HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350513_REGULARI 'I Minutes of the regular meeting +of the Council of the Village of Ed,ina held in Grange Hal1 a3 8 PM, on Kay 13, 1935. The iieeting vas called to order by the President and all members of the Council were found present. The Miscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct, nere on motion ?Ellson, be alXo.sS.ed ,and ordered paid, seconded bv Prescott znd carried. They are a P €0 110~s : Country Club Garage Xinneepolis G. E. Go. Young Fuel Go, Vooddale Grocery Supmior Dairy V. S. Saetaana Drug Store Sesrs Roebuck PC Go. Red On1 Store Phillpott-Bailey Go. Pederson Bros. 9iilk Go. Carl Olson Grocery Knute Uelson Justus Lurnber Go. Dockens Corn~ilunity Store Caroline Drug Store John Lasley ERA Seiberling Ru5kkz- Go. R. Helen Johnson J. I). AdpCqs Co. J. C. Oanpbell C. A. Lindquiat Thorpe Bros. Inc. Yooddale Grocery E. L. Sterling Edina Cash brdware Fred L. Grsy Go. Taompson Lmflber Go. Villege St. Louis Park 13nnee0t~ Tree Semi ce Vilhge St. Louis Pzrk Henne-oin Co. Reviem Country Club Store Dshl5erg Broe. Inc. Xinneeofa Tree Service Chae. Olson & Sons Inc. liIinneapolis Pm~ing Co. W. F. Garvey A. IY. Harris Chas. Oleon 8: Sons, Inc. Justus Lmbes Go. liTickels & Saith -n Repairs & Storage truck $4.25 Feb. street lighting ERA fuel ERA proceries EBA milk ERA drugs E3.A clothing ERA groceries Em fuel EEiA milk ERA groceries ERA rent ERA fuel ERA groceries ERA drugs Sign painting Overhead Tires for police czr Stenographic services Blades for tvctor IRA rent Bla,cL,s!ili t hing Rent trect office Gas for tmctor ERA rent Sup 1 i e s Insursnce policy Lumber Supplies for relief Trees Fire service Printing beer orciiflar,ce Hz r dw ar e Repair on trzctor PJants Repeir on truck Si d ma lk Hdw & road supplies Gas 8c oil for truck, Repair on truck Lumber Ineurance Premium trectors & police cpr 390.07 26.70 16.01 1.35 6.85 2.75 10.00 69.29 E.40 26.41 ' 10.00 7.00 4.00 1.50 2.50 20.00 38.72 10.80 e. 85 10.00 13.90 12.50 2.08 5c).oo 1.23 18.64 1.36 12.27 40.50 35.00 24.45 * 37 4.50 65.50 LOO. 00 30.00. 19.95 103.17 175.00 11.58 26.92 Country Club Garage ':Service-storage police car13.35 3.75 Berteneon Broe. Stat i onery sup 012 e s Total 1Siscellaneous Bills $1416.47 - The Road and Vi11Fp.e Bills, upon being du-lg exmined and found correct, nere on motion Prescott, be elloaed and .' ordered paid, seconded by Tillson and carried. They are as follolYs: D. F. McGuire J. J. Duggan Ben B. Lioore Geo. A. Willson C. F. Prescott L. R. Blsckburn Dr. L. E. Osmpbell P. k. Redpa-th T. E. Tilly TI. S. Keydt Pre P i dent Treasurer Recorder Tms t ee Trustee Trustee Health Officer Vi llsge Xar shall Police Officer Police Officer $35.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 125.00 125.00 1ou.00 94 R. J. Johnson St. Commissioner s. J. Roberta Uti li ty nan P. Dahlgren Tractor Opera tor L. Stolzman Labor John Trscy L;l'oor cith teaa John Tracy Labor Dennis f:c(leuley Labor vith truck Dennis EAcCauleg Lebor Albert Hendricks Labor E he r Sa lk e r Labor George Jutting LRbor Art PetzrLcon Labor Fith truck J. H. Snevely Lsbor Herrrlan Sundqui st Labor Flo 3rd Blokeborough Lebor Total Road EC Village Bills 50.00 100.00 114.95 95. €35 143.65 5.40 46-80 39.00 18.90 32.85 10.80 12r3.00 40.70 9.37 1.80 Q14L5.07 Application in fora for building germit by L. G. Lmbert to build. a privzte dnelling on lot 12, Thielen's BrookFide Addition, WE on aotion Prescott, be pented, seconcJed by Xoore znd carried. Applic8tion in fora for building permit by 7m. R. Eillaan to build 3 12 x 20 private garage on lot 42, Auditor's Subdivision 176, 33s on motim Pxscott, be grprI.:ed, see- onded by Loare and carried, Application in for3 for building perrnit bTr Rudolph Tester- berg, to ouild P private dwelling. on lot 30, block 3, Gormzndale Second Addition, res on motion lillson, be granted, secc!nded by Prescatt; 2nd carried. Application in form for building uerrrit by Roy Erom to build a g-erese building vith garege doore on the rwr of lot 23, block 1, Fairfax Addition, to be used for temporary living qu~rters, vas on t'rrotion Tillson, be granted, Eeconded by Prescott Fnd carried. Applieztion in fora for building- nemlit by A. Kdllisted to build 2 -oriTxte attached bapenent gzr2ge, having living roo:'=, OV~T, on lot 22, Auditor'F Subdivieion 172, '1:"s on raotion Blsc:rourn, .be grznted, seconded by Prescott and czrriedi Applicztion in ford for building pemit bv Geo. R. Dunn to bcild P arivpte dvelling on lot 8, block 5, Brom Section, mp on rfiotion Blackburn, be grzlsted, Few sded by Preecott md cprried. Ag-oliwtion in form fcr building Derffiit by Cerl 11. EanFon to bu-ild a nrivpte dmelling on lot 2, block 13, Brown Section, cak on rfiotion Bl,-ckburn, be grmted, eeconded by Xoore md carried. Ap-olication in forrii for building pernit by Louis HFtnson to build a nrivate dweL1ing on lot 11, block 6, Erom Section, YBS on .itlotion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in fora for building. perrnit by Cnrl Y. Emson to build a Qrivete dmelling on lot 17, block 6, Brm7n Section, 33s on fiiotion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Tiikon 2nd carried. .Application in fora for building +=erait by 7. J. de'Xnter to build a private drrelling on lot 14, block 14, Grom Section, vas on c?otion BlPcLburn, %e granted, seconded by :loore 2nd carried. Trustee 3lac'.~burn offered Du'ouque Fire a.nd l'arine In- surance Polioy 4?o. 2927999, in zrnount 940O.00, coverinF snoy fence, tool house, tool6 and road equipment of the Villr?,rre of Xdina, and moved it be sccepted, seconded by tioore and carried. 95 A comunication by Geo. W. Strong, dFted L3y 8, 1935, enclosing letter dsted Xsy 7, 1235, by Chac. E. Ca.rrol1, Justice of Peace, with reference to section 72,of Village Ordinsme Bo. 17, 173s reed. Discussion by the Council orought out the fact thzt a nwiwr of Village Ordinsaceg needed revising end the Recorder rirps requesked to notify Kr. Geo. Y. Strong, Village Attorney, and LesFrs, Carroll pnd. Gilkey, Justices of Peace, to thst effect. A cormvnicption under date of April 20, 19235, by Hazel E:. Horr, Secretary, on behalf of Ilinneheha Grenge, pnd in reoly "0 Recorder's letter ordered by the Cowncil on April LO, 1935, wherein the Council VBE advised t'ne Grrtlpe expects to c8r;ry out thzt part of the buildin? and grounds improvetilent orogrm belonging to the Grange as fest a~ funde are a,vail&le, on motion Blaclcburn, be acceoted and pleced on file, seconded bv Preecott end c,orried. Invitation by the LePgue of XingeE& a Uunicipalities, inviting the Council of the Village of Erjinp to send delegates to the Twenty Second Annual Convention of the League to be held in Llankato on June 5, 6 and 7, In BS rriuch as League Conventions have ~lwags afforded opportunities for public officials to review and appraise imrovemente of the municipzl governmeiit end. public service aithin the Stete of Einnesota, ws moved by Bhckburn that such memberp of the Council as could attend- be delegated to attend the Xankpto Oonvention on behalf of the VillaFe I_ of Edina, motion seconded by Villson End carried. CormunicRtion by Xss. Elsie Hildreth for oosition as Judge or Clerk of Election was Tend, on motion Bl,?ckburn, be acce-oted ?nd placed on file, seconded by Yoore and carried. The ilinutea of the regular meeting of the Council held on April 22, 1335, were read on motion Preecott they be approved 8s read, seconded by Slzckburn Ernd carried. 110 further buElness to corne before the Council, rfiotion to adjourn carried at 10:50 P.L. Village Recorder