HomeMy WebLinkAbout19350923_REGULAR12i Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina held in Grange Hall at 8 PM, on Septem'cer 23, 1935. The meeting was called to order by the President,'roll was called and all member6 were present, Chief Peterson and Mr, Miller of the Hopkins Fire De- partment appeared before the Council in regard to Chapter 280 of the Laws 1935, relating to the so-called Fire Insurance Tax, which was on motion Hoore be re- ferred to Trustee Blackburn'for report at the next Council Meeting, seconded by Willson and carried. Application in form for building permit by Harold F. Schafer to build a private dwelling on the five-acre tract of land, being the North 200 feet of the South 266 feet of the NZ& of the SE*, West of the East 797 feet thereof', Sec. 30, TI 117, R. 21, was on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried. Application in form for buidling permit to build a private dwelling on lot 3, block 3, Mendelssohn's Addition by Thos. E. Jerde, was on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried. Application in fox. €or building permit by Carl M. Hanson to build a private dwelling at 4514 Moorland Avenue was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried. Application in form for buidling permit by Morris Trach to build a private dwelling at 4501 Drexel Avenue, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Tillson and carried. It was moved Blackburn that the clean-up deposit made by W. J. Dewinter, lot 14, block 14, Brown Section, be refunded sub$ect' to any costs on the part of the Village, seconded by Willson and carried. .. It was moved B%&ckburn tha5 the clean-up deposit made by Mr. Harrington, 4504 Browndale Avenue, be refunded subject to any costs on the part of the Village, sec- onded by Willson and carried. It was moved Willson that building permit be granted to D. D. Pfath to build a private garage at 62nd and Brook- view and that as the cost would be less than #50.00, the permit be issued without'fee. Motion seconded by Pres- cott and carried. I I Application ln form by H, C. Hanson fo build a private dwelling at 6204 Grandview Avenue, NF of See. 30, was on motion Willson, seconded by Prescott andwar'ried. Discussion was had on the matter of a Building Ordinance, and/or Sanitary Ordinance, Willson that the Recorder arrange to have prepared a suitable ordinance for submission to the Council, Notion seconded by Blackburn and carried. Whereupon it was moved Mrs. Olson, living on Aurora Avenue near 44th Street, reported the public sidewalk in need of repair and was referred t.o the Street Commissioner for attention, The matter of closing that part of the so-called Schafer Road, or Main Street, lying between the north line of the Interlachen Road, next came before the Council. Posted notice having been given for hearing to be held on September 23, 1935, at 8 PM, and no $22 - objection having been offered, Trustee Prescott offered the following resolution and moved its adop- tion. ftlThereaa, the petition of a niajority of the ovners of land abutting on that part of Bain Street located in the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Binnesota, here- inafter described, having heretofore pet- itioned said Council for the vacation of * 7 the same; and "Whereas, published and posted notice of a hearing upon said petition was duly given and made as required by law, and VThereas, the Village Council, being unanimously of the opinion that said por- as petitioned for, . tion of said Main Street should be vacated rlN~m, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Village Council of the Village Qf Edina, Hennepin County, Hinnesota, that that part of Hain Street lying between the North line of Interlachen Road and the Southerly line of Blake Road, and betmeen Lots 28 and 29, Mendelssohn Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin County, fbinnesota, be and the same is hereby vacated." I. Hotion to adopt mas seconded by Villson. The vote being taken, there were five ayes and no nays and so the resalution mas adopted. Discussion of the Village tax levy $or the ensuing year next came before the Council. On account of extra items for relief and for the purchase of road equipment such as tractor and snow plows, it wnld . be necessary that the levy be somewhat increased. It was thereupon moved Villson that the levy for all Village purposes including Park Board, for the en- suing year be set at $40,000.00 Motion seconded by Prescott and carried. It wag moved Pdoore that the Road and Bridge Cornittee be authorized to arrange for rental or purchase of an additional trzctor and snow plows and repairing and overhauling of present Ro. 15 tractor, together with side plow. Motion seconded by Blackburn and c arri ed, Minutes of the regular meting of the Uouncil held on September 8, vere read, on motion Blackburn they be approved as read, seconded by Prescott and carried. A leteer dated September 14, 1935, by Recorder Chap- man of St. Louis Park mas read, containing the sugges- tion that neighboring towns and villages bordering Minneapolis, attend a meeting to be held on Monday, September 30, at the St. Louis Park High School, for the purpose of obtaining lower gas rates. mhereupon it was moved Prescott that Village Attorney, Mr. Strong, and such other members of the Council as could attend the meeting, be authorized to represent the Village Council, seconded by Blackburn and carried, The Time Book having been duly examined and found correct, it was moved Prescott that pay roll advpnces be allowed the Road crev and Police Officers, seconded by Blackburn and carried. A communication was read from the State Briergency Relief Administretion for Rural Hennepin CIounty in regard to Eequired participation in the State's contribution to the Federal Emergency Relief Program. Thereupon TkusZ;ee Villson offered the f olloming resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS,. the U,$- Goxt. through its .agency, ?he FERA'has Gqtemined'an &..fair and equif;a.ble bssis, that BGinnegata should cont~ibuEe'~10,000.0O for the year 1935 al?d ten million dollars for the year 1936, for direct and mrork re- lief purposes, with the understanding that the Federal Government will furnish all necessary funds in excess of ten million dollars for each year as may be required by the needs of the people of the State of Hinnesota, and WHEREAS, It was agreed and understood by the Federal Government and the L$gislature of the State of Minpesota that one-half of the ten million dollars per annum re- quired is to be contributed by the pol- itical sub-division of the State, as apportioned by the United States Government, through its ageney,, the State Eaergency Relief Administration, and/or the State Executive Council, and WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Hinnesota passed a law, ChapiOer 51, Sec- tion 5, Session Laws 1935, which provides that: tiCQUNTIES and UUNICTPALITIES of the State' of Minnesota requiring aid and relief shall contribute a sua which in the opinion of the United States Government relief agencies and/or the State Executive Council is a fair and equitable sum to be borne by them, econoraic conditions, conservation needs, acts of the elements, economic dis- tress, public debt, and relief projects at this time contempla,ted to be taken into con- sideration. If NOT TIEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Village douncil or Township Board that in consider- ation of the allotment and administration of poor and work relief funds that the Town or Village of Edina. agrees to appropriate and set aside in the poor fund, or make otherwise ' available the sum of three thousand six hund- red dollars ($3,600.00) for the cEtlender year 1935 and a like sum for the calender year 1936. This sum will be made available to the Rura.1 Hennepirr County Welfare Board in equal monthly instalments. From this principal sum expend- itures for a.llowa.ble items made during 1935 or which are subsequently made are deductible. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be signed by the proper officers and immediately trmsmitted through the area administrator to the $taste Relief Administrator in order that the relief progrm may be con- tinued and that the State of Bainnesota may promptly secure full credit from the Federal Government for compliance with the conditions imposed upon the State of Uinnesota by the Federal Emergency Relief Admini st ration. Motion to adopt was seconded by Prescott. The question rJas upon the adoption of the resolution. The vote being taken, there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution mas adopted. No further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 10:55 P.N. b t Village Recorder