HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350808_REGULARliinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall at 8 PM, on July 8, 1935 The meeting was called to order by the President and all members of the Council were present. l4S.s. FT. J. Oxboro appeared be2ore the Co$mcil on behalf of herself and neighbors in the Batter of the Brown Derby Restaurant being a nuisance on account of noise and dis- order after one A.M. A delegation of residents living on and around Mirror Lake appeared before the Council, protesting against the Interlachen Club discharging sanitaxy sewage or sceptic tank sewage into Mirror Lake. In as rnuch as all the property involved is privately owned and that water from Xirror Lake not being used for human consumption, the matter mas believed to involve only the residents and the Interlahhen Club. It gas thereupon moved Hoore that the matter be referred to the Village Attorney for his advise and council. Hotion seconded by Blackburn and carried. The Idiscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Villson and carried. They axe as follows: E. W. Harris Gas-oi 1, tract om, true k and police car $140.87 Crane Company Valve for cascade pump 28.35 Edina Hardware Hdw and road supplies 8.10 Hennepin County Poor Farm service 131.00 Village St. Louis Park 1/3 share ERA supplies 5.61 Wrn. H. Zieger Co. Lub. oil . 18.90 Thorpe &os. Rent tract office 12.50 Northland Elec. Supply Cells for police flashlights 3.12 Hennepin County Review Pub. notices 18.00 Thorqson Lwaber 00. 1 sack cement . 80 League Minnesota Xunicipalifies Xembership dues 30.00 Chas. Olson and Sons Sharpen grader blades 13.00 Wooddale Grocery Gas for grader 2.03 C. R. Shallbetter Police car tire repair 1.81 Reinhard Bros. Go. Repair charger, police car 5.41 W. L. Sterling Care of poor 30.00 Sup e ri o r Dai r i e s ERA milk 1.71 Univ. of Uinnesota Hospital . 25 Hanson-Booth Pharmacy ERA insulin 12.35 Red Owl Store ERA groceries 4.60 Sears Roebuck Co. ERA clothing 4.50 Northland Bilk 00.. ERA milk 7.14 National Tka Co. ERA 'groceries 14.70 Holt Motor Co, Repairs pdlice car 60.61 Borey's Shell Station Grease 2.25 0. A. Lindquist Blackswi t hing 58 . 90 ERA Hopkins June overhead 16.50 Upls. G. E. 00. April 8c gay street lighting789.94 A. E. Kairies Cascade prknt s 9.14 Mary Newberg Rent tool house 37.50 Total Miscellaneous Bills g1444.59 The Road and Village Bills,, upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Villson, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried, They are as follows: D. F. LfcGuire Pres i dent J. J. Duggan Treasurer Ben B. lloore Recorder C. F. Prescott Trustee Geo. A. Villson Trustee L. R. Blackburn Trustee $35.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 I06 Dr. L. if. Cmpbell P. A. Redpath T. E. Tilly W. S. Heydt R. 5. Johnson S. J. Roberts P. Da-hlgren L. Stolzman John Tracy John Tracy Fr ami s Bradley Albert Hendricks Elmer Walker George Jutting Andrew Hanson James Finley .Floyd Blokeborough Joseph Garrison John Benson Oscar Berg J. H. Snmely Art Peterson R. L. Ensley Kealth Officer Uarshall Police officer Police officer . Street ,Commissioner Utility man Tractor operator Labor Labor with team Labor Labor with team Labor Labor ' Labor Labox Labor Labor Ltabor Labor Labor Labor Labor with truck Labor Tbtal Road and Village Bills $25 . 00 130.00 130. 00 105.00 54.35 100.00 90.20 46.80 71.40 41.40 96.20 32.40 41.40 .21.60 21.60 18.00 10.80 7.20 15.30 3.60 72.45 190.00 . 3.60 $1563.30 After discussion by the Council on the matter of wgea and labor performed by Village crew, it mas moved gillson that the pay of S. J. Roberts, ES Utility Ban, be increas- ed at the rate of $10.00 per month to 8110.00 per month, beginning as of this date. Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It vas moved Billsou that the pay of Ralph J. Johnson, as Street Commissioner, be increased *$lO.OO per rnontb to $135.00 per month, as of this date. Prescott and carried, It mas moved Prescott that Louis Stolzltlan be appointed Assistant Road Foreman and that he be paid at the rate of SO$ per hour. Elotion seconded by Xotion seconded by Hoore and carried. It V~S moved Presdott that John Tracy be appointed Assistant Road Foreman and that he be paid at the rate of 50$ per hour. Uotion seconded by hfoor'e and carried, It vas moved Idoore that the Road and Bridge Committee be empowered to arrange for the oiling of Vest 44th St. from Wooddale Avenue to Brookside Avenue; Bro okside Avenue from Highway 169 to fiorth Village limits; Eackey Avenue from Vest 44th St. to north Village limits; Thielen Avenue from West 44th St. to north Village limits; and Vest 62 St. from Fra.nce Avenue to Belt Line Highmy. Xotion seconded by Willson and aarried, The Recorder presented the matter of inadequa.te street lighting of that part of Sunnyside Road west of Broan- daPe Avenue and s~ggested that additional street lighting should be provided. Whereupon it was moved WiZhlson that the Recorder be empowered to arrange for additional street lighting of Sunnyside Road mest of Bromdale Ave. Eotion seconded by Blackburn and carired. 8. The Recorder reported on the matter of Public Borks Improvements and that interview had been had nith Thorpe Bors and Public Works officials, and that it vould be adviseable to engage an engineering firm to review the suggested public works projects before proceeding more definitely nith a fo.rmal Works Program application. Whereupon it was moved Prescott that the Recorder be em- ponered to engage engineering services for the purpose of reviewing proposed Public Borks Improvements at a cost not to exceed more than $100.00. Motion seconded by Blackburn and carried.' The matter of amending the Non-intoxicating Efalt Liquor Ordinance of the Village was b2ought to the attention of 1.0 7 the Council by communication from the Board of County Commissioners, citing the adoption of a unimimous resolution recommending to all municipal corporations in the county the adoption of uniform closing hours. After discussion, Trustee Willson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: "An Ordinance amendling an ordinance licensing and regulating tihe sale of non-intoxicating malt liquors, repealing inconsistant ordinances , and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. The Common Council of the Village of Edina. do ordain : Section 1. That Section 7 of said ordinance, entitled 'Closing Hours', reading as. follows: I'Wo sale of any non-intoxicating malt liquor shall be made on any primary, general or special election day. In a~y place licensed ' for "On Saleti, no &on-intoxicating malt liquor shall be sold, offered for sale, served or 'consumed therein between the. hours of one (1) o'clock A.M. and six (6) o'clock A. U., be and the same hereby is amended to re& as follow: Section 7. Closing Hours. l?o licensee for the sale of non-intoEica,ting malt liquor shall sell .my such malt liquor, nor shall any fOn Salet lisensee serveTor permit to be .served or consumed on the premises named in the license any such malt liquor, on any primary, special or general election day, (1) noon, or f.1) : Any is granted hours of or on Sunday between the-hours of one o'clock A. M. and twelve (12) o*clock an any other day between the hours of o*clock A.M. and six (6) o'clock A.U. place of business for which a, license hereunder shall be closed between the one (1) osclock k.N. and six (6) o*clock The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Blackburn and the vo&e mas upon the question of the a.doption of the Resolution, the roll was called and there were five ayes and no nays, a.nd so the resolution was ad opt ed D. F. McGuire President of theCouncil Ben B. &)ore Village Recorder Application in form for building permit by 5. Ostman to build a 16 x 24 barn on the N. E. 4 of S. V. $-, Sec. 32, T. 117, R. 21, accompanied by the usual building permit fee, was on motion Villson, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in form by A. Gutke to build a private garage at 3219 I?. 60th St., accompanied by the usual building permit fee, was on motion Willsoh, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on June 24, 1935, mere read on motion millson they be approved as read, seconded by Prescott and carried. No further busfness to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 31:45 P.U. Village Recorder