HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350422_REGULARKinutes of the regular meeting of
the Council of the Village of Edina
April 22, 1935.
, held in Grenge Had1 et 8 PK, on
The neeting was called to .order by the President and a.11 members of the Council mere found present.
Kr. Ralph Hollingsworth appeared before the Council with
plans and sketches showing his proposed nem dwelling to be built on lot .13, block 2, South I-larriet Park, Second
found entirely satisfactory, ne ms advised to proceed
with the building as shopln by the plans.
Application in fora bv Ers- Louise R. Robinson to build a private dwelling at 4618 Casso, v~as on motion Black-
burn be granted. Seconded by Willson and carried,
Upon examination by the Council and being
Application for buildiing permit by Carl Hanson to build dvelling at 4507 Edina Blvd., and aaso at 4603 Browndale
7n3s on motion Blackburn be refused and applications re- turned because not accompanied in either case by the
$25.00 cash flClean-upli deposit.
eon and carried. Eotion seconded by mill-
Application for building permit by Louis Haneon to build
a private dwelling at 4514 Edina Blvd., was on motion
Blackburn be refused for the reason that application ms not accompanied by the $25.00 cash l1Clean-up1l deposit.
Notion seconded by Villson and carried.
Discussion was had on the matter of Thorpe Bros. receiving applications for building permits on behalf of the Council at the time plans mere approved for compliance with build.-
ing restrictione in the Country Club District by Thorpe
Bors. It nas thereugon moved by Blackburn that the Rec-
order notify Thorpe Bros. that they not take further
buklding permit applications and that i;ll applications be
referred to the proper officer of the Village. seconded by Willson and carried. 1"ition
Application for building permit to build a garage building at 5809 Brookview Avenue, size 18' x 20" by Roy Brown mae
returned to Trustee Villson for further data pertaining to
the outside apnearance.
/Several residenes living along the Idinnehaha Creek Kill
Pond apqeared before the Oouncil and asked if something
might be done tonard increasing the flom of water from
. the deep well pump into the &fill Pond. After discussion
and the prezentation of certain detailed information by
the Record.er, it was moved Blackburn that the President
and ths Recorder be asrthorized to enter into a contract
'with L. P. Hemphill to redaxe the present 74 H.P. motor
Pnd purflp located at the Casczde well with a 10 H.P. motor and. suitable pump which would increase the flom of mater'
by atqroxirnately 200 gallons per minu-te and at a coat of
less than $250.00 and that the cost for labor and. other items necessary to make the ch'ange to be limited so as
not to exceed $160.00. Trustee Prescott, the vote being, Blackburn, Aye; Prescott,
Whereupon the motion was declared duly carried.
Eiiotion ws duly seconded by
k Aye, XcGuire, Aye; Moore, Aye; voting No, Trustee millson.
Cbmrhnication frori Oountry Club District Service Corpor-
pay to the said Country Club District Service Corporation
out of the General Funds of the Villzge, a service chzrge of #30.00 per hydrant per annum and that the chprge begin Hay 1, 1935, whereupon it was moved Blackburn that the
Recorder a.dvise the Country Club District Service Corpor-
ation that in view of the recent increase in water rates
to per'rnit o-oera.tion of the water distribution by said
Corflpany, that an additional contribution of $1530.00 per
year on the part of the Village mould not be justified.
. ation under date of April 8, 1935,,aekine tbt the Village I
v Uotion seconded by Eoore and carried;.
It vas moved Villson that the bill-of the Country Club
Garage in zmount ($4.25 for repairs and storege of truck
be paid. Seconded by Blackburn md carried.
Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on
April 8, 1935, vere read on motion Blackburn be approved as read. Seconded by Villson and carried.
It EZS moved Prescott that the usual payroll advmces be allowed and ordered peid. Seconded by Blackburn and carried.
It waE moved BiiLlson thRt the President and Recorder be euthorized to sign the usual ERA forms for April. Yotion seconded by Blpckburn and carried.
No further businese to come before the Council, motion to edjourn cerried et 10:45 Pkl.
Village Recorder.