HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350829_ADJOURNEDAn adjou-rned meting of the Council was called by President XcGuire and mas held in the Tract Office on August 29, 1335 zt 3 PE. After discussion nnd due consideration of vFrious projectf PS lipted and located in and ?bout the Villzge of Edina, it ms ciloved PrezcDtt that projzcts af a rim bridge be built over E'innehphq Creek oil Yooddsle Avenue; tine in- stzlhtion of e storm mater sewer end catch %spine in md nlong Arden Avenue fror& Sunnyzide Rod to Bridge Stre~t; the demolishing of and salvzging of building inateri8ls of the old Edina School building:, Jogether with paciinE s"nd filling of land, if and when nrrmpd for nith tne School Board of District #l?; End that the creek bed be lendscaped, graded znd planted on both Sides of Linne- haha Creek f~om 52nd to 54%h Streets on tine Villa.ge ov~ned t~elve acre trzctpe set up as WA projects znd tGkthe President and Recorder be znd are hereby zu'chorized to sign the neceseary p8pers on behslf of the Village Coun- cil. Lotion we eeconded by Elockburn znd unanimouPly carried. Recorder Loore offered the folloninp RePolution and moved; its adoption: Be it resolvFd by tble Co~mon Comncil TYAT PreFid-ent end Recorder be end ?re authorized to execute and file zn z.pplication on behelf of The Vill~ge of Edino to the United Stetes of A.cieriCa. for a loan 2nd grant to aid in fiwnuing the conetzxction of a CofiiaunitTr Center and Village Hslll Bwilding. TLlkT Pillsbury Xngipeering Colapany ie hereby zut'h- orized and directed to furniph Puch informtion PF the Wii-ted States of kerica through the Fedem1 E'ilergenCy AdriinistrFtion of Public Vorks my reasoneblg request in conriection nith the application nhich ie herein authorized. to be filed. Lotion to adopt vas aeconeed by Trustee Bl;.cl:bvrn, the qiJ,p&:.i;icsn ceing 7qon the adoption of the Resolution. The roll ias czllcd, -!herein. there nere four ayes pnd no naye rnd PO the Regolutim FIEF adopted. Eo further bu@ineP.e to '.o~q,le before the Council, cilotion to adjourn czrrieb at 1O:Z.O PU.- Villsge Recorder