HomeMy WebLinkAbout19351028_REGULAR129 EBinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Vkllage of Edina held in Grange Hall at 8 Ph:, on October 253, 1935. The meeting ?vas called to order by the President and all members mere present except Trustee Prescott. Messrs? Benson and Clark, on behalf of the State Highway Department, appeared before the Council re- garding the improvement of State Highway No. 100, lying between West 70th Street and the south village limits of the Village of Edina. After discussion, it mas agreed that the a-butting property owners would be requested to attend the next meeting of the Council and it was tentatively agreed that there would be no objection to the Highway Depamhnent proceeding with excavation work pending approval by the Council. hfr. Oscar Gasrden appeared before the Council Gnd ad- vised work of drilling new well had proceeded to about ZhB 300”foot level and it mas understood that at a future meeting OBe matter of water rates, taxes and depreciation of water distribution system would be discussed. Mr. W. A. Tuscany again appeared before the Council and presented data showing that lot 11, Aueitors Subdivision 172, contained approximately 6400 square feet and that the lot had been laid out previous to the enactment of the Zoning Ordinance. On account of the fact it mould not be poseible to set a house bzlck in line with the existing houses on Grimes Ave. as well as on Smnyside Road, all in the Village of Morningside, it .was moved Noore that in order to co- operate with the Council of the Village of Morning- side, that‘Trustees Blackburn and Willson be appointed a committee to confer with the Horningside Council in order to learn their wishes with respect to the build- ing set-back and that if it was agreeable to the Norningside Council thzt a building be erected on lot 11, having a reasonable set-back and a.t the same time less than the. established set-back, that the committee be authorized to issue tentative building permit upon submission and approval of plams, motion-seoonded by McGuire and carried. I ApDlication in form for building permit by Arthur Nilsen, 1433 West Lake Street, to remodel the premises 3905 Test 50th Street, formerly occupied by the Country Club Garage, into two stores, mas on motion Villson, be granted, seconded by Blackburn 2nd carried. Application in form for building permit by Chas. Wong to build a tool house on the klun Hing property located on the south side of Interlachen Road east of Grand View Heights Addition, was on motion Willson, be granted, seconded by Blackburn and carried. The Road and Village bills, upon being duly examined and found correct, were on motion Blackburn, be adlowed and ordered paid, seconded by Moore and carried. Application in form for building permit by Carl Hansen to build a private dwelling at 4514 Noorland Avenue, lot lo, block 5’, Brown Section, Country Club District, accompanied by the usual building permit fee and clean- up service deposit, wa,s on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Moore and carried. Application in‘ form for building pernit by Anton Duoos to build a private dwelling at 4400 Broandale, lot 1, block 2, Brown Section, Country Club Dtstrict, accompanied by the usual building permit fee and . clean-up service deposit, was on motion Blackburn, be granted, seconded by Xoore and carried. ' Trustee Blackburn suggested to the Council the advisability of appointing Street Commissioner Johnson, special police officer, after discussion eo moved, seconded by Hoore and carried. Street Commissioner Johnson reported that the Perry and Cahill bridges or viaducts over the Minneapolis, Northfield and 3outhern Railnay mere ln unsound condition, dxreupon it was moved Boore that the matter be ref8fred to the Village Attorney for his recommendation and suggestions, seconded by Willson .and carri ed. A communication from the Edayor and City Clerk of the City of Playzata, mas read advising of a meeting %o' be held in Vayzata on November 7, to discuss such problems of social security and other questions of taxation, which muld doubtless be considered at a special session of Legislature which the Governor vas expected to call. The communication further ad- vised that the Senate and House Representatives of rural Hennepin County rrould a-ttend the meeting and requested that as many members of the Edina Council as possible attend. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on October 14 mere read, on motion Blackburn, they be approved as read, seconded by \?illson and carried. The Recorder reported regarding the case of Wm. Daws ghich at a previous meeting of the Council mas re- ferred to the Village Attorney for his recommendation as to my liability on the part of the Village 50- hakntdn an alien who had resided in the Village more than fifteen yearslout of the general tax funds of the Village. from the Village Attorney stating it was his legal opinion the Village was responsible for the care of said Dams, if unable to support himself, The Rec- order further advised he had taken the matter up vith several County Agencies, all of whom advised the Villaged was responsible in providing food and shelter for said Dams. After discussion, it was hoved Eoore that said Vm. Daws, age approximately 76 years, a British subject, having lived in the Village of Edina more than fifteen years, be placed in the County Farm at the expense of the Village of Edina as of November 1, 1935. Seconded by Blackburn and carrfed. Recorder Moore presented a communication No further business to come before the Council, motion to aqjourn carried at 11 PN. Village Recorder