HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350826_REGULARLiinutes of the replzr meting of
the Cou-mil of the Villpge of Edinl.:
August 26, 1935.
.. held in Grznge Hall at 8 Pi.., on
The ifieeting was called to order by tne PreEidrnt, 211
rfie:ilberf vere present.
Applicetion in forra for builtiing permit by L. Hzaeen to
build i: private drrrelling at 4410 Sunnyeide Road, zccon-
psnied by the u.sua.1 building perkit rnd "Clean-up Servieell
feeF, W'PS on motion Blockburn, be granted, seconded by
Ilillson and carried. w.
Apnlic8tion in fora for building permit by 0. Ti. Rognas to build n double gerage building on the rP3r of 10% 18, block
5, South khrriet Park, vhich might be used for temporary living qu~rters, as on motion Billson, be grJnted, seconded
by Elwkburn pnd carried.
After lengthy discuspion by the Council on the rrlatter of tenlporsry and other uore or less unsuited buildinpg to be
used. for livinr qu-arters, it mas mved Locre thot Dending
the ,cldoption of s -oermnenf building and/or canitary ordin-
,once, thzt no more building permits-vi11 be ismed by tile Council for such b>Jildings. liotion eeconded by Tilleon ~nd
Agnlication in fora for buil6'ing periiiit by G. 7. HoT.?zrd to
build P ~LIPQB building on lot 3, block 4, Code's Highview
Pzrk. It was moved 'Hillson thpt the Pp-dicstion be prmteed Pnd thet as the improvement ~~roulC; cost lees thm ':50,00,
the uw?l fee not be cirrged. Xotion seconded by Bhckburn
Fnd csrried.
ApolicEtion in fox for building 3eriilit by Hcrley S. %nd
to build a orivste dvelling on ten ecre ti'sct, the cplie
oeing the eoutheast ten Pcres of the.mcrrth iiPlf of Sec, 13, T. 28, R. 24, on motion WillFon ap-olication be granted,
secolidcd oy Blackburn and carried.
koolication in form for building perriiit by :'3rTr F. Garvey to-build i\ private'dnelling on lot 13, block 23, Fairfax
Addition, mas on motion Yillson,be grP.nted, seconded by
Eleckburn Fnd carried.
Application in fom for building permit by C. 1'J. 1:uscett to build a privpte dwelling on the five acre tract lying to the east of Bl,nbe Road on pprt of the S-E of the S-f7 of the
S-!'f 6, Sec. 29, T. 117, R. 21, 1v3e on motion Prescott, be grsn'::cd, seconeed by Bleckburn and carried.
k pti'cion ivs received from Geo. A. Kingslev 2nd Erilil Endiiund, 2e the omners of lots 28 Pnd 29, Yendelseohn
Addition, representing all the frontage involved Fnd petition-
ing that that portion of the so-c?lled, not iiiproved, Schaeffer Rcad abutting on lots 28 apd 29 be vecated and deecriked 9s
f 0 11 on E :
"Thcot ?art of Fzid Schaeffer Rozd lyinp betveen the
Uor-th line of Interbehen Road end the southerly
line of Blnke RoP~, RF the s8id roFde are lsid out
~nd located in paid Village, through l*cndelscohn
Addition loczted in eeid Village, ascordin2 to the
017% thereof on file ;Ind of record in t3e office of the RPgister of Deede in end for F2id Henne-oin Oowntv, ;'in?esotR, feid nart of spid ro,nd to be
vpczted lying betneen lote Tiyenty-cicht (23) 2nd Trentlr-nine (23) in szid addition.
Nherein Truetee Prescott moved the petition be rcce-oted znd
t'wt posted notive be given for coneidemtion of t:?e said.
r' AoQlicetion in ford for buildin? 71iritit by QFCRT Holton
&-build a porirntc dnelling on lot 17, ThieZen'F Brook-
side, Tx~ on rootion Prewott, be granted, seconded by Loore 2nd crrried.
Application by the Xinrc rpolis Genersl Electric Corfipany for ?errLit to. in&?ll tno ornmentzl street lights in rnd n Ions SunnyFide Roc?d, ceat of Sro-:inda.le kvrn-~e , z f
recently ordered in by the Council, EZE on (dotion Till-
FO~, ce ZrFnted, seconded by Pore~cckt md cprried.
It vas moved Blackburn that this meeting adjourn, sub-
ject to call by the President st the Tract Office, for
the purpose of further conddering Rnd filing of PI74
e3d 3PA projects. Eotion seconded by Koore r?nd csrrried.
Village Recorder