Enutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on January 14, 193Ei9 vere read, on motion Prescott be approved as read, seconded by JiPlson and carried, The matter of designating a closing and opening hours governing and regulating the sale on non-intoxicating malt liquors, was discussed by the Council, mkrereupon Tixlstee--JilEson offered the follaving resolution and moved its adoption, . "An Ordinance Amending an OrdianceLicensing and Regul- ating the Sale of Nom-in%oxicating &lt Liquors in the Village of Edina, Hennepia County, IiEnnesota" The Cauncil of the Village of Edina, do ordain as follows: Section 7, That paragraph conskftuting Section 7, shall be changed by adding thereto the mrds "or betmeen the hours of 1 AE and 6 AUT of any day", seconded by Lfoore and carried nithoU2t any dissenting vote and so ordered, - Grange Hall 8 )\j It \vas moved Prescott, be iksued to Einwhzha Grange 348, to cover the remmal, from West 5#& Street’and Wooddale Avenue to the Triangke piece of land bounded by the West Belt Line Eighway, The Eden Prairie Raad and the Eopkins Road, and that the usual moving fee ’ire wafi~ed and a certified check paya%le to the VTllage of Edina, in amamt $SOO,OO in lieu of a surety bond, to proeect t’fie Village from any liability, he handed the President of CauncPl to be held by him as long as the building vas on a Village Street and .Lo be ratarmed ta the groper officer of %he Grange imed- iately thereafter, seconded %y Blackbexrn and carriied. Itrrvyas mmed by Prescott, that this meeting adjourn Lo meet again at the same place on Eonday E’ekleuary 18th. 1935, motion secolrded by WZPPson and carr&ad,