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d Minutes of the regular rileeting of
the Council of the Village of Edina
held in Grange Hall at 8 P E, on
April 8, 1935
The meeting was called to order by the President and all members of the Council mere found present.
*Application by Edvard E. Vells for fion-salelf license to sell 3.2 noa-intoxicating malt liquor a.t the Country Club,
accompanied by the usual license fee of $25.00, was on
motion Prescott be granted. Seconded by Blackburn and
Application by Carl Olson for 3.2 I1off-sale1l non-intox- icating malt li uor license,accompanied by the usual license fee of 8 5.00, was on motion Prescott be granted, Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Application by Geo. Hanson for Iioff-sale1l 3.2, as Re11 as
application for I~On-sale~I 3.2 non-intoxicating malt liquor,
accompanied by the usual $5.00 and $25.00 license fees, FI~S on motion Prescott be granted. Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
Edr. Ernest Hansen and Phil Bailey appeared before the Council and requested that the Harry Hanson road be re- graded and graveled. Trustee Prescott advised that the re-
quest would be taken care of.
Hr. T. E- Nash, 5210 France Avenue, appeared before the
Council regarding the'building permit which had been issued
to Mr. Hollingsfiorth to build on Lot 13, Block 2, South
Harriet Park, Second Addition, mhich matter vas referred to Trustee Villson.
The Eiiscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found
correct were on motion Prescott be allowed and orderappa.id.
Seconded by Blackburn and carried. They are as follows:
S. J. Fautsch .
E. '3. Harris
Uinneapolis G. E. Co.
W. H. Ziegler
Country Club Store
Edina. Garzge Rural Hennepin ERA
. Village St. Louis Park
flooddale Grocery Edina Cash Hardnare
' Peerless Electric Go.
Hennepin County
Lfinneeota Tree Service
Relief & 3.30 Gas-oil, police car tractors & truck 105.42 January street light 513.11 Snowplow 268.65
Glass 1.83
Gas, police car . 85 Earch ERA overhead 19.00
Fire Department 47.50 Gas &c oil 1.97
Supp li e s 7.50 Batteries policC! car 1.56
Poor farm service 90.00
Moving evergreens 26.25
Young Fuel Co.
Vooddale Grocery
Philpott Bailey Go. Pederson Bros.
0 sc a r Hokens on
Franklin Dairy
Edina Cash Grocery V. F. Garvey
Thorpe Bros. Inc. Mrs. Hilda Hoog Roger SI Borey Zarsh and EcLennan Country Club Garage
Olive Packer
- ERA file1 12.22
ERA groceries 3.43
ERA fuel 42.22
ERA milk 8.46
ERA milk 2.40
ERA milk 4.32
ERA pcoceries 44.00
Hardware & road auppl. 6.93. Rent Tract Office 12.5.0
Tree for Trizngle 2.00 Summons 3.85
Renemal Bonds 6.00
Repairs storage police
car 21.00 nurse service 1.50
Miscellaneous Bills $1256.95
The Road and Village Biihls, upon being duly examined and
found correct were on motion Prescott be allowed and
ordered psid. Seconded by Blackburn and carried. They are as follows:
D. F. McGuire John H. Duggan
Ben B. Lloore
Geo. A. Tiillson
0. F. Prescott
L. R, Blackburn
Dr. L. U. Campbell Ralph J1. Johnson
S. J. Roberts
Peter Dahlgren Louis Stolzman
John Tracy
John Tracy
Dennis UcCauley
F 1 oyd B lokeb or ough
f Im e r Walk e r
George Jutting
Albert Hendrickg
Olaf Olson
Carl Hillstrom N. H. Sundquist
Arthur Peterson
P. A. Redpath T. E. Tilly V. S. Heydt
Pre si dent Treasurer Recorder
Trustee Prus t ee
Health Officer
S t re et C ormi s si one r
Utility man
Tractor operator Labor
Labor with team
La-b o r
Labor La-bo r
Lab0 r
Labor Labor
' Labor with truck
Pillage Marshall Police Officer
Police Officer
Total Road &c Village Bills
Petition vas received signed by a.n-oroximPtely
179 signers requesting that no more 3off-sali3t1- intoxioa.ting liquor
license be' granted. accepted and placed on file.
On motion Moore that petition be
Seconded by Blackburn and
Trustee VJillson reported for the committee appointed at
the last meeting of the Council to invisstigate the
application of Erick Bjorkman for a hard liquor license and moved that the application by Nr. Bjorkman be refused.
Motion seconded by Trustee Prescott and carried.without
dissenting vote.
It mas moved by Trustee Prescott that the plans for land-
sczping the Village owned Triangle bounded by the Belt Line Highway, Eden Prairie Road and, Hopkins Road, prepared by Mr. Nichols on behalf of the Sta.te Highway be a,ccepted and
approved that the work be Ordered carried out as designated.
Motion seconded by Willson and carried.without dissenting
Ha.rry Snenson appeared before the Council and made formal
application for position td make the proposed fire survey
throughout the Village.
The minu%es of the regular meeting of the Council held on
March 25, 1935 mere read on motion Yillson they be approved
8s read. Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
The matter of general work and improvements being carried on throughout the Village mas discussed by the Council.
The Recorder mas instructed to advise Uinnehaha Grange of the large amount of work being done by the Villa-ge in the
improvement and beautification of the site odcupied by the
Grange Ball, and that in accordance with the "Gentlements Agreement" between the Executive Committe of the Grange
and the Village Council that it would be appreciated by the
Council, in order that a balanced program be carried out,
that the Grange proceed with the painting of the outside
malls of the Grange Hall, the installation of green shutters
on all Faindoms, the building of 8. new entrance, and the completion of the basement walls be completed nith at pn
4 early date.
There being no further business to come before the Council Inotion to adjourn carried at $$:25 P.T;!. -.
I- ..
Village Recorder