HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350610_REGULARMinutes of the re-lar meeting of the aouncil of the Village of. Edina held in Grange Hall at 8 PM, on June 10, 1935 'I I The meeting was called to order by the President, and all members of the Council were present. The Road hnd Village Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Willson, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Blackburn and carried. They ar.e as follows: D. F. McGuire . President $35.00 Geo. A. Willson Trustee 25 . 00 L.. R. Blackburn Trustee 25.00 0. F. Prescott Trustee 25.00 J. J. Duggan Treasurer 25.00 Ben B. Noore Recorder 75.00 Dr. L. M. Oarnpbell Health Officer 25.00 - P. A. Redpath Mars hall 125.00 T. E. Tilly Police Officer 125.00 W. S. Heydt Police Officer 100 . 00 R. J. Johnson Street Commissioner 50.75 S. J. Roberts Utility man 100.00 Peter Dahlgren Tractor operator 92.40 L. Stolzman Labor 77.40 John Tgacy Labor with team 122 . 00 Albert Hendricks Labor 33.30 Elmer Walker Labor . 37.35 Francis Bradley Labor with truck 93.60 Matt Beversdorf Labor 5.85 Hprold McRellis Labor 1.80 Geo. Jutting Labor 14.40 J. H. Snavely Labor 81.75 4rt hur Peters on Labor with truck. 185.00 Sam Nelson Labor 7.20 John Benson Labor 7.20 Denni 8 EBcCauley Labor 3.00 $1498.00 The Miscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Prsscott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Blackburn and carried. They are as follows: Total Road and Village Bills Hanson Booth Pharmacy ERA drugs 10.80 Harris Oil Station ERA fuel 1.40 Mrs. Oscar Hokenson ERA milk 2.04 Dr. A. H. Palerich ERA dental service 4.00 Nelson Shoe Store ERA clothing 2.50 Northland Hilk,Ice CreamCo.ERA %ilk 7,14 Carl Olson Grocery ERA groceries 23.33 Pederson Bros. Dairy ERA milk 9.54 Philpott-Bailey GO. ERA $&el 8.90 Wooddale Grocery ERA groceries 5.75 Young Fuel Co. ERA fuel 17.17 Edina Cash Grocery ERA groceries 34.07 Anderson Bros. Dry Goods ERA clothing 2.50 W. L, Sterling ERA rent 30.00 Jasper Jasperson Gravel 68.96 Country Club Store Painting supplies 3.46 Uinn. Tree Service Feeding trees 62.81 Bob White Mills, Inc. Fertilizer 63 . 45 Borey Shell Service Greasing truck 4,90 Edina Garage, Inc . Welding & prts 7.24 Hennepin County Review Minutes May 13 10.80 Ohas. Miller & Son Hdw. Repai r s 1.. 00 City of Minneapolis Fire service 31.00 W. R. Miemann Hardware supp li e s 12.66 E. W. Harris Gas-oil, tractor,truck police car 114.17 VBllege St. Louis Park ERA sewing expense 3.52 ERA May overhead 17.00 Dockens Grocery Store ERA groceries 4.55 Edina Grocery St@plies . 1.35 800 I Minneapolis G. E. Co. Ben B. Boore . W. F. Garvey W. Ei. Cooper and Sons Country Club Florist . Chas. Hiller & Son D. F. ElcGuire Rice Sand 8c Gravel COX Chas. Olson & Sons Geo. Shilson March St. Lighting League of Minnesota Municipalities Cony, Hdw. supplies Flowers for parks Flowers for parks Sharpening Village lawn movers League of Hinnesota Hunicipalit ies Conv. Sand and gravel ReDair for truck 388.79 7.20 11.11 35.29 14.54 3.00 7.35 7.89 7.10 Cukrd rail oosts 26-00 Midlznd Natl Ban& &Trustao. Interest on’;wa$i.ant 32.17 Total Niscellaneous Bills $1106.44 Mr. Pierce, representing Lyle Signs, Inc., appeared on re- quest .before the Council and displayed types of road signs, stantiard as to design and finish with the State Highway Department. After examination, it vas the unnanimoub choice of the Council that Style E-435 be selected costing $3.50 each net for the so-called 4-may, $2.50 net each for the 2-~ay,. and 81.50 per post made of 2” black wrought iron pipe 10’ long. Thereupon it vas moved Blackburn that Lyle sign type E435 be selected as standard design for the Village and that the Road and Bridge Committee be requested to select locations shereupon road signs should be placed throughout the Village. Seconded by Willson and carried. Application in form for building permit by Geo. S. Gamble to build a private dwelling on 10% 35, block 9, Fairway Section-4605 Casco Avenue, accompanied by the usual buizdigg permit. and clean-up semice applications and checks, wa6 on motion Blsckburn, be granted, seconded by Willson and carr- ied. Application in form for building permit by G. W. Shirk tQ build a-private dvelling on 18t 19, block 4, Fairway Section-4527 Casco Avenue, accompanied by the usual build- ing permit and clean-up applications and checks, was on motion Blackburn be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in form for building permit by B. F. Nelson to build a private dwelling on 16% 26, block 5, Fairway Section-4511 Drexel Avenue, accompanied by the usual building permit and clean-up applications and checks, was on rnotioa Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in form for building permit by Louis Hansen to build a private dwelling on lot 21, block 10, Brown Section-4600 Wooddale Avenue, accompanied by the usual building permit and clean-up applications and checks, was on.motion Blackburn be granted, seconded by Willson anid carried. Application in form by the Young Fuel Company to build an addition to private garage on lot 10, block 2, Grand View Heights, accompanied by the usual building permit fee, was on motion Villson, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. Application in form by the Young Fuel Company to build a glassed-in porch, addition to private dwelling, on lot 10, block 2, Grand View Heights Addition, accompanied by the usual building permit fee, was on motion Villson, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in form by L. H. Todd to build a private dwelling on l-at 1, block 16, Normandale, 1st Addition, accompanied by the usual building permit fee; was on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. I Application in form by F. P. Farrington to build a private dwelling an lot 2, blook 3, Code's Highview Park, accompan- ied by the usual building permit fee, was on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. Mrs. Harold Kenney, President of the Women's Club, together with Mr. B. W. Latham, President of the Country Club Assn., appeared before the Council on behalf of their respective organizations requesting the Council's co-operation in providing playground equipaent and the establishment of a playground on the public sbhool premises during the summer months, whereupon it was moved Blackburn that the Council agreed to the request, and thEtt the Recorder be empowered for and on behalf of the Village Council to meet with the School Board of District #l7 and arrange ta furnish such labor or other assistance which would be both permissable and necessary. Motion seconded by Willson and carried. Trustee Willson reported on the matter of the violation of the Zoning Ordinance, wherein a temporary cash and carry ice house building had been located on the south- west corner of Halifax Avenue and West 50 St., and that Er. John Borey had caused the building to be immediately removed upon request. The Recorder read a copy of a letter under date of May 28, 1935 to Mr. Fred Sampson by Mr. Geo. I?. Strong, to whom was referred the matter of violation of the Zoning Ordinance in the conduct of bukihessrandlbixsiness build- ings on the south-east corner of West 50 St. and Halifax Avenue. After discussion it was moved Moore that the Village Attorney be instructed to proceed and institute suit if necessary. Motion seconded By Willson and carried. Trustee Willson offered the following resolutions con- cerning laying and construction of sidewalks in the Village of Edina: "Be it Resolved by the Village Councii of the Village of Edina: That iS is necessary and expedient that a dide- walk be constructed on the south side of West 50 Street from the east line of Halifax Ave to the west line of lot 45, Aud's Subdivision 172 That the Village Council will meet at 8 o*clock P.M. on June 24, 1935, at Grmge Hall for a hearing on the question as to whether or not such improvement shall be ordered and cornpledfed by the Council as prrivided by ordinance. That such improvement shall be constructed in accordance with the standard specifications for the construction of concrete sidewalks adopted by motion of the Council and on file in the office of the Village Recorder. That the following persons are the owners or agents of real property abutting on (or benefited by) such improvement: Fred Sampson, l6t 42, Aud's Sub 172 Lewis H. Powers, lot 43, Aud's Sub 172 John Ha%;Bing, lot 44$ Aud's Sub 172 The motion was seconded by 'Trustee Prescott, the roll called wherefn there were five aye's &nd no nays, and so declared duly carried. Passed by the Village Council this President Trustee I cerning the Village of Edina: Iillson offered the following Resolution con- the construction of sidewalk and/or curb in "Be it Resolved by the Village 06bcil of the Vi flage of Edina: That it is necessary and expedient that a sfdevalk and/or curb be constructed on the west side of France Avenue from the south lfne of West 50th Street to the south line one-half of lot 49, Aud's Sub. 172. That the Village Council mill meet at 8 P.M. Qd 3m& &&;:,at Grange Hall for a hearing on the question as to whether or not such iiilprovement shall be .ordered and completed by the Council as provided by ordinance. That such improvement shall be constructed in accordance with the standard specifi- cations for the conbtruct€on of concrete sidewalks adopted by motion of the Oouncil and on file in the office of the Village Recorder. That the following persons are the owners or agents of real property abutting on ( or benefited by) such improvement t .. Norris Creameries, Inc. ,Lot 45 Lucy Lawrence, Lot 47 Augusta Hoe, N& Lot 49 Christ Lloe, et al, S& Lot 49 The motion was seconded by Trustee Prescott, the roll called wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so declared duly carried. Passed the Village Council this 10th day of June, 1935. 4 E D. F. NcGuire President Seal Attest: Ben B. Moore Recoraer Recorder Moore reported on the proceedings of the League of linnesota Municipalities held at Edanlcato on June 6, 7 and 8 wherein he had attended as a delegate of the Village of Edina. President PdcGuire also reported as a delegate and reported also that Mr. LIoore had been elected as President of the League of Minnesota pfuni- cipalities for the year 1935. Minutes of the regular meeting held on Eay 27, 1935 were read, on motion Prescott they be approved as read, sec-. mded by Blackburn and carried. No further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 11:30 E.U. Village Recorder