HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350225_REGULARfinutss of the regular meeting of the
Council of the Village of %dim, held
in the Tract Office, 4409 Best 49%hh,
Street, on Pebruary 25, 1935 at 8 We
The meeting was 'called to order by the President, the roll
called and all members of the Council were present,
The Road and Village bills upon being examined and found
correct, were on motion Prescott be allowed and ordered
paid, seconded by Willsor~ and carriede They are as follows
S. J, Roberts P. Dahlgren.
Le S-t;olzman
Jah Tracy
John Tracy
Albert Bendricks
Dennis EcCauley
P. A. Redpath
5, E, Tilly
W. S . Heydt
Albert Graber
St, Commissioner
Utility man
Tractor speraGor
Road labor
Labor with team
Road labor
Road labor L~IIOP & truck
Village Earshall
Police Officer
Police Officer
50 o00.
39 0 120
9 .oo
10 .oo
60 .oo
60 eo0
50,oo Engineering ox Ell Pond
(Xiillman 8~- ~amsom surveys) 41,50 Police car 8r: truck 33035 poor rexiefi C/S/X -kc? 6/19/33 14.00
Total @H7 *7O
TLr 6, T. Hay, appeared on behalf of the Hay B Stenson eo,,
for renewal of Off Sale Hard Liquor license, whereupon it
was moved by Blackburn, Tkat the Hard Liquor Off Sale License
of the Eay & Stenson Company, be renewed, seconded by VJlllillson
and carried.
Trustee Presco'tt, presented the matter of clain by the
Ma-tional Tea Company, in amount $1LLeG09 covering graceries furnished Rose Cote, 4315 Vest 54th Street, during the period
6/29/33 to 8/19/33, afker duscussion, it was moved Prescott, it be allowedg seconded Uoore and carried,
Xr E, VJm Darr, appeared before the Council, in the matter of
the lease to certain part of the triangle'of land 'bounded
by the Belt Line Highway, the Eden Prairie Road and The
Hogkins Road. The lease prepared by Village Attorney Strong,
was read aloud whereupon it was moved Prescott, "that it be apjroved and accepted and the Presiderat and Recorder be
au-tharized and empowered to sign same for and in behald of
%he Village Council, seconded by Blackburn and carried with
five (5) ayes and no nays, and so Orderedo
Itxm Yooved Ellson that the bill of Country Club Garage, in amount $33035 be allowed and ordered paid, seccmded By &*escott
and carriedo
Nirilates of the regular meeting of the Council held on February
11, 1935, nzlrre read, an motion Blackburn, they be approved as
read seconded Prescott and carried
&ti.nu-tes of $he regular meeting of the Council held on Bebruary
18, 1935, were read, on motion Willsoa they be approved as read
seconded Prescott and carriedo
No further business to come before the CouncLl motiam to adJourn to meet next at the Granhe Hall at the new location, carried
at 10.15 P&
Village Recorder,