HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350311_REGULARUinutes crf the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall at 8 PIA, on March 11, 1935. The meeting was called to order by the President and all members of the Councilvere found present. Idr, VI A. Olson appeared before the Council with the request that his 3.2 non-intoxicating liquer license be renewed at premises, 3913 Vest 50 St. ? Brovn Derby Restaurant. Where- upon it mas moved Blackburn that request be granted. Seconded by Moore and carried. It vas moved Hoore that the application for renewal of license to operate motion picture theatre by the Edina Theatre Corp- oration, 3911 Vest 50 St., be granted. Hotion seconded by Blackburn and carried. Application in form By C. 0. Carlson for building permit for addition to present building, lot 2, block 5, Mendelseohn Addition, mas on motion Prescott be granted. Seconded by Boore and carried. Application in form by L. E. Pallock to build a private dwelling on lot 13, block 5, South Harriet Park, was on motion Willson be granted, Seconded by Blackburn and carried. 1 It mils moved Blackburn that the Recorder arrange to have the Cascade Pump turned on at an early date. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. The matter of water appearing on the natural low spot to the rear of the Country Club Garage, the Lawrence property, was dramn to the attention of the Council. On motion Hoore investigation and attention in so far as the Village might be concerned. EBotion seconded by Blackburn 2nd carried. The Hiscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion \?illson be duly allorred and ordered paid. Seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as follovs: / i the ma,tter be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for .. Albert Graber Engineering Services $41.50 gational Tea Go. Relief 14.00 'Alflred BO&- - ZRA-2entf 8.00 Dockens Gfocery ERA groceries 4.00 Edina Grocery ERA groceries 17.50 David P. Hirsch ERA rent 10.00 Oscar Hokenson ERA milk 1-20 J. HI Biller ERA rent 5.00 H. A. Nelson ERA dry goods 3.64 Anton Nelson Cr. Go. ERA milk 1.84 Carl Olson Grocery ERA groceries 16.46 Philpott-Bailey Go. ERA fuel 80.31 Wooddale Grocery ERA groceries 7.00 Young Fuel Go. ERA fuel 90.74 Paulson Hardnare Dynamite & fuse 5.50 Glacier Sand & Gr. Co. Street sand 3.38 ERA for Rural Hennepin c;b. ERA overhead 17.00 Thorpe Bros. Inc. Rent tract office 25.00 Country Club Garage Police car repairs, oil, st.17-05 F. Buchstein Co. Repairs 4.00 M. F. Garvey Hardware & road supplies 7.23 Flooddale Grocery Gas for truck 1.00 Country Club Garage Repairs Police car 33.35 Philpott-Bailey- Co. August Schultz Edina Hardware Village St. Louis Pk. Chas. B. Carroll Gile Companies Fred L. Gray Co. Fred Lo Gray 00. Coal for tract house 6-50 Repairs for trailer & tracta20.00 Fire service 39-81 Supplies 8.10 Letter service 17.22 Ins. premium 15.00 Ins. pemium 574,43 Hardware & road supplies 3.31 83 Cits 0 MinneaDo 5 -8 Fire Department serg$ce 8"". 90 Minneapolis G. E. Go. Dec. street lighting 3 cas- cade pump 483.91 Jiustxas Lumber Co. Lumber 10.99 W. G. Christensen Pilambing inspections 26.00 Twin City Ins. Go. Ins. premium 11.75 Wm. Brs. B & Mfg. Co Repairing snow plow 131.43 Nickels & Smith Ins. premium 5.00 Wm. H. Zeigler Do. Tract or parts 103.66 Nickels & Smith Ins. premium 20.00 Joyce Ins. Co. Ins. Premium 75.00 Fidelity & Guaraaty Fire Ins. premium 20.00 E. vil. Harris Gas,oil for tractors police car & truck 54.58 Albert Graber Engineering semi c e s 50.00 Country Club Garage Repairs to police car 41.80 C. A. Lindquist Blacksmithing 61.20 Minneapolis G. E. GO. Street lighting 10.00 Total Niscellaneous Bills *-$pmms The Road and Village Bills, upong being duly examined and found correct were on motion Prescott be duly allowed and ordered paid. Seconded by Willson and carried. They are as follows: D. F. McGuire J. J. Duggan Ben B. Moore Geo. A. Willson C. F. Prescott L. R. Blackburn Dr. L. M. Campbell P. A. Redpath T. E. Tilly W. S. Heydt S. J. Roberts P. Dahlgren L. Stolzman John Tracy John Tracy Dennis McCauley Albert Hendricks Art Peterson R. J. Johnson Total Road Pres i dent Treasurer Recorder Trustee Trustee Trustee Health Officer Village Xarshall Police Officer Police Officer Utility man Tractor operator La'bo r Labor with team Labor Truck Labor Labor with truck Street Commissioner 8: Villa,ge Bills 35.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 125.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 78.10 59.40 79.90 16.20 20.40 10.80 120.00 41.15 $1110.65 Trustee Blackburn reported on the matter of claim of Albert 'Graber for engineering services which had been previously made and that upon recommendation of Village AtCorney Strong, he mould move that a warrant be drawn and check issued in amount $50.00 in favor of Albert Graber in full payment of all claims against the Village of Edina, and/or, its officers to date. Hotion seconded by Prescott and carried. The Recorder submitted to the Council the landscaping plan for the beautification of the Village owned Triangle bounded by Vest Bel6 bine Highma.y, the Eden Prairie Road, and the Hopking Road. Whereupon it was moved Blackburn that the Recorder be empowered to carry out the landscaping plan furnished by the State Highway Department, by A. R. Nichols, landscaping architect a.t a cost extimated at approaimately $100.00. Motion seconded by Prescot t and carried. .It vas moved Prescott $hatiithe Recorder be instructed to order in the installation of one 400 watt street light at the intersection of the Eden Prairie Road and Hopkins Road and alsonone 400 watt street light at the Cahill School, store and church corner. Motion seconded by lillson and carried. It was moved Blackburn and seconded by Moore that the Road and Bridge Oommittee investigate cause of no well water and to repair if reasonably possible, on the Hoog property, 84 tenants on relief. Eotion seconded by Moore and carried. The Recorder suggested that a .letter be written to Department of State Highmays, Beautification Department, thanking them for the plans prepared and submitted by then for the beautification of the Village owned Triangle as prepared by Mr. Nichols, and 30 advis; the recommendations would be carried out, all of which mas agreeable to the Counc i 1. I The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on February 25 vere read on motion FJillson they be approved ils read. Seconded by Prescott and carried. After discussion regarding the matter of damage done to the police car by one Clarence ldoore, it vas moved Prescott that Clazence Moore of 4516 Bruce Avenue be billed for same on the basis of cost. Xotion seconded by Moore and carried. It 88.6 thereupon moved Prescott that bill of the Country Club Garage in amount $41.80 $or repairs made on Village pblice car through collision caused by Clarance Moore be paid. Motion seconded by Villson and carried. No further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 10325 PM. Village Recorder