HomeMy WebLinkAbout19351014_REGULARUiqutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina kieild in Grange Hall at 8 PH, on October 14, 1935. I The meeting was called to order by the President and all members were present. Messrs. Nash, McNally, Niller, and Chief Peterson of the Hopkins Fire Department again appeared before the Council regarding Chapter 280, of the Lams of 1935, relating to the so-caJled Fire Insurance Tax. Trustee Blackburn, to whom the rna,tter was referred at the previous meeting of the Council, reported that the Village Attorney nad ad- vised the Council could not contract to pay the Hopkins Fire Department the entire 2% so long as there are sev- eral contracts by the several Fire Departments serving the Village of Edina. After further discussion, it was moved Eoore that the matter be re-referred to Trustee Blackburn, seconded by Prescott and carried. IV. J. Oxboro: appeared before the Council on behalf of one Wm. Daws, a British subject, 76 years old, and having lived in the Village of Edina some fifteen years, seid’Daws being destitu*e and in need of some kind of public relief. On account of the party not being a citizen of the United States, it was moved Moore that the case be referred to the Village Attorney for his advice and recommendation. Notion seconded by IVillson and carried. Mr. Tuscany appeared before the Council regarding a building permit for a draelling proposed to be built on lot 11, Auditors Subdivision 172. Upon investigation, it mas found 16t 11 to be a small triangular piece of land left over at the time Sunnyside Road was extended from Arden Avenue northeasterly toward France Avenue. It was estimated the plat contained about 1500 square feet less than it required for a building lot under the Zoning Ordinance and that it would not be possible to set the proposed new building back from the street so it would line up with other dwellings on both Grimes Avenue as’well as Sunnyside Road. Ur. Tuscany was therefore advised that the Council was without power to issue a building permit in this case. Trustee Zoerger and Supt. Glover, on behalf of Indepen- dent School District 17, appeared before the Council in a formel request for building permit to add to and complete the present Public School building .located in block 16, and Wooddale and West 50 Street. After a study of the Zoning Ordinance and in as much as block 16 Bromn Section, Country dlub District was not restricted by Thorpe Bros. and upon the advice and coun@E?lb of Village Attorney, Mr. Strong, it was moved Moore that the application for building permit to build a. two story addition to the present school building according to plans and specifications by Sund and Dunham, Architects, estimated cost, $104,238.00, be granted, and the usual building permit fee be not charged, and that the school board be given permihsion to use such public property under the control of the Council of the Village of Edina as might be necessary and expedient. Eotion seconded by Blackburn and unanimously carried. Mr. -Oscar Gaarden appeared before the Council and advised he had purchased the major interest in the Country Club District Service Corporation operating the water and sewer systems in the Village of Edina &nd advised that his .present improvement program $&led for the install- ation of one 1611 d‘eep well and a 45000 gallon settling basis5 a 10 x 18. P-mp hou_se* -- J with two Booster pumps. The capacity of the deep well pump at 900 gallons per minute, or approximately twice the rnanlmum demand at the present time. Hr. Gaarden stated that the undervriters mere satisfied vith one vel1 at the present time and that the capacity of the 45000 gallon settling basin, together pith the 65 to 75000 gallon capacity of the elevated tank rrould take care of any emergency. The cost ofdthe new improvements mas given at $10000.00 and should the quality of the well water be such that the installation of sand and gravel filter would be necessary, that an additional investment of #6000.00 would be required. Mr. Gaarden further advised that beginning as of October 1, a lO$ reduction in the cost of vather would be made to consumers. The Rec- order asked if certain figures were available in the financial set-up of the nem company mhich in turn might be reflected in mater rates, which iiilfter dis- cussion mas left as a subject for further discussion between Mr. Gaarden and the Council. Trustee Black- burn thereupon moved that application for building permit to build a 10 x 18 x 10 pump house, be granted, seconded by goore and camied. Application in form for building permit by Clarence H. Bros to build a private dwelling on 10% 6, Thielens Brookside Addition, was on motion Prescott , be granted, seconded by Villson and carried. t. Application in form for building permit by Anton Duuos to build a private dmelling at 4609 Drexel Avenue, -2s on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Vill- son and carried. Application in form for building permit by Nrs. F. I Velsh to build a private garage at 5822 France Avenue was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in fom for building permit by ACthur Nelson to remodel the building formerly used by the Oountry Club Garage, into tvo stores, located on lot 47, Auditors Subdivision 172, was on motion Villson, be granted, subject to inspection by three Trustees, as to vhat improvements might be necessary to insure back-door delivery of merchandise. Xotion seconded by Blackburn and carried. It wits moved Blackburn that clean-up service refunds be made to V. 3. DeVinter, 4630 Edgebrook Place; A. D. Harrington, 4504 Browndale; Louise H. Robinson, 4618 Casco; Harry I). Roache, 4527 Casco; and Carl M. Bansen, 4603 Browndale, 4502 Edina, and 4507 Edina. Motion seconded by Prescott znd carried. The Road and Village bills, upon being duly examined and found correct, mere on motion Villson, be alloved and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as follous: P. A. Redpath T. E. Tilly I?. SI Heydt D. F. UcGuire C. F. Prescott Geo. A. Villson L. R. B3.3ckburn J. J. Duggan Ben B. Noore R. J. Johnson S. J. Roberts Peter Dahlgren L. Stolzman John Tracy John Tracy John Beneon K. 6. Ensley A. . Stringer Marshall Police Officer Police Officer President Trustee Trustee Trustee Treasurer Recorder Street Commiseioner Utility Nan Tractor operator La.bor Labor with team Labor Labor Labor Lsbor 135.00 135.00 110.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 25 . 00 25.00 75.00 135.00 110.00 114.40 109 . 00 81.60 58.00 79.50 21.60 48.60 Rex Garvey Elm e r Va. lk er Thos. Ooble J. H. Snavely Lionel Lincoln John McNellis Sam Nelson Albert Young CWs. Johnson C hhs. Rally Blbert Hendricks Art. Peterson Labor Lab or La.bor La.b o r Labor Labor Labor La-bor Labor Labor La.bor Labor Tot a1 72.00 62.10 7.20 82.80 18.00 30.60 37.80 20.70 12.60 5.40 13.60 190.00 81899.50 Tne Niscellaneous Bills, upon being duly examined and found correct were on motion Blackburn, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by are as follows: a. A. LindquisC H. A. Xelson Dry Goods V., F. Grzrvey E. W. Harris Prescott and carried. They Blacksmithing 3.70 Poor 10.04€ Paint and Hdw. 14.05 Gas,oil-police cars, tractors. truck 111.01 League %inn. Municipali t i es1935 Year Book 5.00 Hennepin Co. Reviek W,. P. Cooper H. V. Johnslon Culvert Co. Bestern Union Rural. Hennepin C0.m Peerless Elec. .Co. Tim. H. Ziegler Co. D. A. Lubricant Go. City of Mpls. Tnompson Lbr. Go. Ben B. Noore Edina- GErsge Inc. He&@B Johnson Thorpe Bros. Inc. , Hennepin County Miller Davis Go. Peterson Dairy Smetona's Pharmacy W. L. Sterling Wooddale Grocery Olson's Grocery Erickson Artf. Limb Go. Gahill Grocery. F. P. Dew Oscar Hoganson. Edina Grocery Franklin Milk Go. National Tea. Co. National Tea Go. Eple. G.E. Go. PI. J. DeWint er A. D. Harrington Louise H. Robinson H. D. Roache Carl U. Hansen Printing 8c Pub notice 36.85 Parks Culvert Service September overhead Police car supplies Tractor DA Lubricant Fire SerfTice Lumber Refund fees Police car service Stenographic Rent Tract office Poor Farm service Le at her c a se ERA milk ERA drugs Poor ERA groceries ERA groceries ERA poor ERA groceries ERB milk ERA milk ERA groceries ERA milk ERA gkoceries ERA groceries July street lighting Refund Refund Refund Refund Refund Total 6.68 38.28 17.00 2.80 2.88 20.63 43.48 1.02 2.10 14.64 12.60 12.50 137.00 7.00 6.05 3+08 30.00 17.80 21.12 5.50 10.63 3.00 2.04 7.00 4.14 12.77 7.50 519.25 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 9. 70 75.00 $1328.84 Application fao~~~Northwestern.Be11 Telephone Company for permission to place one pole on West 58 St. kttveen VJooddale Ave. and Kellogg Ave., and three poles on West 58 St. between Kellogg Ave and Fairfax Ave. mas on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application by Er. 32. A. Sage for position as Police Officer was read, marked Wo. 1" and placed on file. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on September 23 mere read on motion Blackburn they be approved as read, seconded by trdillson and carried. \ Trustee Villson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Be it resolved by the Village Council of Edina: WEEREAS, The Village Council has ordered certain side-walks constructed in and * along lots 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 and 49, Auditors Subdivision 172, and ?UiEREAS, The Council has duly met and considered testimony of all persons interested in or.effected by the making of such impkbvement who appeared at a meeting of the Council held for that purpose, SOB THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The following amounts are hereby assessed against the various lots and parcels of land benefited by such improve- ment as set forth opposite each description, to nit: Fred Sarnpson lot 42 sidewalk $59.94 driveway 26.40 86.34 Lemi s Powers lot 43 sidenalk 197.64 drivenay 23.76 221.40 John Hztting lot 44 sidewalk 98.82 Lucy Lavrence lot 47 Norris Creamer- lot 45 ies, Inc. Augusta Boe lot 'a9 and Christ Hoe,et a1 drivenay 15.84 114.66 curb 47.20 sidevalk 77.76 124.96 sidewalk 136.08 curb 60.80 drivemay 91.14 . 288.02 sidewalk, 181.44 curb 81.60 drivenay 18.81 281.85 RESOLVED ALSO, That the above assessments .against the respective parcels of land be divided into three equal knstallments mith interest at the rate of 6% charged on all unpaid aaounts from and after the comp- letion of the improvement, The mgtion nas seconded by Trustee Blackburn, the vote being upon the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so the resolution mas aaopted. No further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 11:50 fsu. I I' Village Recorder